10:45 a.m. Friday, Oct. 24:
DNA results were released this morning in the Casey Anthony case. It is the latest release of evidence in the case. The information includes several FBI reports as well as a report from the Body Farm at the University of Tennessee as well as other forensic evidence found in Casey’s car trunk and home.
Among the findings:
/ A hair found on the left side of Casey’s trunk liner “exhibits characteristics of apparent decomposition” and “is microscopically similar” to a hairbrush belonging to Caylee. DNA tests, however, could not say whether the hair came from Casey Anthony or Caylee Anthony.
/ Parts of Casey’s trunk liner and spare tire cover shows “residues of chloroform.”
/ Other hair found in the trunk did not exhibit decomposition.
/ No hair showing apparent decomposition was found on pants and skirts. Although it appears this part of the report refers to Casey’s clothes, it does not specifically say.
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