March 19, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orange County corrections officer faces disciplinary action for shuffling secret notes between Casey Anthony and another inmate.
Anthony allegedly wrote 50 letters to another inmate that amounted to more than 250 pages in her own handwriting...
Prosecutors alleged Anthony was somehow able to exchange the letters with Robyn Adam... According to court documents there are 258 pages believed to be handwritten by Anthony...
...sources said Anthony made several statements in the letters that prosecutors will try to use against her in her upcoming murder trial...
Adams pleaded guilty to drug charges and was sentenced to 10 years in a federal prison. Besides the letters, court papers indicated investigators have interviewed her twice in the last 30 days.
According to sources, Adams' statements about what Anthony told her will also be useful to the prosecution.
read entire article here
what I like about this the best, is that every time anyone tries to tell her anything, Casey Anthony cuts them off with a quick "Oh, I know." She thinks she knows everything, and yet she let her own ego get the better of her--has to brag about herself. In her own handwriting. Can't wait to find out what all she has to say. Cheeseball. really pathetic.
Other Anthony news:
March 19, 2010: Judge Declares Casey Anthony Indigent
March 10, 2010: 9 CDs Of DNA Evidence Released In Casey Case
March 16, 2010: Alleged Anthony Affair Reveals Intensity Of Case
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