Thursday, August 6, 2009

Casey Anthony Document Dump--July 30, 2009

Links to documents as listed in the Orlando Sentinel, with my own special commentaries.

Batch 1.
July 30, 2009—48 pages of tips that came in before Caylee’s was found, and the supporting police reports. None were apparently linked to her murder or her body being found.
7/30: Casey Anthony case discovery documents released, part 1

Batch 2.
July 30, 2009--41 pages, 1-3, on August 3, 2008, some loony named Luke Phillips called the Det Eric Amege and told him he had info on Caylee’s where’bouts. Amege called Sgt John Allen and they returned Phillips call and taped him saying Caylee was being held by two armed suspects. Phillips had also notified the Anthony’s, as George called directly to notify ocso and told Amege he had that info and an investigator named Dominic was investigating. He said Dominic was working for the family attorney. I wonder why “who paid Dominic” has been such a big deal.
Also here is a statement from Travis Nichols the cell-mate who claims Casey told him the babysitter story was made up and that the dingo, er, boyfriend had the baby.
Other various fruitless tips and search results.
7/30: Casey Anthony case discovery documents released, part 2

Batch 3.
July 30, 2009—115 pages, 1-33: transcript of Casey Anthony’s October 14, 2008 interview with Edwards from osco, fbi and Baez. She had just been re-arrested and this was after the police chase. We have seen the video a thousand times.
34-115: transcript of the first part of Cindy Anthony’s interview with fbi, transcribed April 21, 2009:
Page 63, line 12, “…And I had [the shamrock lanyard] over there because I had the bag and Caylee’s baby doll that was in the backseat in the, um, in the car seat”. Cindy is telling the fbi that when they brought the car home, Casey had left Caylee’s baby-doll in Caylee’s car seat. Damn that sounds cold to me.
Page 74—Cindy gives fbi the June 14 through June 29 timeline, as told by Casey.
Page 101—Cindy says that she found the gray slacks of Casey’s in the trunk (not in the back seat), in a collapsible laundry bag, and that she sprayed Febreze in the trunk to try to alleviate the odor.
There are parts missing, the ending of the interview and in a couple of places within the last 25 pages there are odd turns in the conversation, where the subject changed and the edit wasn’t smooth.
All and all, Cindy’s transcript is an interesting read. You can see her desperation and how Casey’s lies have driven her to insanity. She believes that Amy and Ricardo are responsible for Caylee’s disappearance, and that Casey’s conspiracy theory’s and puzzles have some other meaning than that she states. (Note Caylee hadn’t been found yet.)
7/30: Casey Anthony case discovery documents released, part 3.

Batch 4.
July 30, 2009—100 pages, undated (but before December) transcript of the second part of Cindy Anthony’s interview with fbi, transcribed April 21 and June 8, 2009:
Page 2: On July 3, between 2:30 and 3:00, Cindy drove to Guest Services at Universal to pick up Caylee. Paid $10 to park—has receipt. She called from outside the building and Casey told her she was in Jacksonville.
Page 2-52: Cindy continues on, telling Casey’s imaginary timeline, intertwined with her own twisted and manipulated timeline. Toward the end she does quite a bit of complaining about OCSO.
Page 53-: transcript of interview of Cindy Anthony with Yuri Melich, August 1, 2008.
Cindy goes into who Caylee’s father may or may not have been, and points heavily at Jesse as the kidnapper.
7/30: Casey Anthony case discovery documents released, part 4.

Batch 5.
July 30, 2009—78 pages,
Continuation of interview of Cindy Anthony with Yuri Melich, August 1, 2008. Here Cindy details Casey’s version of the timeline May through July 15. Pretty much the same as what she told the fbi. This is a transcript of the video of Cindy and Yuri and Eric Edwards that has been played a kajillion times.
7/30: Casey Anthony case discovery documents released, part 5.

Batch 6.
July 30, 2009—63 pages,
George’s transcript of interview with fbi, part 1. We have seen excerpts. George gives up the Nigerian scam problem and details their finances. He also goes into detail about money Casey stole and how she did it. On page 36 he says that in 2006 Casey made up a nice resume and gave “nanny” as a previous occupation. At about page 45, George talks about the gas cans and confrontation with Casey on June 24. It’s worth the read.
7/30: Casey Anthony case discovery documents released, part 6.

Batch 7.
July 30-2009—60 pages,
George’s transcript of interview with fbi, part 2. Page 5: During the pick-up of the car at Johnsons Tow Service, Geo and Cindy were cell-phone talking and Cindy suggests that they be proactive and bring gas with them. Lots of whining about the investigation, speculation as to Jesse Grunds involvement, basically just ran his mouth. All in all, George's statement contradicts Cindy's on many points. Either she is extremely manipulative, or George is an idiot.
7/30: Casey Anthony case discovery documents released, part 7.

Batch 8.
July 30, 2009—84 pages,
This is another series of the documentation of the follow-up of tips that didn’t turn out. A couple of psychic’s tips, and (almost) unbelievably, one man who turned in a possible Caylee sighting was investigated, found to have a criminal history and his entire history is documented here. It just doesn’t pay anymore to try to do the right thing. Look how Roy Kronk has been treated, just for having found Caylee’s dump site.
7/30: Casey Anthony case discovery documents released, part 8.

More about Jesse Grund’s employment with the Orlando Police Department than you would ever want to know:
7/30: Jesse Grund documents related to Casey Anthony case released, part 1
July 30, 2009
7/30: Jesse Grund documents related to Casey Anthony case released, part 2
July 30, 2009
7/30: Jesse Grund documents related to Casey Anthony case released, part 3
July 30, 2009
7/30: Jesse Grund documents related to Casey Anthony case released, part 4
July 30, 2009
7/30: Jesse Grund documents related to Casey Anthony case released, part 5
July 30, 2009
7/30: Jesse Grund documents related to Casey Anthony case released, part 6
July 30, 2009
7/30: Jesse Grund documents related to Casey Anthony case released, part 7
I can't help but think that Casey has gotten her wish. Now its All About Casey.
The brunt of these documents, in my own opinion, is to show that all credible tips and leads were followed up on, heading off future accusations that OCSO were negligent.

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