The Prairie Chicken
December 1, 2009
This morning the trial of George L Thomas, aka “G”, began; Thomas being charged with the murder of Channon Christian and her boyfriend Chris Newsom, in Knoxville Tennessee on January 6/7, 2007. Among the charges are carjacking, rape, murder.
Click on the Channon Christian or Chris Newsom label under this post to read the background of this horrendous crime, if you haven't heard about it.
In October, Thomas’ pal Letalvis Cobbins was convicted and sentenced to live with no parole. In November, Cobbins half-brother Lemaricus Davidson was sentenced to death on the same charges.
Witnesses called were both Chris and Channon’s best friends and Gary Christian, Channon’s father. Xavier Jenkins also appeared to tell about Eric Boyd’s borrowed car there at the house on January 6 and having seen four black men in Channon’s 4runner looking back at him in an intimidating manner.
Various experts for the State testified about finding Chris Newsom’s body, the cloth strips from the Chipman house and dog collar found beside Chris, and the use of accelerant to burn his body.
Takisha Fitzgerld, one of the prosecuting District Court Attorney’s told the courtroom this morning that they would be hearing the hour-long interview Thomas gave to police. Personally I have been waiting long time to hear what he had to say for himself. Hoping the transcript will be available.
Takisha Fitzgerld, one of the prosecuting District Court Attorney’s told the courtroom this morning that they would be hearing the hour-long interview Thomas gave to police. Personally I have been waiting long time to hear what he had to say for himself. Hoping the transcript will be available.
The guy who heard three gun-shots at 1:45 am on January 7, 2007 testified again. He had been watching reruns of “The Outer Limits” at the time. If Jamie Satterfield ever reads this, The Outer Limits was a sci-fi from the 1960’s, comparable to the Twilight Zone but a little edgier, lots of aliens, mind blowing or deep and thought-provoking, more-or-less the X-files of the 60’s. Or the Matrix.
May have missed covering a witness or two. It is interesting that the defense attorneys asked no questions of most of the witnesses, and then only for clarification. In fact more than once, one of the defense atty’s stated that Channon and Chris were innocent victims and did not deserve what happened to them. They are obviously not going to try to trash the victims, as happened in the Davidson trial, eventually putting him on death row.
Stacy Lawson will take the stand tomorrow. We learned in Davidson’ trial that after the arrests for murder, Stacy, George’s girlfriend, wrote to Davidson in jail and told him she wanted to sleep with him and was sorry for a ‘missed opportunity’. And I wonder if George has ever heard that little bit of trivia. I think I’ll watch the live feed tomorrow as well as following the twitters, to see his reaction.
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