UPDATE: JUNE 15, 2011:
For more emails, please see this updated posting:
UPDATE: Emails between Cindy Anthony and Rick Plesea
These emails are in their original format from the pages of discovery evidence released in the case.
Updated 6.15.11
More drama unfolded at the Anthony camp this past week as emails sufaced among another document dump of almost 1,000+ pages of discovery.
The emails are the rantings between Cindy and her brother, Rick Plesea regarding his thoughts on Caylee's disappearance. At one point during the exchange, Rick outright says he thinks Caylee is dead and says to George and Cindy, "What are you thinking, are you two stupid?" Plesea also comments that at his wedding in '05, he commented to Cindy that Casey was pregnant. He said she had to be around seven months pregnant. Cindy's response was "Casey would have to have sex to be pregnant."
Rick seems devestated and emotional in the emails, as he should be. Cindy's tone is the same as we have come to known, cocky and arrogant.
Cindy stated in FBI interviews released last week, "I hope the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
You are correct Cindy, it certainly doesn't.
You can read the email exchange here, on my site,
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Email Between Rick Plesea and Cindy Anthony
For more emails, please see this updated posting:
UPDATE: Emails between Cindy Anthony and Rick Plesea
These emails are in their original format from the pages of discovery evidence released in the case.
Updated 6.15.11
Email from Rick to Cindy
August 21 2008 at 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: won’t do Greta
Cindy, George did wrestle his dad and put him thru the window. That is why George had to start his own business. Don’t lie to me about it. Mom filled me in on Casey so don’t lie to me about her. She STOLE dads check and bought a stupid phone at AT&T so don’t lie to me about the $354!!!! Mom has the god damn statement! I know I re verified with mom today!!! The sitter IS the whole case! Are you that dumb??? The house could be JOE BLOWS for Christ’s sake. are you that naive??? You really are that stupid. I can’t believe it. My sister is a moron. You need help. You are delirious! I WAS trying to help you. Your grand daughter is dead!! there I said it. Casey has killed her someway either by accident or on purpose. Casey is a narcissist Read up on it. You and George have been walking through life with blinders on. Casey made you both look like fools at my wedding. Did you forget I told you she was pregnant!!! You are a nurse for Christ’s sake. You are a fool. Casey has buffaloed you and George for a long time. I also know about George and the internet and he paid most of it back from his workers comp check. Casey ran up the tab. Mom knows and told me you idiot. You think what you d is secret? You are living a fantasy!! Wake the hell up sister!! George’s debt was paid over time in Ohio. I remember the settlement and that was from 1989. You think I am as dumb as you? You are not only in denial but are missing your brain. The article of clothing of the sitters was verified by who? Casey? No one ever saw the sitter so how could they have proven to be hers. What drugs are you on. You are so stupid I can’t take it. You should make the Guinness book of world records for being gullible. The only thing that God knows is Casey is a liar and you are stupid. Casey knows where Caylee is and when all the evidence is in she will get the death penalty for murder. You have to be a moron for destroying evidence with washing pants that smell like a dead body. If they were in the car and the smell was in the trunk how could the pants stink? Think use that think on your shoulders. If the cops didn’t think you were stupid they would bring charges against you and George for destroying evidence. I disowned Nate for lying for Pam and I can disown you for your ignorance. I see how Casey is so screwed up between you and George as role models. Saying Casey will be mother of the year I nearly tossed my groceries. She will be mutha of the year. Those people in prison will have a field day with her. You better tell her to confess and ask for solitary. It is her only hope. Do you think I care anymore after you attacked me. You are in another universe. You and George ARE on your own. Good luck with that.
Email from Cindy to Rick
August 22 2008 8:37 pm
Subject: Re: Won’t do Greta.
call his father he did not wrestle his dad thru a glass window. She did not steal dad’s check I gave mom back the check from her 21st birthday uncashed that is how she got the routing number. You are the f/n stupid one, there is a sitter. We have people tracking her, the OCSO is not doing there job, but we have other sources who are. Someday you will eat all your words and I hope you choke on them. There is no case against Casey, DNA does not take 31 days to get back they have nothing. I did not ask you to get involved. You think you know everything. Mom got confused when you went thru your divorce and took Pam’s side until I convinced her there are always 2 sides. People should not judge what they do not know. The next time you say Caylee is dead I will personally come there and kick your sorry @ss all the way to hell, because that is where you are headed. Stay out of my life. You did not ruin your son’s life, he is a wonderful young man. Thank god you disowned him he did better of without you. You have no family loyalty, or faith, what a waste of a human existence. I did not want to stoop to our low life level but I’m calling it as I see it. Again I feel sorry for Robin, she is a nice woman. I have only 2 brothers.
Email from Rick To Cindy:
August 23 2008 1:01 pm
Subject: No subject
Mom has the statement that Casey STOLE from dad’s account. You @ss! Mom told you about Casey STEALING IT! QUIT LYING FOR CASEY!! Casey’s excuses for stealing was that Universal transferred her and they didn’t have the budget for the phones that the employees needed and told them to buy them themselves Casey told mom that the Universal would reimburse them,. Casey didn’t have the money to buy it so she “borrowed” it from dad’s account. The check was signed “Casey Anthony”! So don’t f/n lie to me. I have hears enough lies coming for you daughter for a lifetime and now your are lying to me. Your princess daughter didn’t even graduate from high school and you cover that up. When you FINALLY find “the truth” about what has happened to Caylee, I will say I TOLD YOU SO! You are so damn blind you need a seeing eye dog. If you REALLY wanted to find Caylee you would seek the real truth from Casey.
The FBI and the forensic labs are taking their time and doing this right. That evidence is NOT in yet. You are in for a huge surprise.
Speaking of the FBI, they and the Orange County Sheriff’s office called me and mom. They now know what mom and I know about this. They talked to Dan too. This is far to serious to PRETENT that Casey just gave Caylee to a “made up” sitter. No one believes you or your lying daughter. I disowned Nate because he was a lying no-good little prick. I gave him many chances. (but not the million chances you have given Casey) No one was ever “missing” from my house. I welcome the chance of you coming hereto “kick my @ss”. You need to kick Casey’s @ss you idiot. I know you want to believe Caylee is still alive because you will have lost Caylee and Casey. I was trying to let you SEE BOTH SIDES! You are the only looking at Casey’s side.
