via Kansas.com
March 29, 2010
.MCPHERSON, Kan. - A judge has determined there is enough evidence to try a central-Kansas police chief on charges he molested four children.
Thirty-eight-year-old Mike Akins Jr. appeared Friday in McPherson County District Court for a preliminary hearing...
Two of the children testified during the hearing Friday that Akins touched them inappropriately.
Akins occasionally shook his head "no" during the testimony.
The mother of the alleged victims dated Akins, but testified the relationship turned sour. She said she eventually obtained a protection-from-stalking order.
Information from: The Hutchinson News, http://www.hutchnews.com/
Information from: The Hutchinson News, http://www.hutchnews.com/
March 28, 2010
.McPHERSON — The former Inman police chief is headed for trial on charges he molested four children. Mike Akins Jr., 38, appeared Friday in McPherson County District Court for a preliminary hearing on 19 criminal counts alleging he sexually abused three girls and one boy, ages 9 to 14, between December 2008 and December 2009, while he was police chief...
Retired Sedgwick County District Court Judge Ronald Innes, who presided over the hearing, found probable cause to proceed to trial, saying the evidence "shows a course of conduct" by Akins. read more here
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