Casey Anthony Accused Of Killing Daughter Caylee and now grasping at straws.
Right: Caylee Marie Anthony
August 21, 2009
August 21, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The defense team for Casey Anthony... said in court on Friday that there is evidence that proves Caylee's remains were placed in a wooded lot after Anthony was in jail.
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The defense team for Casey Anthony... said in court on Friday that there is evidence that proves Caylee's remains were placed in a wooded lot after Anthony was in jail.
VIDEO: Hearing Held In Anthony Case
IMAGES: Casey In Court Wooded Area
"There is substantial evidence that we've found ... that the body or remains of Caylee Anthony was placed there after Casey Anthony was locked up," said Todd Macaluso, a defense attorney. "It proves that somebody else placed the remains in the area." Macaluso did not disclose the evidence.
"There is substantial evidence that we've found ... that the body or remains of Caylee Anthony was placed there after Casey Anthony was locked up," said Todd Macaluso, a defense attorney. "It proves that somebody else placed the remains in the area." Macaluso did not disclose the evidence.
"The body, or the remains of Caylee Anthony were placed there after Casey Anthony was locked up in the Orange County Correctional Facility," Macaluso said.
"The body, or the remains of Caylee Anthony were placed there after Casey Anthony was locked up in the Orange County Correctional Facility," Macaluso said.
In a 23-page motion, defense attorney Jose Baez writes that in the weeks after Caylee went missing, numerous people had been in the wooded area, but no one found her body. Therefore, the defense said the body must not have been there until after Anthony was already in jail.
In a 23-page motion, defense attorney Jose Baez writes that in the weeks after Caylee went missing, numerous people had been in the wooded area, but no one found her body. Therefore, the defense said the body must not have been there until after Anthony was already in jail.
Anthony's attorneys argued at the hearing that testimony should be taken from the head of Texas EquuSearch, Timothy Miller, about the search for Caylee. The searchers looked near the wooded area where the toddler's body eventually was found in December. They also asked to be allowed to review records on thousands of volunteers who participated in the searches for the little girl last summer and fall.
Anthony's attorneys argued at the hearing that testimony should be taken from the head of Texas EquuSearch, Timothy Miller, about the search for Caylee. The searchers looked near the wooded area where the toddler's body eventually was found in December. They also asked to be allowed to review records on thousands of volunteers who participated in the searches for the little girl last summer and fall.
The defense team hoped that testimony would show it would have been impossible for Anthony to dispose of Caylee's body in the woods because she was arrested and in jail two months before the discovery of the girl's remains....
Anthony's defense team wants to prevent Padilla and his team of bail bondsmen from testifying for the state about what she told them about the case. Padilla and his team spent eight days with Anthony while she was out of jail on bond last August and Baez said the team falls under a privacy agreement, which Baez admitted to the judge is not binding in the court.
Orange County Circuit Judge Stan Strickland did allow the defense team to have access to the phone records of an ex-boyfriend of Casey Anthony. Strickland said the defense can see Tony Lazzaro's phone records from June 2008 to December 2008...
[Regarding the conditions of the area where Caylee was found] "One could literally be within inches of an item and be blocked due to the thick and massive underbrush and foliage," NeJame said in a letter sent to the state attorney's office and Anthony's defense team.
NeJame also said the photos show "standing water throughout the area."
The pictures are relevant to the case, because if Anthony's defense team can raise doubts about whether Caylee's body was already in the woods in August, September and November as people searched nearby, it could help her case.
Unfortunately for Casey, forensic botanists have already determined that Caylee was dumped within days of her disappearance; the plant life had grown through the canvas laundry bag and had taken root and was growing through her skull, exhibiting six months of growth.
Previous Stories:
August 19, 2009: Anthony Defense Team Seeks More Info
August 7, 2009: 3-D Movie Released In Anthony Case
August 5, 2009: Prosecution Deposes George Anthony
Previous Stories:
August 19, 2009: Anthony Defense Team Seeks More Info
August 7, 2009: 3-D Movie Released In Anthony Case
August 5, 2009: Prosecution Deposes George Anthony
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