I don’t need you in my family. You are too stupid to be in my family. You are the stupidest people that I know. You can pick your seat and pick your nose, you can’t pick your relatives! All you had to do was discipline Casey. You didn’t do anything to squelch her. You created her now deal with her.
If you think Nate is a fine man I would have a problem with that. Your judge of characters is not working. You can’t see Casey did something to Caylee and KNOWS what it is. Nate may have grown up and if he got away from Pam’s influence he may have a chance. He knows now that I wasn’t going to put up with is nonsense any longer. Something that you have to learn about Casey!
Anyway the police and FBI now know the truth. I hope it will lead them to Caylee.
What you were doing wasn’t working.
UPDATE: Emails between Cindy Anthony and Rick Plesea
These emails are in their original format from the pages of discovery evidence released in the case.
Updated 6.15.11
Email from Rick to Cindy
August 21 2008 at 12:59 AM
Subject: Re: won’t do Greta
Cindy, George did wrestle his dad and put him thru the window. That is why George had to start his own business. Don’t lie to me about it. Mom filled me in on Casey so don’t lie to me about her. She STOLE dads check and bought a stupid phone at AT&T so don’t lie to me about the $354!!!! Mom has the god damn statement! I know I re verified with mom today!!! The sitter IS the whole case! Are you that dumb??? The house could be JOE BLOWS for Christ’s sake. are you that naive??? You really are that stupid. I can’t believe it. My sister is a moron. You need help. You are delirious! I WAS trying to help you. Your grand daughter is dead!! there I said it. Casey has killed her someway either by accident or on purpose. Casey is a narcissist Read up on it. You and George have been walking through life with blinders on. Casey made you both look like fools at my wedding. Did you forget I told you she was pregnant!!! You are a nurse for Christ’s sake. You are a fool. Casey has buffaloed you and George for a long time. I also know about George and the internet and he paid most of it back from his workers comp check. Casey ran up the tab. Mom knows and told me you idiot. You think what you d is secret? You are living a fantasy!! Wake the hell up sister!! George’s debt was paid over time in Ohio. I remember the settlement and that was from 1989. You think I am as dumb as you? You are not only in denial but are missing your brain. The article of clothing of the sitters was verified by who? Casey? No one ever saw the sitter so how could they have proven to be hers. What drugs are you on. You are so stupid I can’t take it. You should make the Guinness book of world records for being gullible. The only thing that God knows is Casey is a liar and you are stupid. Casey knows where Caylee is and when all the evidence is in she will get the death penalty for murder. You have to be a moron for destroying evidence with washing pants that smell like a dead body. If they were in the car and the smell was in the trunk how could the pants stink? Think use that think on your shoulders. If the cops didn’t think you were stupid they would bring charges against you and George for destroying evidence. I disowned Nate for lying for Pam and I can disown you for your ignorance. I see how Casey is so screwed up between you and George as role models. Saying Casey will be mother of the year I nearly tossed my groceries. She will be mutha of the year. Those people in prison will have a field day with her. You better tell her to confess and ask for solitary. It is her only hope. Do you think I care anymore after you attacked me. You are in another universe. You and George ARE on your own. Good luck with that.
Email from Cindy to Rick
August 22 2008 8:37 pm
Subject: Re: Won’t do Greta.
call his father he did not wrestle his dad thru a glass window. She did not steal dad’s check I gave mom back the check from her 21st birthday uncashed that is how she got the routing number. You are the f/n stupid one, there is a sitter. We have people tracking her, the OCSO is not doing there job, but we have other sources who are. Someday you will eat all your words and I hope you choke on them. There is no case against Casey, DNA does not take 31 days to get back they have nothing. I did not ask you to get involved. You think you know everything. Mom got confused when you went thru your divorce and took Pam’s side until I convinced her there are always 2 sides. People should not judge what they do not know. The next time you say Caylee is dead I will personally come there and kick your sorry @ss all the way to hell, because that is where you are headed. Stay out of my life. You did not ruin your son’s life, he is a wonderful young man. Thank god you disowned him he did better of without you. You have no family loyalty, or faith, what a waste of a human existence. I did not want to stoop to our low life level but I’m calling it as I see it. Again I feel sorry for Robin, she is a nice woman. I have only 2 brothers.
Email from Rick To Cindy:
August 23 2008 1:01 pm
Subject: No subject
Mom has the statement that Casey STOLE from dad’s account. You @ss! Mom told you about Casey STEALING IT! QUIT LYING FOR CASEY!! Casey’s excuses for stealing was that Universal transferred her and they didn’t have the budget for the phones that the employees needed and told them to buy them themselves Casey told mom that the Universal would reimburse them,. Casey didn’t have the money to buy it so she “borrowed” it from dad’s account. The check was signed “Casey Anthony”! So don’t f/n lie to me. I have hears enough lies coming for you daughter for a lifetime and now your are lying to me. Your princess daughter didn’t even graduate from high school and you cover that up. When you FINALLY find “the truth” about what has happened to Caylee, I will say I TOLD YOU SO! You are so damn blind you need a seeing eye dog. If you REALLY wanted to find Caylee you would seek the real truth from Casey.
The FBI and the forensic labs are taking their time and doing this right. That evidence is NOT in yet. You are in for a huge surprise.
Speaking of the FBI, they and the Orange County Sheriff’s office called me and mom. They now know what mom and I know about this. They talked to Dan too. This is far to serious to PRETENT that Casey just gave Caylee to a “made up” sitter. No one believes you or your lying daughter. I disowned Nate because he was a lying no-good little prick. I gave him many chances. (but not the million chances you have given Casey) No one was ever “missing” from my house. I welcome the chance of you coming hereto “kick my @ss”. You need to kick Casey’s @ss you idiot. I know you want to believe Caylee is still alive because you will have lost Caylee and Casey. I was trying to let you SEE BOTH SIDES! You are the only looking at Casey’s side.
