May 21, 2009
Chicago Sun-Times Staff Reporters
A cleanup crew working along the Des Plaines River discovered a decayed body near Channahon, but police late Wednesday couldn't determine if the remains might be those of Stacy Peterson or Lisa Stebic.
"They're unidentified human remains," said State Police Master Sgt. Tom Burek, after the body, found on the riverbank, was transferred to a Will County coroner's van.
It appeared to be that of a woman, a law enforcement source said.
An autopsy will be done today, but a source said further forensic tests likely will be necessary to determine the identity of the body.
Relatives of Peterson and Stebic, who vanished in 2007, said they don't expect to immediately learn the identity of the body.
"We're just being patient right now. We're waiting," said Pam Bosco, a spokeswoman for relatives of Stacy Peterson, 23, of Bolingbrook, who vanished Oct. 28, 2007.
Right: Stacy Peterson

Meanwhile, Channahon resident Michelle Williams said she notified local police about a blue barrel she saw on the riverbank three days before the remains washed up. Rot-roe. That pesky blue barrel again, that Drew said never existed. And that Tom Morphey and a Peterson neighbor swear they helped/saw Drew move the night of Stacy's disappearance.
Police had no comment. A witness has said he helped Drew Peterson carry a heavy blue barrel, which he thinks contained Stacy Peterson, hours before she was reported missing.
Drew Peterson was charged this month with the 2004 murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, but not in Stacy's disappearance.
Lisa Stebic disappeared from her Plainfield home April 30, 2007. A relative said family members just hope the body can be identified.
"It could be Lisa, it could be Stacy, it could be someone different," said Melanie Greenberg, a cousin.
I have a nickel says it's Stacy. I wonder if Drew will hyperventilate like Casey Anthony...unless of course everyone uses blue barrel's in the disposal of bodies in the Chicago area. Chicago murder rates are 1.5 to 2 people EVERY DAY.
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