The parents of the Florida boy who police say was set on fire by other teens said they're putting their energy into his recovery rather than focusing on the prosecution of the suspects. Valerie and Michael Brewer Sr.. told "Good Morning America" that their son, Michael Jr., 15, is determined to recover from the second- and third-degree burn injuries he sustained after he was doused with alcohol and set ablaze Oct. 12.
"He's making progress, in my eyes, in leaps and bounds," Valerie Brewer said today...
Mom Says Burned Florida Teen Michael Brewer Concentrates on Recovery
Michael Brewer, Burn Victim, Has Thousands Raised For Him At Benefit
Couldn't help but notice that on the video where the little bastard Jeremy Jarvis wants to express his "deepest sympathy" to Michael. He's not sorry? Just sympathetic? It is obvious someone else wrote the note for him, as little wanna-be thugs like him do not speak that way. All he really wanted was to express how much he misses his little bastard brother...
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