I don’t need you in my family. You are too stupid to be in my family. You are the stupidest people that I know. You can pick your seat and pick your nose, you can’t pick your relatives! All you had to do was discipline Casey. You didn’t do anything to squelch her. You created her now deal with her.
If you think Nate is a fine man I would have a problem with that. Your judge of characters is not working. You can’t see Casey did something to Caylee and KNOWS what it is. Nate may have grown up and if he got away from Pam’s influence he may have a chance. He knows now that I wasn’t going to put up with is nonsense any longer. Something that you have to learn about Casey!
Anyway the police and FBI now know the truth. I hope it will lead them to Caylee.
What you were doing wasn’t working.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Who's Who in The Casey Anthony Saga
This is a work in progress, please accept appologies. I will be adding photos. If you have anyone else I may have overlooked, please leave in comments. It is 1:45am and I am stopping for the night. At least you have a cast of caracters, if you will , of everyone related to the case.
Allen, Sgt. John – Orange County Sheriff’s Office; Yuri Melich’s supervisor. When he pulled up all individuals with the name Zenaida Gonzalez in the DAVID system, Casey could not identify any of them as being the alleged kidnapper.
Angel, Karen – Registered nurse at Avante at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab, where Casey Anthony’s grandfather lives. Provided sworn recorded testimony that she saw Caylee Anthony on June 15, 2008 (Fathers Day) at Mount Dora.
Anthony, Casey Marie – Caylee Anthony’s mother, born March 19, 1986. George and Cindy Anthony’s daughter. Lee Anthony’s sister. Attended but did not graduate from Colonial High School. Did not attend Valencia College, although she said she did. Habitual liar and known to steal from friends and family. Gave false statements to police upon investigation of Caylee. Stated she was employed by Universal Studios; however, she was fired April 24, 2006. Worked at Club Fusion as “manager of shot girls.”
Anthony, Caylee Marie – Missing 3 year old girl born August 9, 2005 (2 yoa when missing). Daughter of Casey Anthony. Grandchild of George and Cindy Anthony. Niece of Lee Anthony. Father unidentified at this time.
Anthony, Cindy – Married to George Anthony. She is Casey’s mother and Caylee’s grandmother. On July 16, called 911 and reported “smell of death” in car (white 1998 Pontiac Sunfire, FL tag G63XV) Washed pants that were in car.
Anthony, George – Married to Cindy Anthony. He is Casey’s father and Caylee’s grandfather. Former homicide detective (Ohio). Currently working at Lexus dealership in security (worked for security company).
Anthony, Lee – Casey’s brother, George and Cindy’s son, Caylee’s uncle. Girlfriend’s name is Mallory Parker.
Baez, José – Casey’s defense attorney.
Beasley, Charity – OCSO detective. Took possession of several items at Anthony home on July 16, 2008. Those items include computer cord, laptop, child’s toothbrush, black leather bag and belt, dinnerware knife, plastic hangers, blue crate, Dora the Explorer backpack, toy doll and various papers and binder. These were items that had been in the car. Cindy said that when she got in the car, there was a strong, unidentifiable odor. It was evident in the papers and the backpack. Regarding the dinnerware knife, Cindy said it appeared to be unused but had been washed since they found it. See page 180-182 http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2008-08/41844520.pdf Conducted interviews of Tony Lazaro, Jeffrey Dale Hopkins II, Amy Huizenga, and Ricardo Morales.
Birch, Simon – Facility manager of the wrecking yard (Johnson’s Wrecker East) where Casey’s car was towed on June 30, 2008. After the car had been there a couple of weeks, he approached it and began to smell a foul odor. At the time, he did not pay further attention to the white Pontiac. On July 15, 2008, Birch was approached by Nicole Lett, who worked in the office, was dealing with two upset customers, George and Cindy Anthony. Cindy Anthony was trying to negotiate a discount for the towing fees; George agreed to pay the fees and provided the title and his driver license. As they walked, George Anthony mentioned that his daughter had been missing and that she would not allow him to see his granddaughter and has told several lies. When George opened the door of the car, a very foul odor came from inside. Mr. Birch recognized it as the same odor as had been in a car in which a man had committed suicide (his body had been in the car for about 5 days). When Mr. Birch said, “That’s rotten,” George did not reply. They opened the trunk in order to locate the source of the odor (flies flew out) and found a garbage bag, which Mr. Birch opened. Papers, a pizza box and maggots were in the bag. Mr. Birch threw the bag over a fence into the tow lot’s dumpster. George noticed the fuel gauge read empty and said he had a gas can in his car. He retrieved the gas can, apologized for his wife being upset, poured gas into the Pontiac and drove away.
Bloise, Gerardo – CSI investigator. The vehicle and the items listed above (see Beasley, Charity) were released to Gerardo (exceptions being laptop and cord; see Cawn, Sandy). Gerardo also photographed Brian Burner’s (Casey’s neighbor) shovel and took possession of shovel with laytex-gloved hands. Shovel was packed in two large bags. Appling Wells assisted.
Bonilla, Rosanna – Resident of 301 Hillside, the seniors-only facility, who talked with LE during their search for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez (1).
Bourgeois, Patrick – Said he went to high school with Casey and visited Casey in jail; Casey said she did not recognize him. Short visit. Frank Bourgeois also signed in. Could not find anyone on class list for 2001-2007. Still trying to find connection (maybe guy just wanted 15 minutes of fame).
Brown, Troy – Friend of Casey’s. Amy’s former roommate. Former boyfriend of Lauren Coppel. Troy met Casey for first time on his birthday (June 5, 2007) and became friends with her when she started dating Ricardo Morales. During discussion with sister about how much she got paid babysitting (he felt it was a low number), he said they should ask Casey since she had a nanny. Casey never gave him a straight answer. He never heard her refer to the nanny by name, nor did he see her make or take a call from the nanny.
