The imprisoned mother of a missing Florida toddler refused a jail visit with her brother Friday, as diving teams planned a training exercise searching a lake near the home of the little girl's grandparents.
Casey Marie Anthony, 22, wouldn't see her brother Lee Anthony Friday morning when he came for a scheduled 9 a.m. visit, MyFOXOrlando.com reported.
Casey Anthony is jailed on charges related to the investigation into her 2-year-old daughter Caylee's disappearance. She has been named a "person of interest" in the case.
Allan Moore of the Orange County Jail said Anthony knew that her brother came to see her, but told the guard from her cell that she didn't want the meeting to go on as scheduled, according to MyFOXOrlando.com. The siblings were to have met in a private video conferencing room.
Lee Anthony rescheduled his visit for 9 a.m. Tuesday, according to Moore.
Earlier in the day, Caylee's grandfather George Anthony lashed out at reporters outside his home, yelling at them to leave his family alone.
"You people have no idea what we're going through!" he shouted at news crews on his lawn.
Orange County dive teams planned a routine search Friday of one of the lakes in the area that happens to be near the home of Caylee's grandparents Cindy and George Anthony. Casey and Caylee were living there until about the time of the child's disappearance on or around June 16.
Police said the searches are normal training exercises and happen monthly.
Orange County dive teams planned a routine search Friday of one of the lakes in the area that happens to be near the home of Caylee's grandparents Cindy and George Anthony. Casey and Caylee were living there until about the time of the child's disappearance on or around June 16.
Police said the searches are normal training exercises and happen monthly.
"Nothing is leading to her being in the water," Deputy Sheriff Carlos Padilla said. "It's just a training exercise.".
And the search warrant in the case was released, revealing that investigators have taken a long list of items from Casey's closet for DNA testing...
Anthony told detectives that a woman named Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez had been Caylee's baby sitter for the past two years and told them where her apartment was. But when police went to the apartment she said belonged to the alleged baby sitter, they learned it had been vacant for almost five months.
Since then, police have spoke to a woman by that name, but that Zenaida Fernandez Gonzalez did not recognize photos of Caylee or her mother. Police said that particular name is common and believe it could be a coincidence.
Detectives interviewed the woman twice, and she dispelled any concerns about her potential involvement in the case, Padilla said.
Cindy Anthony told reporters there are nine other people in the area with the same name, and that this specific woman is not the correct one.
Detectives have told FOX News that they are looking into the possibility that Casey Anthony impersonated the baby sitter who she says took Caylee. She may have signed the sitter's name during a visit to an apartment complex and written in a visit date within the time frame of the child's disappearance.
Investigators went to Caylee's grandparents' house Thursday to gather more evidence and were still calling the search for the child a "missing person case."
Orange County Sheriff's Office investigators arrived at the home of Cindy and George Anthony for a brief morning visit after being contacted by Cindy Anthony to discuss the disappearance of Caylee Marie Anthony, who turns 3 on Saturday.
Detective John Allen told reporters that it remains a "missing person case," adding "of course as evidence comes in that suggests otherwise, we’ll deal with that as well."
Casey Anthony remains in jail on a $500,000 bond for allegedly failing to immediately report her daughter's disappearance and lying to police.
Speaking from her doorway, Cindy Anthony told a cadre of reporters that she had called police and that the family and investigators were working together as a team.
"We came together and got some stuff that we needed to have looked at and we’re all satisfied with that," she said.
Detectives left the Anthony residence with a new bag of evidence that may help with the search for the missing toddler.
The home visit Thursday comes a day after crime scene investigators searched the Orlando residence that the Anthonys' daughter and granddaughter called home until the time of the little girl's disappearance.
They took away at least eight bags of evidence, according to MyFOXOrlando.com. Thursday's visit is at least the fifth time they have been at the home.
Meanwhile, a lawyer for Jesus Ortiz, a man who may be the late father of the missing child, told FOX News that Casey Anthony and Ortiz went to high school together, and that the young man's family is shocked by the news that their son may be the father. Ortiz died in a car accident about a year ago.
"The family has never heard of her," the lawyer, Bryan Crews said, adding, "Had he been the father of the child, they certainly would have known. The family has said Casey Anthony fears that Caylee's life is in danger.
Cindy and George Anthony have acknowledged that their daughter stole gas cans from their shed and has lied to them. But they continued to maintain her innocence in Caylee's disappearance.

The Florida State Attorney's Office filed formal criminal charges against Casey Anthony on Tuesday.
She was charged with one felony and one misdemeanor offense in addition to the child neglect charge she already is facing. She is scheduled to be arraigned Aug. 21 but does not have to appear in court because her attorney submitted a written not guilty plea.
It took Casey Anthony more than a month to report the child missing, which she did on July 15.
Detectives reported smelling a strong odor of decomposition in the trunk of a car Casey Anthony was using. They said they also found hair samples similar to those belonging to Caylee.
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