This just in: Casey Anthony to be charged with Felony Child Neglect. Story posted as soon as available.
Somehow, this idea of personal assistants seems a bit unseemly. Has the family run out of family and friends to volunteer, only three weeks into the investigation? What are George and Lee doing that they need assistants? Where are all of Casey's friends? Abandon her already? Don't George and Cindy and Lee have close friends who would help them?
Bianca Prieto Sentinel Staff Writer
August 5, 2008
Casey Anthony's family is asking the public again for help -- but this time to volunteer as personal assistants to the family.
The two un-paid positions, one person to help Lee Anthony and another to assist George Anthony, are being advertised by the family via their MySpace pages.
Volunteers must be available 24-hours a day, seven days a week and in some cases must be willing to travel.
George Anthony wants his personal assistant to coordinate volunteer efforts, which means checking emails, distributing fliers locally and nationally, and scheduling volunteers.
Lee Anthony's assistant is needed to travel within Orlando and possibly out of state, the ad states. Running errands, scheduling meetings, updating Web pages and answering emails are part of the job.
Both must have a valid driver's license, reliable transportation and work with "little or no supervision."
"This is a jack-of-all-trades position that may be cross utilized in all aspects of the search for Caylee as well as any personal need of the Anthony family, as directed by Lee Anthony," according to the ad.
Casey Anthony's 2-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony, was reported missing July 15, a month after she was last seen alive. Casey Anthony was arrested on July 16 for child neglect, filing a false official statement and obstructing a criminal investigation. She allegedly told Orange County Sheriff's detectives a string of lies about her daughter's disappearance.
She remains in the Orange County Jail, held on more than $500,000 bond.
The family is also seeking volunteers to staff their tent at Publix on Chickasaw Trail near Lake Underhill Road to hand out fliers and materials.
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