February 2, 2010
PALAKTA, Fla. -- New drug-related charges are about to be issued against Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin, according to the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office.
Investigators say a total of seven buys took place, all involving the drugs Hydrocodone and Oxycodone.
Misty tells her father on a jailhouse video call that she sold 8 to 9 times. Charges will be amended to add two charges...raising her bail to 1.2 million, not reducing it as Misty claims in the video...ain't that a bitch. what are they thinking? This is the most stupid family.
And is Art Harris facilitating her bond? Watch out Art, look what happened to Donna Brock. Art has the latest updates at his website The Bald Truth.
Check out the video/tape here:
Misty Croslin's Phone Conversation with Her Mother from firstcoastnews.com
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