Sarah Lundy, Amy L. Edwards and Bianca Prieto
Sentinel Staff Writers
May 1, 2009
May 1, 2009
Documents released by the state this morning in the case against Casey Anthony focus on the discovery of her daughter's remains on Dec. 11 -- and why Caylee Anthony's bones weren't discovered four months earlier.
Orange County meter reader Roy Kronk found Caylee's skeletal remains in a wooded area less than a mile from the Anthonys' east Orange home.
That discovery, however, came after he alerted detectives multiple times about a suspicious bag in the woods in August. One deputy -- later identified as Orange County Sheriff's Deputy Richard Cain -- failed to follow through on a tip.
The Orange County Sheriff's Office is in the process of firing Cain, whose actions and job performance were the subject of an internal investigation in the wake the discovery. He is appealing the decision.
"You failed to thoroughly investigate the call for service which ultimately delayed the discovery of the remains of Ms. Caylee Anthony," Captain Larry D. Krantz wrote in the internal investigation report on March 30...
Hundreds of pages documents include interviews with Kronk, his co-workers, Cain and other deputies.
According to documents released this morning, investigators questioned them about the days Kronk initially reported a suspicious bag and what happened on Dec. 11 when the meter reader -- upset that his tips had not been acted on -- returned to the area and found the remains.
FBI report
Also among the documents is a federal lab report of Caylee's remains.
Hair samples taken from Caylee's remains were tested for a variety of drugs, with negative results. Examiners did not detect alprazolam, known under the trade name Xanax, or diazepam, marketed as Valium. The FBI report states the hair sample was not tested for chloroform, "as this examination is not deemed probative by the FBI Laboratory's Chemistry Unit."
"Although the method used in this analysis allows for the detection of very small amounts of the drugs listed, negative results should not be interpreted as proof that the individual was not exposed to the drugs listed," the report stated.
No new Casey Anthony interviews
There are no interviews with Anthony or anyone who has had contact with her. The video of her reaction to hearing about the discovery of her remains has not been released by the state. A hearing is set later this month to determine if that will be made public...
I'll be back with my own commentary after I've had time to go over the documents. One thing I know of so far: these doc's will explain the many ways Richard Cain, the fired cop screwed up the investigation, not only at the scene of little Caylee's bones, but it was he who answered the call at the Anthony's house concerning the stolen gas can's on June 24, 2008. He really IS a worthless piece of chit. Maybe he can get a job as a...I don't know what. Doing something that has no importance to the public in general.
Here are the links from Orlandosentinel.com:
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
READ IT NOW: 5/1: Discovery documents released in the Casey Anthony case
May 01, 2009
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