Jan 25, 2010
...The Texas Department of Public Safety says Lester William Hobbs and seven year old Asa Johnson were seen this afternoon in Brady, Texas; between Austin and San Angelo. Officials believe he may be heading to Rockport, which is in far south Texas. It's only a few hours from the US-Mexico border.
...The Texas Department of Public Safety says Lester William Hobbs and seven year old Asa Johnson were seen this afternoon in Brady, Texas; between Austin and San Angelo. Officials believe he may be heading to Rockport, which is in far south Texas. It's only a few hours from the US-Mexico border.
Seven year old Aja Danielle Johnson is who police are looking for. They want to know if she is safe tonight and where she is.
Seven year old Aja Danielle Johnson is who police are looking for. They want to know if she is safe tonight and where she is.
Late last night police discovered the body of the girl's mother, Tonya Hobbs, inside an RV that she and Lester William Hobbs had been staying in with Aja Johnson. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation is treating Hobbs as a person of interest and they believe he and the seven year old girl are possibly together.
Richard Goss with the the OSBI said, "Right now we know they were driving a 1992 Toyota Paseo. The car has been described as white in color. It should have Oklahoma license plates 577-BPW." We're told the car also has no hubcaps and the passenger side window is broken and has plastic covering it. Officials are not sure where Lester Hobbs is heading but they do have a few ideas.
Hobbs was busted for burglary in 1983 and served 5 years probation.
In 2000 he had a couple run-in's involving DUI's and resisting/alluding officers.
Then Hobbs spent time in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections from March 2003 to Jan 2005 for DUI, Assault With A Deadly Weapon and Assault &/Or Battery W/Dangerous Weapon.
He didn't seem to be much of a violent offender--with police, yes, but I don't really take stock of that charge because any jerk cop adds that on if the perp ticks them off.
.He was married to Tonya (or was otherwise a couple with her) for the past 5 years. Since Aja was 2 years old. Now, I realize he probably murdered his wife Tonya, but am I too naive, thinking maybe he really won't harm Aja at all? Hope not.
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