ORLANDO, Fla. -- A trust fund set up to help in the search for Caylee Anthony has been shut down.
Both the law firm that administers the fund and the bank where the money was deposited said they're backing out.
Attorney Paul Kelley of Bichler & Kelley PA said he's saddened that his law firm had to make a decision to stop administering the trust fund connected with HelpFindCaylee.com.
Kelley said the trouble started when SunTrust Bank told him they'd been getting harassing e-mails from people critical of the fund, and the bank was shutting down the account. Kelley said his firm got some of those same e-mails.
Kelley said he won't reveal the exact amount in the fund, but he said it wasn't much and that what was spent so far was used to pay for search-related items, like posters and water for volunteers. He also said he can account for every penny spent and that none of it went directly to the Anthony family.
Anthony family members did not return WESH 2 News' phone calls about their reaction to the trust fund controversy.
Kelley said he believes the harassing e-mails came from two people who volunteered with Equusearch.
The Web site still suggests donations be sent to Bichler & Kelley PA, but that's expected to change soon. Kelley said he hopes he can find another financial institution willing to take it on.
Meanwhile, the Anthonys said they're canceling their weekly Sunday night prayer vigil outside their home to "ensure the safety of all of their friends, supporters and neighbors."
The family's representative, Larry Garrison, said in a statement that the Anthonys were saddened that they won't be able to pray with their friends for Caylee.
They are asking anyone who would normally join them to light a candle for Caylee at 8:30 p.m. Sunday.
"Please say a prayer for Caylee's safe return, as well as for the return of peace on Hopespring Drive," Caylee's grandmother, Cindy, requested.
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