Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thoughts from Chess613

This excellent post from Chess613 brought up lots of questions that I wanted to post on the main page instead of just a comment on the post below. Thanks Chess613 for the time and effort put into your comments. I encourage everyone to give me their theories. PLEASE!

As usual, my personal opinions are in red italics.

Chess613 has left a new comment on your post "Caylee Anthony Trust Fund Shut Down":

I had a nice long post regarding questions I had on the Anthony case and of course my browser crashed on me.. hey.. it happens. And it pisses us off when it does. Lol.

Here are some thoughts and questions I had on the case, and forgive me if they’ve already been addressed:

1. We have the phone list of calls made by Casey on the 16th and 18th, but what about incoming calls? I want to know who called her on that fateful Monday. I’m willing to bet she called Dad to tell him something was wrong with Caylee but backpedaled so he doesn’t suspect she has actually died, and instead says she’s ok. Dad then calls Mom (Cindy) who blows up her cell while she’s disposing of the body (putting it in her car). After collecting her nerves, she has to call mom to tell her everything’s ok. This is conjecture, but I’d love to know those incoming calls. Knowing now that she had no job to go to and no baby-sitter to leave Caylee with, she took Caylee to lunch at 12:50 pm, Geo left at 2:30, right after a cooking show he likes, and when she called him at 3:03, imo she was just fishing to see had left yet; he had, and Casey and Caylee went back home. Either they have not released incoming calls, or maybe there were none. We know that no calls on the 17th have been released at all, and only outgoing on the 18th.

2. Speaking of calls, can’t get a geographic position on where she was when she called via cell towers? Would help us know for sure where she was when Caylee died. I’m pretty sure it was in the Anthony house, but the cell tower reports would let us know for sure. It can also help track where she was all through that week, in the event she dumped the body away from the Anthony house. I have been waiting with bated breath to get my eyes on that cell tower ping map. It was shown for about 2 seconds on Nance Grace once, so law enforcement may have pulled the plug on releasing it. You could make out that one area was south and east of the airport, another was east some distance from the house. It was a map of the area with small circles in colors that became lighter in color, the further she pinged away from her house. But that was a lot of info for a 2 second look, so don’t hold me to it. I might be able to find it in old Nance Grace transcripts: NANCY GRACE, New Developments in Search for Caylee Anthony, Aired August 25, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET:


CALLER: I`ve been following this since day one, and my question is, we live not far from this area and my question is that this is a very secluded area where these cell phone pings were, there were approximately 32 of them in this area. This area is very difficult to get to. I know the area off the airport and it`s swampy and very heavily wooded and we haven`t heard anymore about this. Is this going to be in some of these documents, do you think, and would you or your panel happen to know anymore about this? We`re right here not far from there and we haven`t heard much more about this. It seems like it`s been kept under cover.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let`s go back to Mark Williams, the news director that has been covering this for WNDB Radio. We`ve heard about these pings, all about the cell phones, but somehow the details still elude us, Mark, as to where she was at critical times when there were critical phone calls allegedly made to her by various parties.

WILLIAMS: What the Sheriff`s Department`s investigators are doing is that they`ve obviously hired some high-tech people to take a look at those cell phone bills and see where she was when she used that cell phone. They`re keeping this close to the vest due to the fact that they need to use this during their investigation, to build a case against her and they`re not going to release that to anybody. They`re just going to keep it within themselves.

3. Does Casey have any priors at all? I think we would have known by now, but given her track record, I can’t believe she hasn’t had at least one or two run ins with the law. And how many times has the Anthony family use the law to straighten out their family issues (i.e. called the police on Casey)? None that have been reported.

4. The Chloroform – we know it was looked up on Casey’s computer but when? Any date stamps? No dates as far as I know. I’d like to know if she purchased it on-line.

