Friday, August 08, 2008
ORLANDO -- One day before Caylee Anthony's third birthday, the pressure appeared to get the better of the toddler's grandfather, and her uncle's attempt to visit her mother in jail was turned down.
Just after 11 a.m. Friday, George and Cindy Anthony emerged from their home, but George Anthony was a different man from his previous public appearances. He became angry and lashed out at the media. He then got into his vehicle and left.
After his outburst, Cindy Anthony came out of the house and defended her husband, saying the pressure of being under a microscope day after day has affected each member of the family in different ways at different times.
Cindy Anthony then turned her talk to Caylee's third birthday.
"You know, every second that passes that she's not here, we can't even begin to think about celebrating. I'm going to go get her a card today. I already got her a whole closet full of presents, which won't mean anything unless she can get a hug from any of us and see our faces again, and I know that will be our joy and the best gift she can have," Cindy Anthony said.
Casey Anthony's brother, Lee, showed up at the impromptu press conference and led his mother away, saying he had something he needed to tell her. About 10 minutes later, Lee and Cindy Anthony emerged, got into a car and drove away.
Casey Refuses To See Brother
Lee Anthony showed up at the Orange County Jail Friday morning for a scheduled 9 a.m. visit with his sister, Casey Anthony. But less than 10 minutes later he emerged from the jail and told reporters that Casey refused to see him.
The meeting between Lee and Casey was originally planned for Thursday morning, but no reason was given for the change in visiting days.
Earlier this week, Casey's mother, Cindy Anthony, cancelled her visit, saying she wanted their conversation to be private and that she was concerned anything she said to her daughter could put little Caylee in danger.
Lawyers Appeal For Lower Bail Again
The attorneys for the mother of missing 2-year-old Caylee Anthony are trying again to get an appeal for a bond reduction. A bond reduction appeal was denied just last week by three judges in the Fifth District Court of Appeals.
On Thursday, the attorneys faxed more documents to that same court of appeals in Daytona Beach for a re-hearing. However, the court needed the original documents, so the attorney mailed the documents.
Now, the judges have to first review the documents to determine if they need the state to respond. Then, the judges will release the documents to the media. The documents reportedly have had additional information added to them since the last appeal.
Problems With Casey's Story
Investigators say they are finding a number of inconsistencies in Casey Anthony's story. The timeline of Caylee's disappearance remains unclear at this point.
Deputies confirmed that it appears the last time anyone saw Caylee with someone other than Casey was on Father's Day, June 15.
That is what Cindy Anthony testified to in court, and deputies confirm they found pictures on Casey Anthony's computer of the missing girl that were taken June 15.
Initially, Casey Anthony said she handed Caylee over to the babysitter on June 9.
As for the call Casey said she got on July 15 when she talked to the toddler, deputies now say phone records show there was no call to her cell phone at that time.
What Are Investigators Looking For
Investigators are now revealing exactly what they were looking for in the Anthony home, where Caylee and her mother stayed with Casey's parents -- Cindy and George Anthony.
For the second day in a row Thursday, deputies collected evidence at the Anthony family home. Search warrants revealed that investigators were looking for a list of different clothing items.
The warrant went on to say that Cindy Anthony removed and washed the clothes she found in her daughter's car because they smelled.
The Anthonys maintain that rotting pizza in the car produced the foul odor, but specially-trained dogs hinted on the smell of human decomposition.
In an interview with Nancy Grace, Cindy Anthony said that cadaver dogs were not accurate.
Deputies say the Anthony family continues to be cooperative.
Deputies say the Anthony family continues to be cooperative.
What About Zenaida?
The release of the details in the search warrant is shedding light on the so-called babysitter that Casey Anthony said took off with her daughter.
Deputies have been trying to track down Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez since Caylee was first reported missing.
One woman found right away at the apartment complex where Casey said she left the toddler, was quickly ruled out, according to deputies.
Deputies said nobody except Casey saw or spoke with the babysitter, but they are open to the idea she still could exist.
"Keep in mind this is an ongoing case, and anything is possible, and we're leaving all the avenues open, but we're going down these avenues to look for little Caylee and we're trying to find her," said Carlos Padilla, a spokesman for the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
Investigators also said there is no trace of a woman named Raquel Farrell, who Casey said was Zenaida's roommate.
Cindy Anthony Blasts Media
Casey's mother blasted the media Thursday on their coverage of the case -- specifically, the mystery surrounding the Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez.
Despite what investigators are saying, Cindy Anthony said the woman does exist and that she has nothing to hide.
"I'm portrayed as someone who is hiding something. If I was hiding something, I wouldn't have made the 911 calls. I wouldn't have invited these people to my house. I wouldn't have called them this morning to come to my house this morning for things that I've discovered in my house that I remembered, 'Oh my God, this might help you guys find Caylee.' So, put the speculation aside," Cindy Anthony said.
Anthony also said people are afraid to come forward because of all the media attention.
Vigil Moved To Friday Night
The Anthony family has been holding a regular vigil every Sunday night since they found out Caylee was missing. This week, that vigil will be held Friday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in St. Cloud. The church is located at 1001 10th Street.
Dakota Skii Coffey, 12, is organizing this week's prayer vigil. The St. Cloud 7th grader has already made 250 green ribbons that read "Help Find Caylee," as well as hundreds of candle holders for the prayer vigil.
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