Guardian Angels Patrol Anthony Home
September 19, 2008
September 19, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- The state attorney's office formalized the three most recent economic charges against Casey Anthony, mother of missing toddler Caylee Anthony, on Friday.
The charges stem from allegations that Anthony stole her friend's checks and made several hundred dollars worth of purchases.
Anthony is not expected to be rearrested on these charges because she already turned herself in on the charges on Monday, September 13 and bonded out of jail on Tuesday, September 14.
Meanwhile, the Guardian Angels were on patrol outside the home to try to keep the peace for frustrated neighborhood residents, but they're also involved in the new investigation.
The protests have grown in the wake of the disappearance of Caylee Anthony, who disappeared in June. Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, failed to report her disappearance for about a month, and she was jailed on charges of child neglect and lying to investigators. She is currently out of jail on bond on those charges and others relating to check fraud.
"This thing has all the juicy, scandalous aspects that people eat up, and they just came out here probably out of poverty and curiosity," protester Christopher Benson said.
Benson added a different aspect to the protesting by covering himself in body paint.
After a fight between George Anthony and protesters on Thursday, Benson said he wanted to see what would happen next.
Some returning protesters said they're not sure what caused the violent outbreak.
"He pushed that girl first, and they grabbed a hold of him," protester Ashley Griffin said. "I honestly think they deserved every bit of what they got."
"She needs to let everybody know where the baby is and quit wasting everybody's time," protester Carol Fedor said.
While Orange County sheriff's deputies patrolled the streets, the Guardian Angels arrived and stood back to back in front of the Anthony home.
"The people's rights out here are being violated. The Guardian Angels' purpose is to keep communities safe. That's it," a Guardian Angels representative said.
Some neighbors did confront one man, leading to a new criminal investigation. "Some words were exchanged between people in the car and the neighbors. Subsequently, neighbors said a Taser was pulled out. It wasn't utilized, but it was activated. The car sped off," Lt. Larry Spahn said.
The Guardian Angels were able to follow the car and make contact with the occupants a few blocks away. Spahn said another confrontation took place, but no arrests were made.
The Guardian Angels wouldn't say how long they would stay at the Anthony home.
Anthonys' Neighbors Push For HOA Injunction To Be Granted
As the protests continue to turn into fights at the Anthony home, neighbors are getting more and more upset.
They want a judge to grant an injunction and move the protesters down the street away from the Anthony home.
The attorney for the Homeowner’s Association said all the commotion is making the East Orange County neighborhood unsafe.
"They're frustrated that they can't get a full night sleep, that they can't get their kids to the bus stop, or to the elementary school," Karen Wonsetler said.
Wonsetler admits the protesters have freedom of speech and assembly -- and the association isn't trying to take away their rights.
Residents simply want the protesters to relocate to a lot down the street away from the driveway of the Anthony home.
But Wonsetler also has a request for George and Cindy Anthony.
"We've requested that they move the prayer vigil to the back yard, inside, or suspend it until we obtain an injunction," she said.
Neighbors welcome the Guardian Angels who are now helping keep the peace, but they'd much rather get an injunction from the judge.
If that doesn't happen, residents will push for an off-duty deputy to guard the house around the clock.
Wonsetler also said selling a house in the neighborhood right now is next to impossible.
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