Saturday, August 2, 2008

The "Montauk Monster" mystery solved?

Mystified by the poor carcass that washed ashore on a Montauk beach recently, I did some serious looking at it and I believe it is a Pitbull, dumped in the ocean, probably after losing a fight.

Note the shape of the head. The eyes and ears are located just as a Pitbull. The ears are consistant with a Pit.

On the dead animal, all of the top teeth are missing, as is the entire muzzle.

With the teeth and muzzle missing, the part of the skull where the front teeth should be protrudes, causing it to look like a beak.

Look at the location and shape of the nasal cavity on the dead animal compared to the skull.

Compare the fangs on the dead animal to the lower fangs on the skull below--see how they curve outwards.

The hair that is left appears to be from a Pit that is Brindle colored.

You can see even in its decomposed condition that it had powerful chest muscles.

Other than that, it appears to be about the same size as a Pit, although there is nothing else in the photo to suggest scale.

And last, it is terribly bloated and had been in the water long enough to loose most of the hair, and with the muzzle missing, it has an eerily, monsterous look.

One of the witnesses of the animal said it looked like it had "died angry". I don't know in what way they meant, but with most of its face gone, it's not going to be very happy.

Of course that could have happened in the water, but if it was sea creatures eating on it, the ears and toes/claws and tail would also be gone.

I would like to read comments from everyone. I really think its a Pitbull.

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