What do we still want to know?
1. Where was Drew Peterson and what did he do between 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning and 10:00 a.m. Monday morning. What is HIS timeline?
2. Who helped Drew move Stacy's car, and why.
3. Why was Mike Robinson so eager to supply Peterson with a cell phone, etc., on the sly?
Bumped Timeline of Stacy's disappearance
9:40 a.m.: Sharon Bychowski, on the way to the grocery store, saw both vehicles in driveway.
10:15 - 10:25: Bruce Zidarch called Stacy Peterson to talk about meeting to paint that day. She told him she was still in bed, but they made plans to meet. They hung up around 10:25 a.m.
10:25 - 11 a.m.: I believe that this is when Stacy died. If Ric Mims' account of comments from 13-year-old Kris Peterson are correct, Drew snapped her neck after she hung up the phone with Bruce. It makes sense to me that a phone call from a man, no matter who or for what reason, would set Drew off.
11 a.m.: Drew Peterson said he woke up and found Stacy gone. He told the Chicago Tribune and others that she had left (in a red jogging suit) to paint a home in Yorkville.
11:55 a.m.: Sharon returned from the store and saw only the Peterson's GMC Yukon Denali in the driveway. Stacy’s car was gone. She called the house to tell them she brought back candy suckers for the kids and Drew got on the phone after she asked for Stacy. Drew told Sharon that Stacy had gone to her grandfather’s to do errands for him. Sharon told him she had treats for the children and he said he would fix the kids some lunch and be over.
1 p.m.: Drew Peterson went next door with his children and told Sharon he had to run an errand. He said he would be back in 15 minutes, and he was. During that time Kris told Sharon he heard Drew and Stacy fighting that morning, and then he heard them not fighting.
1:00-1:15 p.m. My speculation--with kids next door at Sharon's, Drew put Stacy's body in a blue container.
1:15 Drew returned and collected the kids.
1:30 p.m.: Cassy began to try to call Stacy, and continued calling all day.
1:48 p.m.: Sharon called Stacy’s cell phone, and it went straight to voice mail.
Between 2:00-4:00: Drew called in to work as absent for next 5:00 pm Sunday shift. He stated he had no one to watch this children.
7:00 p.m.: Drew picked up Thomas at a park near his Edgehill Dr home.
7:37 p.m.: Drew and Tom entered a Krispy Kreme donut shop close to Drew's house, per surveillance tape.
8 p.m.: Drew left Tom at the donut shop with Drew’s cell phone, with orders not to answer it if it rang. Drew claimed to have left a message for Stacy Peterson telling her he was worried about her.
9 p.m.: Drew’s phone rang and Tom saw the name Stacy on the caller ID. The call went unanswered. Drew said Stacy called him at 9:00 and told him she was leaving him for another man.
9:21 p.m: Drew picked up Thomas and they left the Krispy Kreme, per surveillance tape.
Between 9:21 – 9:45 p.m. Upon request, Thomas helped Drew move a heavy blue container from the upstairs master bedroom to Drew’s SUV. Thomas said it was covered, sealed and warm to the touch. Drew gave Thomas $2,000 for his help.
9:45 p.m.: Drew took Thomas back to his Edgehill Dr home.
10:00 p.m. Thomas immediately confided in neighbor Walter Martineck that he believed he had just helped Drew move Stacy’s body. (note: Stacy had not yet been reported missing!)
11 p.m.: Cales went to the Peterson's home and said neither car was in the driveway. She knocked on the door, and Kris told her Stacy and Drew had a big fight that morning and that neither of them were there. Kris told Cassy something else that she is telling only law enforcement.
11:26 p.m.: Cales called family friend Pam Bosco for advice; she told her to call Drew’s cell. (This piece of advice may help police find Stacy's body from the cell phone ping. Hugs to Pam.)
11:35 p.m: Cales called Drew. She said when he answered she heard scraping noises and the jiggle of keys. She said he sounds flustered, out of breath. She said, "Where are you?" and he said, "I’m at home", continuing that he’d been out looking for Stacy. Cassy and Bruce were in the Meijers parking lot, having just driving by his house and knew he was NOT at home.
11:45-2:00 a.m.: Cassy and Bruce tried to report Stacy missing at Downers Grove PD, where they were told to report it to Bolingbrook PD. At Bolingbrook PD, they told her to drive by Drew's again and see who was there. (...to serve and protect...)
2:30 a.m.: Cales and her friend Bruce Zidarich drove by the Peterson's home and said both cars were in the driveway. Bruce called Drew and said, "Where’s Stacy?” Drew said, "She’s left me. The car was at the whatchamacallit." Bruce asked, "What’s the whatchamacallit?" Drew said, "Wait a second, let me get my head on straight." Then he said, "She left the car at the airport and she took $25, 000, and was going to either Jamaica or the Bahamas.”
4 a.m.: Cales reported Stacy Peterson missing to Illinois State Police.
IF Stacy was killed between 10:30 and 11:00 a.m., she would have had to have been put in a container by 1:30 or 2:00. This would explain his "errand", when he left the kids with Sharon from 1:00 to 1:15. Sharon has not said specifically that he drove away.
I say this because rigor mortis would begin to set in after about 3 hours, rendering her body almost impossible to move for at least a couple of days.
Also, when Thomas says the box was warm, it's my opinion that the box had been close to a heating vent, because at 9:30 in the evening, 11 hours would have passed from the time of her death and her body would have cooled to room temp.
Stacy's car was driven away between 9:40 and 11:55 a.m on Sunday, Oct. 28. It was driven BACK to the house between 11:35 p.m Sunday night and 2:00 a.m. Monday morning.
Thomas wasted no time confiding in his friend that he thought Stacy was dead, and Cassy wasted no time reporting her missing. Both of these facts must have surprised Drew.
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