Burner, Brian – Met with Appling Wells in parking lot of H&B Trading (his place of employment). Said he would be driving maroon Ford Taurus). Told her Casey borrowed a shovel possibly on July 16, 2008. He was doing yard work when Casey approached him and asked to borrow shovel to dig up bamboo root. She walked into Anthony garage (her car was in there which was unusual). When he was finished with his yard work, he went back to the front to see if Casey was finished. Her car was in the garage; nobody else seemed to be home (no other cars). She returned the shovel about an hour after borrowing. She then went to Burner house to get shovel, which had not been used since Casey had used it. See Bloise, Gerardo.
Campana, Cameron – Friend of Tony’s who was staying at Tony’s apartment. Has band, Fuzzy Red Balloons. No other connection at this time. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=2736501
Carey, Barbara J. – USPS supervisor 501 North Semoran Boulevard, who directed LE to yet another Zenaida Gonzalez (married, and for last two years Zenaida Rosado). While Rosado’s husband did work at the Semoran USPO, Rosado worked at 650 N. Alafaya Trail post office. She later was located and gave statement that she did not know Casey or Caylee.
Cawn, Sandy – OCSO detective to whom the laptop and power cord found in Casey’s car were released. See Beasley, Charity above.
Chase, Anne Marie – Mother of Mark Hawkins, Marine friend of Casey’s stationed in California. Anne Marie last saw Casey in Target on July 10, 2008. She is due to return from cruise on July 18, 2008.
Chatt, JP – Roommate of Ricardo Morales (Casey’s ex) and Amy Huizenga (Casey’s friend). Some think he bears a striking resemblance to Caylee Anthony but not sure whether he knew Casey prior to him living with Ricardo and Amy. News editor at WFTV Channel 9, the ABC affiliate in Orlando.
Chester, Kristina – Friend of Casey’s. Called LE after seeing story on Caylee on the news. Claims to be Casey’s best friend. Said that Casey and Caylee had been to her house and had gone for walk at Lake Underhill Park between 6-8:30 p.m. on June 12 or June 13. She was surprised to hear that Caylee was missing. Investigator Kelly Deguzman later obtained a sworn written statement from Kristine (PDF has Jessie [sic] here) regarding this information.
Clarke, Dave – OCSO detective who, along with Deputy Kraubetz, Kevin, met with Amanda Macklin, community manager of Sawgrass Apartments.
Colamarino, Danny – owner of Cast Iron Tattoo, the place where Casey got the tattoo Bella Vita (meaning Beautiful Life) on July 2 or 3, 2008. Casey has been customer there for about 1.5-2 years and regularly visits the establishment. He last saw Casey on July 15, 2008, between 2-4 p.m. She came in shop to schedule appointment for July 19, 2008. She arrived in maroon or red 4-door compact (Toyota maybe) and said she was picking up a friend at the airport and the friend’s luggage would not fit in her car. He had last seen Caylee 3 to 6 months ago. He asked about her, and Casey said she would bring her to the July 19 appointment.
Coppel, Lauren – Former girlfriend of Troy Brown.
Coworkers, Alleged – As noted in various emails Lee took from Casey’s computer and gave to LE, the following people are either Casey’s supervisors or she dealt with when being hired: Cheryl Davis (East Coast VP, Marketing and Sales), Katherine Hart (HR Manager, Universal Studios, Florida), Gabe Marsh, Michael Hamilton, Thomas Franck (Event Coordinator, East Coast Operations). None of the email addresses were valid when messages were sent to them.
Cozak, Mike –Employee, Event Imaging Solutions Group (Kodak) who confirmed that Casey had worked for him in 2005, but that he could not remember Jeff Hopkins or Juliette Lewis.
Note: Kodak was taken over by Colorvision in 2006.
Crawford, Dee – Director of Human Resources, Event Imaging Solutions Group (Kodak) who confirmed that Mike Cozak worked for them but no Jeff Hopkins or Juliette Lewis.
Crisp, Matthew Allen – Went to high school with Casey (Colonial High School). He last saw Casey on July 7, 2008, at Subway. Talked about her boyfriend being out of town. Casey said daughter was in Sanford, FL with the babysitter, and Casey was going to pick Caylee up later that day. On June 19, 2008, he received a call from Casey and talked to her about leasing an apartment as his complex, Cranes Landing Apartments, for her and her boyfriend, Tony Lazaro. They met and completed a contact form, but no contract lease agreement was signed. He contacted her later in the week but she was more interested in inviting him to the club (Fusion). He did not accept invitation.
Custodians – From witness list: Custodian of 911 Calls, Orange County Sheriff’s Office; Custodian of Records of Johnson’s Wrecker Service, which towed Casey Anthony’s car; and Custodian of Records of AT&T Wireless.
Daly, Jonathan – Friends of Casey’s from Colonial High School. Employee of Cast Iron Tattoo. Last saw Casey early July; Caylee several months ago. Was told Caylee’s father was in the military and was the result of a one-night stand.
Daly, Sean – Friends of Casey’s from Colonial High School. Last saw Casey July 5, 2008, with her boyfriend Tony. Sean said that Casey was known to tell lies. On July 16, 2008, Sean received a missed call from Casey’s cell (407-619-9286) which was witnessed by Detective Rivera. Casey’s telephone number was displayed on the screen of Sean’s phone. Brother of Jonathan.
Davis, Cheryl – East Coast VP, Marketing and Sales (from emails Lee took from Casey’s computer and gave to LE). One of the people Casey named as coworker or supervisor. According to Lee Turtora, she does not exist. The only employee by this name was a server for Pat O’Briens’s in CityWalk. There is no “East Coast VP” for Marketing and Sales.
See Coworkers, Alleged.
Deguzman, Kelly – OCSO Investigator who obtained Kristine Chester’s written statement.
DePalmo, Tanya – OCSO deputy. Assisted in search of Anthony backyard and drainage easements with Appling Wells and Awilda McBryde. Requested wage and hour check on Casey Anthony. Request sent to Melissa Remy, Government Analyst, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse. Results showed that Casey’s last place of employment is from the first quarter of 2006, Event Imaging Solutions, Inc., 3201 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL. .
