Wednesday, July 30, 2008
June 9: Casey Anthony said that on June 9, she dropped Caylee off at a babysitter who lived at the Sawgrass Apartments. She said the babysitter's name was Zenaida Gonzalez.
June 12: George Anthony says Caylee was spotted by friends of the Anthony family in a shopping area near the Orange-Seminole county lines. She was wearing a pink and blue outfit and white-rimmed sunglasses.
June 15: In her testimony in Casey Anthony's bond hearing, Caylee's grandmother, Cindy Anthony, revised her estimate of the last time she saw the girl. Cindy Anthony said video of Caylee reading a book helped her remember that Caylee went with her to visit her father at an assisted living facility on Father's Day.
June 9 - July 12: Casey Anthony tells her parents that she had been going to work every day and that Caylee had been staying with friends or nannies.
June 24 or June 25: Detective Corp. Yuri Melich testified during Casey Anthony's bond hearing that a witness came forward who said he had talked to Casey on the phone on either June 24 or June 25 and that he heard Caylee in the background. The witness said that at one point in the conversation Casey told Caylee to get down from the table.
June 30: The car Casey had been using is towed from the Amscot store on Goldenrod Road and Colonial Drive.
July 12: After they had not seen Caylee for some time, the girl's grandparents got concerned and confronted Casey, convincing her to go to the sheriff's office.
July 15: The Sheriff's Office is notified that Caylee Anthony has been missing since June 9.
July 16: The car found abandoned is picked up by the Anthony family from the wrecker company
July 16: Police talk to Zenaida Gonzalez who says she does not know Casey Anthony. Police also take Casey to Universal Studios where she said she worked. After leading them to a building, she admitted she was no longer employed there.
July 16: Casey Anthony is arrested.
July 17: The Sheriff's Office takes possession of the car and finds evidence of possible human decomposition. The car is sent to the forensics bank.
July 17: The Sheriff's office starts to search the backyard of the Anthony house.
July 17: Casey Anthony is officially charged with child neglect, lying to investigators and interfering with a criminal investigation. The judge denies bond because she showed a "woeful disregard for the welfare of her child."
July 22: A bond hearing is held for Casey Anthony. Her mother, father, brother and a detective in the case all testify. The judge sets bail at $500,000.
July 29: Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, asks a judge to bar the release of jail house recorded conversations, 922 tapes and visitor logs to the media. That request was denied.
July 30: The Fifth District Court of Appeals in Daytona Beach deny Baez's appeal of the $500,000 bond, asking that it be reduced to $10,000. That appeal was denied.
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