Documents released today by the State Attorney's Office show Casey Anthony's conversations and text messages on the weeks prior to her arrest and the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie.
The nearly 600 pages of interviews between detectives, family and friends, as well as hundreds of text messages from Anthony's cell phone, show that Anthony spent lots of time discussing relationship woes and planning parties -- with little mention of Caylee Marie -- as well as admitting to a family member that she was an unfit mother.
The file also shows the lies Anthony told friends and family about the smell of decomposition coming from her car and talk of jealousy stemming from her mother's affection toward Caylee.
Smell in the car
* Her friend Amy Huizenga said Cindy Anthony was worried when the tow company contacted her about the car that was hauled away from Amscot. The smell from the trunk was overpowering -- like something had died. The parents initially couldn't get it open because they didn't have the keys. When they did open it, Cindy Anthony feared the worse. " They were terrified it was either Casey or Caylee," Huizenga said. "Because they had not talked to either of them. Because of the smell."
* In late June, Anthony talked to Huizenga about the "horrible smell" in her car and she couldn't figure out the source. She said it smelled like something had died and the odor was coming from the engine. She told her friend that she thought her dad may have hit an animal when he borrowed her car. Days later, she told Huizenga that she found an animal "plastered" to the frame of her car.
* Anthony told her brother Lee Anthony that the smell came from a couple of squirrels that had crawled into the engine and died.
Jealousy between Casey Anthony and her mother, Cindy
* Anthony's friend, Brittany Schieber, told detectives there were jealousy issues between the mother and daughter. "Cindy ... told me that her and Casey were having issues because Casey was having a jealousy issue about the relationship between Caylee and her grandmother and she didn't like it."
Questions about Anthony's car and Caylee's room
* Schieber said Cindy told her about Casey's car being towed from the Amscot. Cindy said Caylee's baby doll was in her car seat and there was a bag of diapers in the back. That was odd because Caylee never leaves without her baby doll, Schieber said.
* Cindy also told Schieber that items were missing from Casey's room, but nothing of Caylee's was gone. "And Caylee's stuff was never moved. No shoes, no pajamas, no clothes, no dolls, no anything."
* Schieber said Cindy also said Casey was stealing from her.
Text messages
*Casey Anthony sent a text message to her friend Amy Huizenga on June 6 that read "proud momma." She sent it after telling Huizenga that Caylee Marie had used the bathroom for the first time.
*As the news of Caylee's disappearance and Casey Anthony's lies became public, her friends' text messages changed from friendly banter to feeling of betrayal. "Dude, don't lie or lose your kid and pretend it didn't happen. I have a lot in common with her too," Huizenga texted a friend. "We were really close for months. She fooled us all. You aren't crazy, she is."
*Anthony sent Huizenga dozens of messages about her relationship troubles, planning parties and nights out at bar, with little mention of Caylee Marie, except for a text message dated June 6, in which she tells her friend "Sorry. Proud momma" after her daughter, Caylee uses the bathroom for the first time.
Detectives interview Casey's most recent boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro.
* After July 5, Anthony stayed at Lazzaro's apartment full-time. On several occasions, in the middle of the night, Anthony would have cold sweats. "And I would ask her uh, why and she said that she would have nightmares... she was having a nightmare or something "
* One night in June, Anthony, Lazzaro and their friends went to a club. Afterward, they all went back to Lazzaro's, but he said Anthony had to leave because her mom wouldn't allow her to stay over.
* Lazzaro once took Anthony to her parents' home so she could pick up a gas can because she ran out of gas.
* Lazzaro picked Anthony up from the Amscot on Goldenrod Road, where she abandoned her vehicle. Anthony told him she ran out of gas and would take care of it later.
* On July 15, when Cindy Anthony and Amy Huizenga came to Lazzaro's apartment to find Casey, Lazzaro said there was a knock at the door and he said "Come in." "And there was Amy just standing there with a miserable face and we were, we were both confused," he said.
Anthony went outside, and about a half-hour later, she and Cindy came to the door, Casey stormed in and looked like she was in tears.
"Uhm, and her mom said, 'Get your things. Let, you're, you're coming with me.' And Casey said, 'No, I'm coming back.'"
Lazzaro said he had never met Casey's mother until that point, and so he said hello. Cindy Anthony responded " 'I hope you're rich because Casey's going to take all your money and leave you high and dry.'"
Investigators question one of Casey's ex-boyfriends Ricardo Morales.
* Morales told detectives about an online message Anthony sent him, possibly in April or May: " Casey was just uh, I guess kind of venting on how she could, she didn't feel that she can participate uhm, fully, or uhm, with her friends because she was a mother."
* Morales said he never met the nanny nor could he remember an occasion where Casey actually spoke to the nanny on the phone. He said Anthony said the nanny was named Zani, and said her actual name was Zenita.
* Morales told detectives about one night when Caylee and Casey were at his house and they all fell asleep in the same bed. When he woke up in the morning, Caylee was gone. "Casey told me that uhm, her mom had called during the night and wanted her to bring Caylee home."
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