Hearing In Case Scheduled For Next Week
August 10, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A judge will allow prosecutors to go into the Orange County Jail to take photos of Casey Anthony's tattoo.
August 10, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A judge will allow prosecutors to go into the Orange County Jail to take photos of Casey Anthony's tattoo.
VIDEO: Hearing Scheduled
...Tattoo artist Danny Colomarino told investigators he gave Anthony the tattoo, which says "Bella Vita," meaning the beautiful life, in early July 2008, two weeks after her daughter, Caylee Anthony, went missing.
..."It just blows me away how calm of a demeanor she had, and openly talked about her kid. And you know, knowing what I know now, there was no emotion," Colomarino said.
Strickland said an Orange County deputy can go into the jail to take the photo of Anthony's tattoo. Judge Stan Strickland made the ruling on Monday, the same day he scheduled a new hearing in the Anthony case.
Four motions will be heard Friday, Aug. 21, including a defense motion to certify Tim Miller as a material witness...
The defense is also asking Strickland to bar Leonard Padilla, Tony Padilla, Robert Dick and Tracy McLaughlin from testifying for the state.
Casey Anthony's defense is also asking that her check forgery case be delayed until after her murder trial and that the subpoena for her ex-boyfriend, Tony Lazarro, be quashed.
Now, I have to wonder why Casey & Co do not want Tony to be subpoenaed? Is he someone she doesn't want to face? It seems that she is beyond the concept of humility or embarrassment.
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