Right: Aja Johnson
By Associated Press
via Tulsa world
.GERONIMO — The U.S. Marshal's Service has added its Sex Offender Investigation Unit to the search for a missing 7-year-old girl and her stepfather.
The Lawton Constitution reports that authorities have been searching for 7-year-old Aja Johnson and Lester Hobbs since Jan. 24 when Tonya Hobbs, 37, Lester Hobbs' estranged wife and the mother of the girl, was found beaten to death in a camper near Geronimo in southern Comanche County.
Law enforcement officers conducted a house-by-house search Wednesday for the missing girl...
Hobbs, 46, was charged Jan. 26 in Comanche County District Court with first-degree murder and kidnapping.
Crawford said that the Sex Offender Unit became involved in the investigation after investigators received information that Hobbs could be sexually abusing the child...
The case was mentioned briefly on Saturday's episode of America's Most Wanted television show and the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation was culling about 300 leads Wednesday, Jessica Brown, spokesperson, said.
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