Dickens, Bailey and Joyce – Anthony’s neighbors. Told Detectives Tom Manderville and Michael Segreaves that on July 19, they had a visit from Kiomarie Torres-Cruz, a former neighbor, whose parents still live in the neighborhood. While visiting with them, Kiomarie mentioned that she had a call from Casey on July 9 and had heard Caylee in the background. She also said Casey had called from a payphone (unsure of date and time). She also said that if Caylee was buried, she was buried by Hidden Oaks Elementary, in the woods where they used to hang out. The Dickens encouraged her to contact LE. Detective Segreaves contacted Appling Wells, who said she had spoken with Kiomarie.
Downing, Annie – Friend of Casey’s. Contacted by LE but not home; father said he would have her call, which she did. Detective Clarke spoke with her. She had previously lived in Sawgrass apartments. See Salati, Dante. Has been interviewed by LE, but transcript has not been released to public.
Eberlin, Ryan – OCSO deputy who first responded to Cindy Anthony’s report of stolen vehicle. After initial investigation, he determined this to be a kidnapping.
Edwards, Eric – OCSO.
England, Melissa – Friend of Troy Brown’s from Virginia. Visited Troy July 2 through July 5 (but still there on July 23 or back to give testimony?). Because Troy had to work July 3, she spent the day with Casey the day she got her tattoo (possibly). The first thing Casey had said to her upon meeting her July 2 was “We should get a tattoo” to which Melissa responded “You’re crazy. I’m not getting another tattoo.” During the time they were together, there was no mention of Caylee, which was a disappointment to Melissa since she was in a relationship with a man who had a baby, and she was looking forward to talking to Casey about kids.
See Troy Brown’s testimony at http://flawebhosting.net/docs092308/
Erickson, Michael – OCSO. On page 195 as witness. Work address given as 2500 West Colonial, which is the OCSO forensic storage bay. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2008-08/41844520.pdf
Evans, Robert – Orange County, 9th Circuit Court. Judge who signed warrant for Casey Anthony’s cell phone records.
Exit13 – Websleuths poster who did not want to be IDd by his real name. He is the owner of the “Lake Vaj” house. Friend of Dante Salati and Mallory Parker (Lee’s girlfriend) and roommate of Sean Daly. Exit13 spent four years in 75th Ranger Regiment. Says Casey stopped hanging out with them when she started dating Tony (about 6-8 weeks before Caylee was reported missing). He saw Casey at party in May (Anything But Clothes) and watched UFC fight on June 7, 2008. http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71620
France, Andrew James – Casey exchanged phone calls/texts on 6/29, 6/30, 7/1, 7/2, 7/8, 7/11 and 7/15. No clear connection yet.
Farrell, Raquel – According to Casey, she is one of Zenaida’s roommates. The other is Jennifer Rosa. Casey has met them only briefly. Also according to Casey, she is a hostess at TGI(Fridays). However, according to Rich Garrad, corporate recruiting specialist for Carlson Restaurants Worldwide, TGIFriday’s parent company, no such person is/was employed by them. He tried various versions of the name with no luck.
Fernandez, Gloria – Alleged name of Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez’s biological mother. An email from Lee, based on conversation with Casey had her name as Gloria Gonzalez, age 55.
Fernandez, Victor – Alleged name of Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez’s step-father.
Fletcher, Rendon – OCSO deputy. Work address given as 2500 West Colonial, which is the OCSO forensic storage bay.
Forgey, Jason – OCSO K-9 Unit. Contacted by Yuri Melich regarding missing child. Responding to 2500 West Colonial Drive, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Forensic storage bay, performed cadaver search with his K-9 partner, Gerus, who is trained to detect and alert on the odor of human decomposition. Upon giving the cadaver search command, Jason began his search of the Pontiac Sunfire that belonged to the Anthonys (Casey’s car). Gerus gave a final trained alert at the rear of the passenger finder/trunk.
Franck, Thomas – Name from forwarded email to Casey, provided by Lee Anthony on July 29, 2008. The email appears to be from Mr. Franck (Thomas.Franck@events.universal.com) and tells Casey about an upcoming event. However, when LE tried to respond to this email address, they received a message that the domain was invalid (email does not exist). LE checked with
Leonard Turtora at Universal Studios and determined that Thomas Franck is not an employee and according to the Server Technology Department, they have never used “@events.universal.com” as one of their email addresses.
Fusco, Stephen – OCSO. On page 195 as witness. Need description. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2008-08/41844520.pdf
Gagne, Holly - Former babysitter of Caylee’s. Friend of the Anthony family. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0807/31/ng.01.html
Galaida, Tom – Owner of Tom’s Repair. At Anthony Lazaro’s request, during the morning of June 9, 2008, his black SUV was towed from his home to the repair shop. Tony’s dad paid for the repairs with a credit card over the phone. During the afternoon, Mr. Lazaro came to pick up the vehicle; however, Mr. Galaida did not see how he arrived or who was with him.
Garcia, Harry – Leasing agent who showed Zenaida Gonzalez the apartment at Sawgrass. Provided sworn statement and was shown 12 pictures of women; picked out one who was familiar. Officer said all were the same woman (did he mean had the same name?) but did not give name.
Garrad, Rich– Corporate recruiting specialist for Carlson Restaurants Worldwide (parent company of TGIFriday’s). Casey stated that Raquel Farrell, ZFG’s roommate, was a hostess at TGIF. Mr. Garrad stated that no person is/was employed by them. He tried various versions of the name with no luck.
Garrett, Lyn – Bank of America employee who provided customer sign-in log to law enforcement after possible Caylee sighting. See also Rodriguez, Lorraine and Lamp, Curtis.