5. Does Casey have a key to the Anthony house? Did Casey ever have a key to Lazzaro’s place? Any other guy stepped up to say Casey had a one night stand with them (in order to get a place to sleep)? The Anthony's don't use the front door, according to Lee. You have to have the security code to open the garage door, which lets you into the house. I don’t think Casey had a key to Lazaro’s because 1.) he had a room mate and 2.) when he was in New York, she apparently needed somewhere to stay, which is why she stayed at Amy and Ric’s during that time and once asked Jesse if she could use his shower.

6. Is it possible that Caylee tried to move the ladder and gate all by herself? I don’t think Caylee would have the coordination skills or strength to put the ladder up to the pool and snap it to the edge, just my own opinion, and based on the fact that my granddaughter turned 3 last Tuesday and still has problems with negotiating doors and doorknobs. But…why was the gate open anyway?

7. Can we track the money? I’d love to know exactly how much she extracted from her granddad’s retirement account. She had that (I doubt she gave it back to her folks), she had Mom’s credit cards, she had Amy’s checkbook and whatever else she borrowed from Ricardo or Lazaro. For one month, she burned through a WHOLE LOT of money. What did she spend it all on? Could there be a drug connection? From what I read last night, I believe from Amy’s statement, it sounds like the first arrest for checks, id theft may have been for what she stole from her Grandma & Gramps. Check it out, I could be wrong.

8. Did law enforcement sample dirt to find out where Casey may have been? Like from the tires of her car? I had heard that Dad replaced a tire or that a spare tire was removed. Can someone confirm this? George Anthony volunteered the car up to the police on the first night, July 15. The police hauled away the whole thing, and I heard later they not only would take samples from the trunk, but scrape out dirt from tire treads, tire wells, and underneath the carriage of the car, where it wouldn’t have been washed in a car wash. This should de-bunk the squirrel story.

9. What’s up with the seizures of Casey? I think in one police report, Lee had to take Casey to the hospital for seizures. Also, a childhood friend of hers say she has a tendency to forget things that they talked about a day before. Is this more bulljive from Casey? Since she’s a hard drinker, could this be a result of it? This could be an opening for an NGI defense for Casey (NGI – not guilty by reason of insanity). Cindy said it was Jesse Grund who took Casey to a hospital for seizures. I wonder if it could have been a drug OD. If she was over 21, the hospital would have no obligation to tell the parents exactly why she was taken to the hosp, and we know she can lie easily and quickly.

10. This is the big question for me: Can anyone else confirm, especially other family members, that Cindy referred to herself in front of Caylee, as her mother? Did the grandmother actively try to supplant Casey and take on the mother role? If there’s a motive for straight up murder, that could be the number one motive – if the child directly challenged her mother and said she was not her mommy. Myself, I don’t think this is so much of a big deal as they are making of it. My daughter has two sons; she calls me mama still, and at around Caylee’s age, they called me mama occasionally just because she did. As they got older they understood the relationship hierarchy. Same with 3-y-o granddaughter. She slips and calls me mama sometimes when she’s tired, or when we are cuddling. AND, I have two little dogs, and I call myself “mama” to them, I refer to them as the girls. So when Granddaughter is here, I may screw up and refer to myself as her mama, AND refer to myself to the dogs as grams. Who hasn’t gotten names wrong when id’ing a family member. When trying to come up with little g-son’s name, sometimes I’ll run through a few others, “John, er, Rick, er, Tracy, er Lord! I mean Joey!”

I know that sounds far fetched, but consider this – Caylee in three days witnessed several people – groups of people – chastise Casey, as if she were a child. It happened on Friday the 13th, when she took Caylee to the club and people told her it was inappropriate to take her there. And the Saturday and Sunday (father’s day weekend), both parents and grandparents had choice words for Casey for stealing her granddad’s money. So did Caylee (because kids absorb everything adults do) start popping off at the mouth at her own mother? I think at this point it would make Casey mad if Caylee asked for her grandma. Kate asks for me when she and her mom have an argument. Sometimes they call me and just talking to her gets her calmed down and gives her mom a little time to chill. At times I’ve told her to bring her over. But there is no jealousy between d-i-l and me, we have our places, but like Hillary said, it takes a village to raise a child.

