Dec 18, 2009
...Stockbroker Susan Powell, 28, has been missing since December 7. Her husband Josh says he last saw her getting ready for bed about 12:30 a.m. and left her sleeping while he went camping with the couple's two young sons.
Powell's purse, cell phone and car were found at their home in the Salt Lake City suburb of West Valley City.
...Her parents say Powell, who works as a stockbroker for Wells Fargo Financial, wouldn't have left her family of her own accord.
[Her father] said some of his son-in-law's story "didn't sound normal" to him — like his explanation of taking the camping trip with the boys while Powell stayed home in bed...
Powell is 5 feet 4 inches, 130 pounds, with long, brown hair and blue eyes. Anyone with information is asked to call West Valley police in Utah.
Also read:
...Josh Powell said he went camping with their boys, ages 2 and 4, in subfreezing temperatures about 12:30 a.m. on Dec. 7 and returned in the evening.
But Josh Powell has been uncooperative in providing any details that might explain what happened to his wife, Black said. Among other things, Josh Powell hasn't specified where he went camping or where he was all day on Dec. 7, he said.
"That would be awesome if he would be willing to cooperate on that level and take us to his camp site," Black said.
Powell has told police he went camping in Simpson Springs on the historic Pony Express Trail in Utah's west desert — an area of thousands of square miles — that is now covered in snow...
...West Valley City Police Capt. Tom McLachlan on Thursday said the 4-year-old boy was interviewed within "a day or two" after his mother was reported missing. The son told police his family went camping — an event his father has said coincided with her disappearance.
"I think the verification of the camping trip is important to the timeline on this," McLachlan said, cautioning against placing too much importance on the child's statement.
Investigators searched the Powell home for a second time...but would not disclose what was taken. Police have also searched Josh Powell's van...
...McLachlan declined to comment on whether police had obtained a notebook or journal from Susan Powell's office, which reportedly detailed an alleged threat made by her husband about a year ago. Cox said police found a wet spot in the home being dried by two fans, but police have declined to comment on that.
Investigators said there were no signs of forced entry at the home and they found Susan Powell's purse and cell phone there.
Gifford said friends and family members weren't surprised authorities named the husband a person of interest "given the events and his reactions to them in the past week."
"We know that Susan is an excellent mother and would not have tolerated her children being taken out of the home after midnight to go camping in dangerously cold conditions," Gifford said...
I don't think ole' Josh thought this through. Taking two little guys camping can be daunting in good weather, it's just not done in bitter cold snowy climates in this way... got up and had smore's. So, kids who are too little to venture too far from the tent (if there was one) are all sugared up. It doesn't cut it with me. I'm afraid Josh loaded up his wife's body in the vehicle before he loaded up the kids. My 4-year-old would pay no attention to what was packed. And once the kids are asleep in their warm beds, he thinks it makes sense to get them up and take them out to the freezing woods. BS, I say, BS.
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