Originally Written by Susan @ 5 minutes for mom.
Reprinted with permission
You will be wanting to spread the word, or the blog, about this fantastic giveaway. Even if you do not need this product, it is an amazing invention for someone with a disablity for it lets them enjoy the ability to ride a bike.
Since the Caboose is a completley unique product, most families who could benefit from owning one, unfortunately, do not even know it exists.
As bloggers, we have the perfect outlet for getting products like these out there to people who are looking for them or items like them. That is why we are are doing this special giveaway.
We have been selling Caboose Trailer Bikes on our Pedal Cars and Retro Collectibles site for the last year and the feedback we receive from our customers is phenomenal.
The Caboose lets kids and adults who have special needs finally experience the thrill of riding a bike.
We’ve heard from customers who have purchased the bike for family members who cannot ride a typical bicycle because of Down syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Blindness or a host of other reasons.
The message is clear – The Caboose Trailer Bike changes lives.
Hear what Meg says:

We are just so excited about the ‘Caboose’. We never knew anything like this even existed for handicapped people.
This is going to open up a whole new avenue for something that’s great fun and very healthy for us to do with Robert.
I don’t know who’s more excited about Robert’s new bike.
Last night my husband and I took Robert out to dinner and, as we were walking into the restaurant, he stopped to tell anyone and everyone about his new Caboose. He didn’t even know some of these people. He just walked right up to them and said, “I got new bike — a new big, big bike.” He was so funny and so cute — he’s definitely thrilled too.
I would back this product 100%.
My husband and I are thrilled with everything!!!”- Sam and Meg
Another customer wrote to tell us:
“I must say that when I showed my wife the Caboose trailer bike she said, “I don’t care what that costs, you buy it.”
Our son is a delightful 8 year old boy with Cerebral Palsy.
I can tell you he will LOVE this caboose. Thanks again!”
That customer and his wife were thrilled to discover that the Caboose bike is reasonably priced at $249.99.
As the exclusive, authorized retailer, we work closely with the manufacturer to ensure the cost of the bike is as low as possible while still maintaining the high quality expected and required from such a product.
And another said:
“The Caboose trailer is an awesome product. We searched and searched to find a product like this.
We went to many major bicycle dealers, all to no avail. We have a handicapped child (95 lbs.) who is unable to ride a bike himself. He loves this bike!
I have told many friends who have kids with the same issues, yet nobody has heard of a trailer that can accommodate up to 200 lbs. The other trailers we found held up to 80 lbs.
You have made one young man very happy! Thanks.”

The Caboose bike comes in two sizes: one for 5 to 10 year old children and another that fits children over 10 years old up to adults aged 95 or older.
(The bike is perfect for elderly riders.)
You can read more about the Caboose Trailer Bike here.
As we hear more and more success stories from customers who have experienced the joy of
family bike rides with the Caboose, we feel compelled to spread the word so that everyone can have the chance to ride a bike.
We are going to give away one Caboose Trailer Bike on Monday, May 5th. The winner will have the choice between the small or the large size.
Because we do not want to let anyone miss a single day of spring bike rides, you can go ahead and purchase a bike right now, and if you are the lucky winner on May 5th, we will simply give you a full refund.
We understand that often folks hold off purchasing an item during a giveaway waiting to see if they win it. So in this case, we’re offering to give you a full refund if you have already purchased yours.
Our store, Pedal Cars and Retro Collectibles, is currently the only authorized online retailer of the Caboose Trailer Bike.
These bikes are extremely popular and we do run out of stock. In fact, at the time I’m writing this, we are waiting on a new shipment of the large size… it is due to arrive April 18th and we have a long list of backorders already in queue.
If you know someone who can benefit from a Caboose Trailer Bike, please do not delay. Place your order right away so that you don’t miss out. We currently have the small size for 5 to 10 year olds in stock and we are taking backorders for the large size for adults and kids older than 10. (It’s due to arrive April 18th.) You can still order the large size online, and we will NOT charge your card until we’re ready to ship the bike to you.
And remember if you are the lucky winner of our Caboose Trailer Bike draw on May 5th and you have already purchased a bike yourself, we will give you a full refund so that your bike will be free.
To be the winner, simply leave a comment on this post and tell us that you’d like to be entered in the draw for the Caboose Trailer Bike and if you have a blog, please link back to this post and to this Caboose Trailer Bike product page at our store. If you don’t have a blog, please still spread the word to your friends and communities.
If you do not need a trailer bike for a friend or family member, please still help by spreading this message.
Caboose Trailer Bike product page at our store.
Visit www.5minutesformom.com for more fun and information.
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