From Chess 613 Having said that, these are my four theories as to what happened:

(my own theory has become muddled in the last few days, so I withhold it here-Janet):

1. Monday 6/16 Casey leaves with Caylee (per Dad’s testimony) at 12:30, but reappears after 2:30 – basically, she’s scoping the house to wait until Dad leaves. She wants to scam her family and needs to be alone to find some paperwork. Between 2:30 and 3pm, Caylee dies – either by accident or by a spontaneous action by Casey. She calls Dad to get advice, but backpedals and doesn’t let up that the situation’s serious. After talking to Dad, she disposes of the body, putting it in trashbags and in her car. For some reason, she can’t dispose of the body in the evening, perhaps because she’s afraid of it being found or she wants it close by so she can keep watch of it (to control who has access to finding it). Or maybe she’s just lazy and emotionally exhausted.

Tuesday 6/17, she scopes out Sawgrass in hopes of disposing the body in an abandoned apartment – but fails to do so, but sees Zenaida and gets her information, so she can pin her as the ‘nanny’. Re the police report, casey borrows a shovel either this day or Wednesday and uses it to bury her daughter in the back yard, where it is now (since I don’t have knowledge of LE actually digging for the body, only using dogs to sniff for clues).

2. Monday – same as above. Tuesday (if she borrowed the shovel this day) she buries the baby, but Wednesday takes the baby out of the yard (after several calls making sure no one’s home) and dumps the body elsewhere.

3. Same as theory one, but George discovers the body/grave around Thursday or Friday and gives Casey the ultimatum to tell the cops and family what happened. Casey promises but welches on the deal. George calls the police but relents and says it’s about gas cans (which were taken but $50 theft much ado about nothing). Casey comes to the house and George forces Casey to take the body away and instructs her what to do with it.

4. Same as theory three, but George deals with the body, taking it out of the back yard and instructing Casey what to do (perhaps even telling her to ditch the car - including leaving the purse in the car).If you think about the work George is doing in his backyard, especially laying down concrete on the Fourth of July (a holiday!), his not reacting to the smell either when he confronted Casey about the gas cans on the 23rd or when he drove the car back from the wrecking yard on the 15th of July (remember the owner of the yard, who said George never reacted when he told him it smelled like a dead body) – I think George is being very protective of Casey – and of his wife Cindy, for not saying anything to him.The sad part about it all is that Casey is probably not a monster – she’s just someone who’s used to perpetually being in trouble and is used to lying to get herself out of trouble. I’m sure in Casey’s mind, this is just a bigger version of the same old stuff – yes, her baby’s dead and there’s guilt if she allows herself to feel it, but in the end, it’s the same thing as when she was being yelled at on Father’s Day. Only it’s the whole world. Had she told her father on 3:03pm on Monday.. “Dad, something happened to Caylee. Help me.” – it may have not saved Caylee’s life, but she wouldn’t be up for child endangerment, much less murder. And it may have been a blip on the local news, but nothing like this. It would have been a tragic mistake she could have learned from and grew from. Instead, her lies and the people’s lives she’s ruined will follow her for the rest of her life.Lesson (which all kids are taught by their folks) – the act is minimal. It’s the lie that really hurts.

And I am struck by the fact that her spoiled selfish persona is still carrying on. She is doing nothing to help herself, let alone her child, yet look at the world turning around her. She has multiple lawyers, private investigators, world famous searchers, LE of all ranks and her family all living their lives completely absorbed in finding Caylee and protecting Casey. She doesn’t have to do anything, it’s all being done for her, as usual…

Posted by Chess613 to The Prairie Chicken at 11:35 PM

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