Garrison, Larry – Spokesperson for the Anthony family.(Fired November, 2008, for "profiting off of Caylee") Later released he kept money from licensure of photos to NBC. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,405262,00.html
Gibbs, Lauren – Friend of Casey’s since middle school. Was told Caylee’s dad was in the Army and that he had died last year. She was Caylee’s unpaid babysitter during her first 8 months (now and then when needed according to her testimony). Stopped babysitting Caylee in April 2006. She found out that Casey was not working, she was hanging out with friends, and that made her mad. She thought Casey was taking advantage of the situation (she took on-line classes and worked weekends, so she watched Caylee during the week until Cindy got home). She never met or heard of ZG. Lauren last talked with Casey in April to tell her that she (Lauren) was pregnant. On July 16, she got text message that Caylee was missing. She called Casey back, and Casey said she didn’t know who had taken Caylee, but that she had talked to Caylee yesterday, so she was okay. Note: Casey was fired from Universal in April 2006.
Gonzalez, Zenaida (1) (aka Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez) – This is the name of the alleged kidnapper according to Casey Anthony. Although Casey indicated that she had called Zenaida before she dropped Caylee off on June 9 and tried calling her when she tried to pick Caylee up, there are no such calls on her cell phone. Contrary to statements by Casey, Zenaida Gonzalez was never an employee of Universal Studios. Casey had stated that Zenaida was a seasonal employee. Description of Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez: 25 yoa, 5’ 7″ tall, 140 pounds, brown curly hair and brown eyes. Born in September. Allegedly lives at 2863 South Conway Road, #210; however, this apartment has been vacant since February 29, 2008. Drives a 2008 silver Ford Focus purchased by her step-father, Victor Fernandez. She has a sister who is 1-2 years older, Samantha, unsure of last name.
Gonzalez, Zenaida (2) – Woman who visited Sawgrass Apartments. Lives in Kissimmee, FL. Gave sworn statement to Investigators Awilda McBryde and Kari Roderick saying she did not know Casey or Caylee Anthony. Full name unknown although harry Garcia completed form as C. Zenaida Gonzalez. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2008-08/41844520.pdf (page 50, bottom). All her signed documents are signed only with Zenaida Gonzalez and intialed ZG.
Goodwin, Estelle – Friend of Tony’s. He and Casey hung out at her house after going to the movies on May 31. At this time, no other connection.
Grund, Jesse – Engaged to Casey at one time. DNA test taken soon after Caylee’s birth showed he was not Caylee’s father . Cindy mentioned Jesse as the person who had taken Casey to the hospital earlier in the year for a seizure. He contacted LE before they called him. He said that Casey was a habitual liar. On June 24, he had received a call from Casey. She was trying to cheer him up after a recent job loss, and wanted to get together that weekend because Caylee was with the nanny, and they had gone to the beach for the weekend. After learning that Caylee was missing, he called LE to give statement because it contradicted what Casey had been telling everyone. Missing Persons Investigator Awilda McBryde later obtained a sworn statement from Jesse regarding this information. He has taken a polygraph and answers were satisfactory to LE. He is not considered a suspect but rather is a witness.
Hawkins, Mark – Active duty Marine stationed in 29 Palms, CA. He and Casey communicated on almost a daily basis via telephone and Internet. Casey said she was planning a trip to CA and she needed to tell him something. She had told her mother and brother and did not know how he would react to what she had to tell him. He had heard that Caylee’s father was deceased and that he was a security guard at Universal Studios.
Hemphill, Sue – Is her last name Hemfield? One of two OCSO detectives who obtained sworn audio statement from Karen Angel, RN, at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab Center. See also Kraubetz, Kevin.
Hopkins, Jeffrey Dale and Hopkins, Melissa – Parents of Jeffrey Dale Hopkins II. They live at 8406 Jefferson Boulevard; howver, their son does not. Said his cell phone was out of service. Parents deny any knowledge of Casey Anthony and said they knew all of their son’s friends. On July 16, 2008, at about 0500 hours (5 a.m.), they received a call identified by their caller IDd as “Anthony Casey 407-619-9286”; neither of them answered. Caller did not leave voice message.
Hopkins, Jeffrey Dale II – Went to high school with Casey Anthony (graduated 2003). Had not seen her for years until beginning of July when he ran into her while they were eating with separate parties at the Orlando Ale House (631 North Alafaya Trail). They had a brief conversation and returned to their meals. He has never met Caylee Anthony and no idea why Casey had called his parent’s residence. He does have son but never recommended any babysitter to Casey. Photo from MySpace page.
Hopkins, Jeffrey Michael – According to Casey, Jeff is one of the two people (see Lewis, Juliette) she told that Caylee was missing. Said he worked at Universal Studios with her. Further investigation found that he had been fired May 13, 2002. Casey says he lives in Jacksonville, FL. It was through Jeff Hopkins that Casey says she first met Zenaida Gonzalez, around December 2004. ZG babysat Jeff’s son Zachary for approximately six months. According to Casey, she had contacted Jeff several times during the time Caylee has been missing to find out whether Jeff had heard from Zenaida.
Hosey, Sgt. Reggie – LE who took initial report of missing person; Notified Yuri Melich of report of missing child, later identified as Caylee Marie Anthony.
House, Roy Clint – aka Clint House. Anthony Lazzaro’s former business partner and roommate. Although Casey was on her laptop “doing work” all the time when she was at the apartment, most of what he saw was her on Facebook. Casey talked about the babysitter but never by name, and no babysitter came to apartment to drop Caylee off or pick her up. Last saw Caylee June 13, 2008, and it was after he came forward with this statement that the Anthony family changed their story and told about Caylee visiting her great-grandpa at the nursing home. Answered questions on Scared Monkeys website on September 25. . IMO, honest and sincere and cares only about finding Caylee. http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=3433.0
Huizenga, Amy – Told Cindy where Casey could be found on July 15. She claims Casey picked her up at the airport around 1430 hours (2:30 p.m.) on July 15 in her (Amy’s) car. Amy had loaned Casey her car for the week she was gone. Amy claims Casey stole some checks and approximately $700. Amy lives with Ricardo Morales at 232 Glendwood Drive. Amy cannot recall the last time she saw Caylee. The address is somewhat important because it is across the street from one of the sites that Casey indicated was the home of Zenaida Gonzalez and her roommates (Raquel Farrell and Jennifer Rosa).
