ORLANDO, Fla. -- Casey Anthony wants to be allowed to travel to assist in the search for her missing 3-year-old daughter Caylee, according to defense motions released on Monday.
The motion, one of eight filed in Orange County Circuit Court, also asks that the time and date of the travel be kept secret from the public.
A hearing on the motions is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Friday at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando. Anthony made a brief visit with her home confinement manager on Monday morning, and then went to her attorney's office in Osceola.
While with her home confinement manager, she mapped out where she could go this week and when. Any violation of that schedule would send her back to jail.
Other motions filed by Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez, seek:
* Any polygraphs the state has taken in the case, as well as the names of anyone who has or will take one.
*Files on any investigation in Zenaida Gonzalez, the name Casey Anthony gave as her nanny for Caylee.
*Copies of forensic evidence in connection with the investigation into the disappearance of Caylee Anthony.
These include tests from the Body Farm at the University of Tennessee, which investigators say showed body decomposition in Casey Anthony’s car trunk.
The release of any investigations conducted by the Department of Children and Families in relation to the case.
The passenger list an AirTran flight from Orlando to Atlanta on July 2 where there was a reported sighting of Caylee.
Anthony has been charged with child neglect and obstructing a criminal investigation. She also is charged with check fraud and is out on bond and living with her parents, Cindy and George Anthony in east Orange.
As early as this weekend, the head of Texas Equusearch said he'd like to resume his group's recovery efforts in and around Orlando. He said he would love to have Anthony's help.
"If she said she was willing to take us to areas of interest, I'd be on the next plane out," Tim Miller said.
A spokesman at the Orange County jail declined an on-camera interview, but said this kind of request is highly unusual and would likely require Anthony's attorney to be with her at all times. For his part, Baez has argued since a July interview that confining Anthony stalled the search for Caylee.
Baez turned down an interview request but his spokesman said Anthony is not interested in helping Texas Equusearch as that would be equivalent to admitting her daughter is dead. The spokesman said she is only interested in pursuing live sightings.
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