ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony's attorneys will file for a change of venue on Monday. Her lawyer Jose Baez will file the motion late Monday and answer questions from the media, his spokesman Marti Mackenzie said.
There is no word yet on what location her attorneys might suggest...
Her attorneys have said they were researching the need for a change in venue, because of pretrial publicity. The decision comes only days after another round of evidence was released in the case, which is expected to go to trial later this year...
During NBC's "Today" Show on Monday, Linda Kenney Baden, another of Casey Anthony's attorneys, criticized the local media.
During NBC's "Today" Show on Monday, Linda Kenney Baden, another of Casey Anthony's attorneys, criticized the local media.
"Every single day since I've been in this case, which is Dec. 11th, there has been a story, a story, a story," Baden said. "Even when there's a non-story, there's a story."
Lab Test Results Shed No Light On Caylee's Death
Land Where Caylee Anthony Found Heads To Auction
May 1, 2009
Land Where Caylee Anthony Found Heads To Auction
May 1, 2009
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Hundreds of pages of evidence was released on Friday in the case against Casey Anthony.
The release of documents included results from some of the tests that legal experts said were the basis for the prosecution's decision to pursue the death penalty.
Since February, FBI lab results have been returned on a variety of critical pieces of evidence, including a hair mass from Caylee Anthony's skull, a bullet casing, more than one dozen pairs of shoes taken from the Anthony home, a kitchen knife found near the toddler's remains and a sample of soil from the trunk of Casey Anthony's car.
The results have been seen as a disappointment to prosecutors. The documents showed tests on the hair came back negative for a variety of chemicals which might point to how Caylee died. However, the report also stated that just because the tests came back negative does not mean there was no exposure to chemicals.
Tests on soil samples taken from shoes and boots were inconclusive in some cases, and the samples did not match soil from the crime scene in others. The same inconsistencies also existed between soil from the trunk of Casey Anthony's car and the crime scene.
Test results from the FBI's laboratory did find traces of adhesive on a kitchen knife, but the results were not consistent with adhesive on the duct tape found on Caylee's skull. The bullet casing from a 30-caliber rifle appears to have been tested in case there is suspicion later that a gun may have been used in the case.
The net results of the recent tests appear to shed no further light on how Caylee died -- and no further forensic ties between material taken from the Anthony home and items found at the crime scene.
Also, according to the newest documents it wasn't just a meter reader but also a volunteer searcher who tipped off deputies to the location where Caylee's remains eventually were found. This was in August 2008, and one volunteer searcher told authorities he even took some of the evidence straight to Cindy Anthony, who is Casey Anthony's mother.
Keith Williams, 30, of Orlando grew up in the Casey Anthony's neighborhood and last summer returned to help search for Caylee. In the latest documents, Williams tells investigators that on Aug. 18 while searching in the woods on his own he found a bag filled with stuffed animals not far from the area where Caylee's body would eventually be found in December 2008. Williams immediately took the bag to Cindy Anthony, who said she didn't recognize it or the toys inside.
But a tip Williams said he got from a psychic indicating Caylee may be buried in that area nagged at him, so he called the Orange County Sheriff's Office and met the now ex-sheriff's Deputy Richard Cain at the scene.
According to Williams, Cain grabbed the bag of toys, looked at it and said it was "too deteriorated" to be anything significant and then tossed it back in the woods.
This occurred just five days after Deputy Cain is accused of failing to respond properly to a call from meter reader Roy Kronk. Cain eventually lost his job over lying about the incidents.
That's the reaction of an Orlando defense attorney to a WESH 2 special report on a possible explanation for Anthony's odd behavior after her daughter Caylee disappeared. (Details on that report are below).
To best use this so-called "ugly coping" defense, that attorney says Anthony will have to tell the jury the traumatic event that sparked her odd behavior and lies was Caylee's accidental death.
Caylee Anthony's exact cause of death has not been determined. And defense attorney Richard Hornsby said that fact leaves the door open for Casey Anthony to claim she knew about Caylee's death but did not kill her.