Irwin, Michael – OCSO Commander. Conducted investigation of Anthony backyard on July 17, 2008, with OCSOs and CSIs.
Jay Blanchard Park – According to Casey, she says that this was Caylee’s favorite park. I know this is not a “who” but put it in anyway.
Kispert, Michael – OCSO deputy, who along with Pete Marino, Detective, Sexual Offender Squad. Marino, conducted canvass of the Sawgrass Apartments for Caylee Anthony. Also met with Amanda Macklin and Harry Garcia.
Kissh, Marie M. – Is her name Maria-Acquaintance of Casey. Met her through her boyfriend Clint who is a close friend of Tony Lazaro’s. Last saw Casey and Caylee June 10, 11, or 12, 2008, at Tony’s apartment. Saw Casey June 20, 2008, at Tony’s apartment. Casey told her Caylee was with her nanny, who was a friend of hers, but never mentioned the nanny’s name. Casey had mentioned that Caylee’s father was deceased. Casey lived with her parents, but her parents had moved out of the house in early July. Casey worked at Universal Studios. Ms. Kissh felt that Casey had a lack of attention toward Caylee.
Kokkinos, Chris – Owner of home where birthday party for Daniel Howard was thrown. Tony and Casey meet for the firs time. Casey had said she wanted to go to the party; Tony gave her directions, and she showed up with two friends, Troy and Amy.
Kraubetz, Kevin – OCSO deputy who, along with Detective Dave Clarke met with Amanda Macklin, community manager of Sawgrass Apartments. Left card on Dante Salati’s apartment and left card with Annie Downing’s father. Helped search Tony Lazaro’s apartment. One of two OCSO detectives who obtained sworn audio statement from Karen Angel, RN, at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab Center. See also Hemphill, Sue. Spoke with Shirley Pleasea, Cindy’s mom, about last time she saw Caylee.
Lake Vaj – Nickname (think female genitalia) for house (typical bachelor pad) owned by Exit13 on Websleuths (identity not revealed during discussion). House is near Young Pine Landfill. Source for this information: http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71620
Lamp, Curtis – Man who believed he saw Caylee Anthony in the Bank of America at 33 East Main, Apopka, FL on July 18, 2008, around (:30-9:45. LE met with Lyn Garrett and Lorraine Rodriguez (BOA employees) who turned over customer sign-in sheet. Working with Roy Gonzalez, Security, it was determined that the child was not Caylee, but was the granddaughter of a regular customer, Pat Cooper.
Lazzaro, Anthony (Tony) – Casey’s boyfriend; originally from New Jersey. Met Casey online (Facebook). Claims he first heard of Caylee’s disappearance by deputies coming to his house early morning July 16. He met Casey in May and has been dating her since June. Has never met Zenaida and does not know where she lives. He had contacted Amy Huizenga and had her contact LE. Casey has lived with him since June 9, 2008, and had mentioned several times that Caylee was with the nanny at Disney, Universal Studios, or the beach. Casey never gave any indication that Caylee was endangered or missing. Detective Gerald White later obtained a sworn statement from Anthony regarding this information. It was Tony who picked Casey up at the Amscot parking lot; she’d called him saying her car had run out of gas. She was outside the car with bags of groceries. He offered to look at car; she said her dad would take care of it. A couple days later he went on vacation (NY) and she told him story of what was wrong with the car (all lies since car was towed from Amscot). According to Nate, Tony’s temporary roommate, on June 27, 2008, Tony left between 11 a.m.-1 p.m. to pick up Casey after the car had run out of gas. (Nancy Grace Transcript 09/09/2008 http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0809/09/ng.01.html) Tony answered questions on
Scared Monkeys website http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=3434.0 on September 25. IMO, honest and sincere and no connection to Caylee’s disappearance.
Lee, Ricardo – OCSO detective who met with Bobby Lee Williams and Lance Charles White at Cast Iron Tattoo Shop. Also met with Matthew Crisp at his apartment and Dannielle Lucey-Austin at Chuck-e-Cheese to get surveillance tape. Turned recorded audio testimony and the VHS surveillance tape over to Yuri Melich.
Lennington, Anne – Director of Avante at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab, where Casey Anthony’s grandfather lives. Provided sign-in sheet from June 15, 2008 (Fathers Day) which showed that Cindy and Caylee Anthony visited that day.
Lett, Nicole Lorraine – Office employee at Johnson’s Wrecker East. On July 15, 2008, George Anthony arrived at the tow yard and asked about the cost and requirements to recover a car. She told him what he would need, the cost and advised him that Johnson’s only accepted cash. He said he did not have the cash and would return. Hours later, he returned with his wife, Cindy Anthony, who appeared upset. She summoned Mr. Birch to speak with them, and when George presented her with the title, his driver license, and the cash, she completed the transaction. She then walked to the rear patio to smoke a cigarette, where she overheard George Anthony tell Mr. Birch he had found his daughter, but his granddaughter was missing.
Lewis, Juliette – According to Casey, Juliette is one of the two people (See Jeffrey Michael Hopkins) she told that Caylee was missing. Casey says she worked at Universal with Juliette; however, when Yuri Melich met with Leonard Turtora, records showed that Juliette was never an employee.
Lopez, Ryan – Friend of Tony Lazaro’s. He and Casey went to barbeque at Ryan’s on June 1, 2008. Apartment at Pegasus Connection. At this time, does not seem to be any other connection.
Lucey-Austin, Dannielle E. – Manager of Chuck-e-Cheese Restaurant at 541 West Highway 436 in Altamonte Springs, FL. She provided video surveillance tape to Yuri Melich from July 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Macklin, Amanda – Manager of Sawgrass Apartments. Met with Yuri Melich and Dave Turner, but when shown a photo of Caylee, said she did not recognize her. Ran name Zenaida Gonzalez through database for LE and gave LE card completed by Zenaida on June 17, 2008. Card included her cell phone number, 407-219-6558. In subsequent interview, she said she had watched news reports and did not recognize George Anthony, Casey Anthony or Cindy Anthony.
