I am pissed. No, not because it is Monday. Not because I had to do my taxes today. I'm pissed at Dr. Phil.
I am sure you have heard about the teenage beat-down that took place in Florida. If not, read and see it here.
I'll wait... or, if you already have knowledge of the story, I'll continue...
Today we hear that Dr. Phil is yet again in the psychologist hot seat by getting involved in yet another headlining news story.
It seems Dr. Phil's producer posted bail for the "ringleader". The girl that lives with her grandmother, where the beat-down took place. Also the girl, who's mother, on the Today show, wanted to "make it clear" that SHE (the mother) has custody of the girl, not the grandmother. According to public records, legal documents show temporary guardianship was given to the grandmother. Mom can make it to the Today show. My question is where was Mom during the beating and where was Mom during court proceedings. She is MIA in the clips I have watched of the court proceeding from the city's local TV stations.
All we have is poor Grandma crying and wondering how poor Mercedes is going to post bond. The bond amount is too much for them. Do they not own their own home? If I were Grandma, I wouldn't put mine up either. Again, where is MOM?
What would really happen to little Mercedes if she had to sit in her cell until the next court date? Paris came out fine. But that is apples and oranges.
I truly feel for these parents. I pray that I never have to walk in their shoes. I pray I have guided my daughters onto the right path for them to make the right decisions in life. I pray they know they can turn to me in time of need. The thought of them sitting in jail is horrifying to say the least. I really can not imagine. I do know that if my one or both of my daughters had been accomplice to this type of situation, and they were facing the same outcome, I honestly do not know what I would do. I want to think that a few days in that cell would scare the hell out of them. I have much experience with tough love, but not with my children. Would having the ability to bail them out help or hinder them. How can I tell them everyday that I am here for them and then leave them behind bars when I could rescue them and not follow through. What is the right answer?
Dr. Phil gives up his "Get Out of Jail Free" card
I'm sick of Dr. Phil and his good 'ol boy ways. I am from the South and at one time, was an avid viewer. The entertainment reporters are talking about how he stepped over the line with Britney Spears and now, with this story. Dr. Phil claims his Producer "took matters in their own hands" by offering to post bond in return for story rights for a show. Do you think it will get cancelled like that of Britney?
Dr. Phil's producers, if they just had to have this story, should have been there for the parents of the girl who was beaten unconscious, left with temporary vision in her left eye and partial hearing in her left ear. But that would not have made for good TV. From a few of the shows I have watched recently, the guests seem to have become Jerry Springer-ish. As if they had just a few too many morals to make the Springer show, so, they went across the lot to Phil.
Instead of watching the show, I want to put my time and effort into educating myself and my children against "mean girls", drugs, peer pressure. I want to teach them the reward of having good character, a good education, being a good friend, and a good daughter.
Dr. Phil has been quick to jump on the bandwagon with the headlines lately, and it has gotten him into trouble. Today's youth has become desensitized and demoralized. Dr. Phil isn't going to save us. We have to save ourselves.
I think we are forgetting one of his first, attention getting, taken from the headlines shows, that, after a handful "exclusives", updates, and empty promises, he never "solved"......Natalee Holloway.
I wonder if Beth is starting to feel a little exploited?
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