" First, you put her on the stand and say it was an accident," Hornsby said. "After traumatic events, people act strangely and not everybody acts the same. I don't think Jose Baez will have trouble getting someone to testify to that general principle.
To make this strategy work, Hornsby says Baez will have to show Anthony was reacting to a traumatic event. A tragic accident would be that event. And Anthony could use the ugly coping concept to admit she partied, and told a string of lies. And at the same time explain the way OUT of a capital murder charge.
Hornsby said he does not think Casey can successfully use ugly coping as a reason for her actions if she continues to claim a babysitter no one has ever seen kidnapped Caylee.
Does 'Ugly Coping' Explain Casey's Partying?
When Casey Anthony goes on trial for her life, many legal experts say the toughest part of defending her will be explaining her behavior after her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, disappeared. They are images of Anthony partying days after Caylee went missing. In surveillance, she is seen buying beer and bras with money investigators say she stole.
Casey Anthony, left, in photo at party. The date it was taken is unknown. How does Anthony explain her lack of concern, grief or remorse? "She has a very compelling reason for her actions," her attorney Jose Baez said in an exclusive interview with WESH 2 reporter Bob Kealing.
Baez declined to be more specific. "As much as I'd like to say it, that's as much as I can say right now," Baez said...
Baez, however, did refer to a case that could provide insight into his defense.
In 2002, Cynthia Sommer lost her husband, Todd, a healthy Marine stationed in San Diego.
Sommer's attorney Allen Bloom said Todd Sommer was “originally evaluated to have died by natural causes, a sudden cardiac arrest from an arrhythmia of the heart.”
Two months after her husband died, friends told investigators Sommer bought breast implants with the insurance money, started partying and sleeping around. Cynthia Sommer was charged with murder. Her attorney argued that Sommer's apparent lack of remorse was a condition known as "ugly coping." The phrase was coined by a Columbia University behaviorist to describe people who appear to grieve abnormally.
According to Cynthia Sommer's attorney, prosecutors were willing to overlook problems with their evidence, because they mistook her so-called ugly coping as evidence she had no remorse and was guilty of murder. Sommer's attorney finally proved her husband's death was not motivated by her greed. After two years Cynthia Sommer walked out of prison.
To best use the so-called "ugly coping" defense, criminal defense lawyer Richard Hornsby said Anthony will have to tell the jury that the traumatic event that sparked her odd behavior and lies was Caylee's accidental death.
"First, you put her on the stand and say it was an accident," Hornsby said. "Besides the chloroform, the state is unable to contradict her explanation of the accidental death." Caylee's exact cause of death has not been determined, and Hornsby said that fact leaves the door open for Anthony to claim she knew about Caylee's death but did not kill her. Then she accidently blamed Zenaida G? If she truly thought Jesse had stolen Caylee, why didn't she say so right off the bat, instead of a Latino woman?
"After traumatic events, people act strangely and not everybody acts the same," Hornsby said. "I don't think Jose Baez will have trouble getting someone to testify to that general principle."
To make the strategy work, Hornsby said, Baez will have to show that Anthony was reacting to a traumatic event. A tragic accident would be that event, and Anthony could use the ugly coping concept to admit she partied and told a string of lies and at the same time explain her way out of a capital murder charge. How does this explain all of the theft and lies before Caylee disappeared? What tragic thing happened to her then? The fact that Jesse called her out on paternity? No, imo, that fact is the reason she's trying to frame Jesse for murder.
To make the strategy work, Hornsby said, Baez will have to show that Anthony was reacting to a traumatic event. A tragic accident would be that event, and Anthony could use the ugly coping concept to admit she partied and told a string of lies and at the same time explain her way out of a capital murder charge. How does this explain all of the theft and lies before Caylee disappeared? What tragic thing happened to her then? The fact that Jesse called her out on paternity? No, imo, that fact is the reason she's trying to frame Jesse for murder.
Hornsby said he does not think Anthony can successfully use ugly coping as a reason for her actions if she continues to claim Zenaida Gonzalez, a baby sitter no one has ever seen, kidnapped Caylee. It's a good thing Zenaida sued her. Get that story out of the way for once and for all.
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