Casey Anthony Indicted On Murder Charge
October 14, 2008
October 14, 2008
4:55 p.m.
It is a 7-count indictment against Casey Anthony, State Attorney Lawson Lamar just said.
Count one is first-degree murder.
Count two is for causing great bodily harm to Caylee, by intentionally inflicting injury on her or causing the injury to happen.
Count three is aggravated manslaughter, that as Caylee’s caregiver, Casey failed to give her what was needed for her physical or mental health or to protect her from abuse that caused her death.
Counts four to seven involve lying to law enforcement during her discussions with investigators.
“The defendant is cloaked with the persumption of innocence,” Lamar said as he said he would not further comment on process. He said she should not be tried at news conferences or in the media.
Beary said they are not hear to rejoice in the indictment. He said they will continue to everything they can to recover Caylee.
More Details On Casey Indictment
October 14, 2008
October 14, 2008
5:20 p.m.: Here are a few more details of the 7 count against Casey Anthony
/ The first count is for first-degree murder, a capital offense that is punishable by the death penalty. (State Attorney Lawson Lamar, however, did not say specifically he would seek execution, if Casey Anthony is convicted. He took no questions.)
This charge alleges that Casey Anthony caused the death of Caylee “from a premeditated design” between June 15 and July 16. Those dates correspond to the last time Caylee was seen and when she was reported missing. The indictment offers no other information on how, why or when.
/ Count two is aggravated child abuse. This alleges that between the same dates Casey Anthony “did knowingly or willfully…causes great bodily harm, permanent disfigurement or permanent disability to Caylee Marie Anthony…by intentionally inflicting physical injury…or by intentionally committing an act or actively encouraging another person to commit an act which could reasonably expected to result in physical injury.”
/Count three is aggravated manslaughter of a child. This count alleges that Casey Anthony caused Caylee’s death by failing to provide “the care, supervision and services necessary to maintain Caylee Marie Anthony’s physical and mental health” or that she did not make “a reasonable effort” to protect Caylee from someone else abuses, neglecting or exploiting her.
Counts four through seven are all “providing false information to a law enforcement officer.” Each count lists a time when Casey Anthony is alleged to have lied to investigators about Caylee.
/Count four says she lied to Orange County Sheriff’s Office Detective Yuri Melich when she said she worked at Universal Studios in 2008.
/Count five alleges she lied to Melich when she said she left Caylee with a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez.
/Count six alleges she lied to Melich when she said she told two former Universal Studios employees that Caylee was missing.
/Count seven alleges Anthony lied to Melich when she said she received phone call from Caylee on July 15.
Casey Anthony Taken To Jail
October 14, 2008
October 14, 2008
7:14 p.m. Casey Anthony has been taken from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to jail. Photo at right shows Casey, in eyeglasses, being taken to a car for the trip). Her jail mug is not yet available — it is expected after 8 p.m. She will have a first appearance on the new charges before a judge at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday.
On a very uncalled for, catty note: it looks like she gained about 15 lbs on her butt while she's been at the house.
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