Friday, July 1, 2011

Casey Anthony murder trial--rebuttal witnesses--7-1-2011

The Prairie Chicken
July 1, 2011

Sitting back, thinking about the Anthony trial this past month, it is amazing how fast time has gone by, what with it being so long.  I'm afraid that little Caylee Marie, shown here at right, just a little girly-girl, is getting lost in all the garbage (no pun intended).
There were the real nuts in the gallery.  The crazy lady who yelled out in the courtroom concerning Casey’s guilt, had a total meltdown when facing Judge Perry, and spent one or two nights in the clink.  Then just this week some arrogant little pip-squeak with a crush on Casey was photographed covering a yawn with his hands and ending with one finger giving prosecutor Ashton the bird.  Why?  Six days in jail and $660 something in fines and court costs.  Did it really seem like a good idea at the time?  Really? 

How about the difference between Dr G’s testimony and that of Warner Spitz about the autopsy procedure, and Spitz calling G’s work shoddy because she had not sawed the top off of an empty skull.   To me, those are fightin’ words.  When you follow these high profile crimes, you’ll usually find that the defense will call in one of this trio of expert medical examiners:  Dr. Warner Spitz,  Dr. Henry Lee, or Dr. Cyril Wecht.  I’ve found them all to be experts for a price.  Warner is probably supplementing his retirement with defense cases.  He was completely uninformed about the case except for what Baez had asked for—someway to discredit the first autopsy.
And what do you think of Cindy Anthony now?  On the day in court when she lied about making the computer searches, one psychologist on a talk show said she had moved her lips in the “dupers delight”, a way of puckering her lips just prior to and after telling a lie.  It's true, too, I was watching clips on HLN and sure enough, all through that bevy of lies about the searches she has a peculiar pucker.  Then today, when prosecution brought in the president of Gentiva with records that show that she was not only at work, but making entries on the work computer, she kept herself hidden behind the woman sitting in front of her, trying to make herself as small as possible.  Maybe there will be other news views.  What facial features does she use when she is caught red-handed in a lie under oath with a po'd district attorney and stern judge?    

It looks to me like Casey is enjoying her last few days of relative freedom.  When will it hit her that everyone is going to go on to something else, while she heads off to jail.  It’s not exactly going to be like spring break.   Right now she is a star.  Everyone knows who Casey Anthony is.  Soon, though, she will be a note in the back-pages of the newspaper when she files for appeal, or is denied.  Maybe she can entertain herself with imaginary vacations. 
But then I’m assuming that she will be found guilty.  Lawd knows I have been very wrong before.

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