Above: one of the last photos of Caylee Marie Anthony taken 6.15.08
Casey and Cindy originally stated that the last date Caylee was seen alive was June 8, 2008. That date would later be debunked by Shirley Plesea, Cindy Anthony's mother. Mrs. Plesea told detectives that Cindy had made a video of Caylee and Cindy's father during a Father's Day visit at his retirement home.
It was one year ago today, Tuesday, June 16, that George Anthony said he last saw his granddaughter, Caylee Marie Anthony.
It was one year ago Tuesday that George Anthony said he last saw his granddaughter alive. George and Cindy Anthony went on national television Tuesday morning and talked about the heartbreak they have gone through in the last year.
"It's been a tough year. Yesterday was a tough day. Today has been a tough day. Every day has been a tough day this year," Cindy said.
The Anthonys appeared on national TV and talked about their pain of losing Caylee Marie Anthony. George Anthony remembered the last few moments he ever spent with his granddaughter, Caylee.
"Last time I saw her was June 16, one year ago today. I woke up with her in the morning at 7:30 and got a chance to have breakfast with her. Just before 1:00pm that day I didn't realize that would be the last time I would see her," George said Tuesday.
This was the first we have heard George mention that he had breakfast with Caylee. In early interviews, George only stated that he saw Casey and Caylee headed out the door with their backpacks.
The Anthony's used the interview to offer their help to other families of missing children. They admitted that with the controversy surrounding their granddaughter's disappearance, some families of missing children do not want their help.
Caylee was last seen one year ago Tuesday, but she wasn't reported missing until one month later.
Casey Anthony, 23, is in the Orange County jail charged with Caylee's murder. Casey Anthony has pleaded not guilty and says a baby sitter kidnapped her toddler.
Caylee's remains were found in woods near the family's home on December 11.
VIDEO REPORT: Anniversary Of Disappearance
RAW VIDEO: Anthony's Attorney On GMA
ONE YEAR LATER: Casey Anthony Case
READ DOCS: Depos, Interviews Released 6/12
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