Tuesday, July 29, 2008
ORLANDO -- Orange County Deputies say they don't have any new leads in the case of missing 2-year-old Caylee Anthony, but they have been able to rule out a possible Caylee sighting.
A witness reported seeing Caylee at Orlando International Airport. She even said the little girl said her name was Caylee Marie Anthony.
A witness reported seeing Caylee at Orlando International Airport. She even said the little girl said her name was Caylee Marie Anthony.
After further investigation, deputies said the age of the little girl and Caylee did not match up.
That is just one of nearly 300 tips that investigators have been following. They say they have had tips and even potential sightings from across the country.
Investigators are also waiting for lab tests on Casey Anthony's car where a stain was found in the trunk.
Casey To Meet With Family, Emergency Hearing Set
Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, has asked for an emergency hearing Wednesday to ask to have jail house communication banned from the media.
Also, Casey's $500,000 bond is being appealed. Baez is trying to get her bond dropped to $10,000.
Meanwhile, the Anthony family said they plan to visit Casey Anthony in jail this morning.
Casey Talks With Brother In Jail
A new phone conversation between Casey Anthony and her brother, Lee, could shed some new light on the search for an elusive babysitter Casey said has her missing 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
Lee Anthony visited his sister in jail Monday morning, but he did not talk to reporters either before or after leaving the jail.
Meanwhile, the Orange County Sheriff's Office says that they have had over 200 tips since Friday, and it will take time to comb through all of those phone calls for anything that is useful.
Deputies said they have also ruled out a possible Caylee sighting at Orlando International Airport.
In addition to the Orange County Sheriff's Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and victims advocate groups are part of the team looking for Caylee.
Family Revealing Strain
Casey's mother, Cindy Anthony, told News 13 Monday the family is drained from being in the media spotlight, all in an effort to spread the word about her missing granddaughter, and it has taken an emotional toll on the family.
"I actually went to a park -- just myself, just to make myself feel like I was actually doing something -- just to see if I could see at one of the parks that Casey and Caylee used to go to, and it gave me peace, just to sit there at the pavilion and watch other children and answer my messages, but I felt like I did something," Cindy Anthony said.
In a visit last week, Cindy said her daughter revealed her intentions to work with investigarors, and her desire to create a composite sketch of Zeneida Fernandez-Gonzalez, the woman Casey said took her daughter, Caylee.
Cindy Anthony said she would not ask her daughter any questions Tuesday; rather, she was going there just to be her mom.
"I'm going there to support my daughter, and to let her know how wonderful everyone has been, to let her know about all the support we're getting and all the help we're getting," Cindy said.
Cindy told News 13 she continues to believe her granddaughter is safe, and she trusts the information her daughter has given her and investigatiors.
Although some question how Cindy Anthony could not have known Casey was missing for a month, she holds to the story that Casey called her every day and told her Caylee was all right. Cindy told News 13 she has Casey's cell phone records to prove it.
"I think she's given us as much information as she can," Cindy said. "I think we're on the right track. I think the rest of it is up to authorities to follow the leads that she has given them."
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