Manderville, Tom – OCSO. Along with Michael Segreaves, OCSO, met with Barbara J. Carey, supervisor at the U.S. post office at 501 North Semoran Boulevard. They inquired whether Ms. Carey knew a Zenaida Gonzalez or Zenaida Rosado. They did have an employee, Zenaida Gonzalez, but her name was changed to Rosado when she married. She currently works at the post office at 650 North Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL. However, her husband, Carmelo Rosado is currently employed at the Semoran branch but was not available at the time to be interviewed. They then went to the Alafaya branch to interview Zenaida. She had not gone by Gonzalez for about 2 years. She was shown pictures of Casey and Caylee and said she did not know either of them. Interview was digitally recorded and turned over to Awilda McBryde, Missing Persons. Conducted neighborhood canvass on Hopespring; see Dickens, Bailey and Joyce.
Manley, Tom – Fictitious name of Casey’s supervisor in Events, Universal Studios. She subsequently admitted that she was not currently employed at Universal Studios.
Marino, Pete – Detective, Sexual Offender Squad. Marino, along with Michael Kispert, OCSO deputy, conducted door-to-door canvass for Caylee Anthony.
Mattson, Tom – Head of Events, Universal Studios. Casey had stated that her supervisor was
Tom Manley; however, no such employee existed.
McBryde, Awilda – Missing Persons Investigator who obtained Jesse Grund’s sworn statement.
Along with Kari Roderick, obtained sworn statement from the Zenaida Gonzalez identified through Sawgrass Apartments. Zenaida was shown picture of both Casey and Caylee Anthony.
McCabe, Joy – OCSO.
McCoy, William – OCSO.Contacted Eli Sleiman regarding possible sighting of Caylee Anthony on July 15, 2008, at Chuck-e-Cheese at 7419 International Drive, Orlando, FL. Do have video surveillance but were not sure how long tapes kept. Manager was not at store when LE called (several times) on July 17, 2008.
McDonald, Heather – From Lee Anthony’s email to LE: Casey’s coworker at Kodak/Colorvision, 321-437-4997. She confirmed there was a Jeff that worked as tech guy for Kodak until he switched to Disney water park in 2004-2005; unsure of last name. Also confirmed that Casey hung out with Juliette who worked there; unsure of last name. Casey told him that these were the people helping to search for Caylee; Jeff in Jacksonville and Juliette in Orlando, until a few days before July 15, when she moved out of state somewhere.
Melich, Corporal Yuri – Orange County Deputy Sheriff Detective and Child Abuse Investigator who interviewed Casey Anthony on July 16, 2008. Yuri was also the detective who testified at the July 22, 2008, bond hearing. http://www.myfoxorlando.com/myfox/MyFox/pages/sidebar_video.jsp?contentId=7039465&version=1&locale=EN-US
Melich, Samara – OCSO deputy who, on July 23, followed up on tip given by Wanda Wery and her son, Nicholas Hunt on a possible Caylee sighting on July 2, 2008, at Orlando International Airport. Detective David Hall, OCSO, who works at Orlando International Airport, notified Deputy Melich that the last date available for video surveillance tapes was July 8, 2008.
Moore, William – OCSO.
Morales, Ricardo – During summer 2007, he attended party in Orlando (from Tampa), where he met Casey Anthony. Met again February 2008 and dated until late April/early May 2008. Casey and Caylee Anthony spent night at his apartment on several occasions, all three of them sharing a bed. Once they stopped dating, he only saw Casey out at clubs or parties, or when she came to visit Amy Huizenga, who he was now dating, and who had moved into his apartment. Casey and Caylee Anthony spent the night at his apartment on June 9, 2008. Morales saw them the morning of June 10, 2008, when he left for work.
Nate – Friend and temporary roommate of Tony’s who stayed at his apartment during June-July. Said Casey was not allowed at the apartment if one of them was not going to be there; she did not have a key to the apartment. He and Tony were playing video games when Cindy came to the apartment to get Casey on July 15, 2008. Does not seem to be any other connection to the case.
Nieves, Captain Angelo – Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Oaks, Joseph and Stacy – Last occupants of Apartment 210, which Casey says was Zenaida’s (in Sawgrass Apartments). Evicted February 25, 2008; apartment empty since February 29.
Ortiz, Jesus – Friend of Casey’s. He died in a car accident on May 8, 2007 in Orlando, FL. One of the many possible candidates for father of Casey.
Padilla, Leonard – Bondsman from California. Has television show on Discovery Channel. Discovery denies connection between them and the Casey Anthony case as being reason Padilla is involved.
Pasley, Ryan – Friends with Casey since about age 4 or 5. Has never heard of the nanny, and finds it odd that Casey says she had known Zanaida or Zani for four years, but has never mentioned the name to him. He says that the name Casey would refer to as the nanny was a caucasian name like Krista or Kristen (Noway Note: Lauren Gibbs was Casey’s babysitter until April 2006), but never a hispanic name like Zanaida. Cindy told him she didn’t think it was a good idea for him to keep talking to Casey because she thought Casey was a sociopath. After Caylee went missing, Ryan found out that Casey had told her mother that she and Ryan worked together at Sports Authority; however, Casey never worked there.
Plesea, Alex and Shirley – Cindy Anthony’s father and mother, Casey Anthony’s grandparents, Caylee’s great-grandparents. There is a picture of Alex and Caylee taken together on June 15, 2008, at Avante at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab Center, where Alex lives. This shows that Caylee is alive as of June 15, 2008; Casey stated that she had not seen Caylee since June 9, 2008. Shirley stated that after visting Alex, they returned to her home and had dinner together. Cindy and Caylee left after that.
Plesea, Rick, Cindy's Brother, with whom she had a heated email debacle.
Pletzer, Cara – Sister of Troy Brown. Attends grad school and does babysitting. During discussion with Troy about babysitting, she said how much she got paid, and he felt that was a low amount and that they should ask Casey since she had a nanny. When they were at Ricardo’s house watching the college national basketball championships, he asked Casey but she never gave him concrete answer … just said “I pay her a lot. She’s fine. Don’t worry about her.”
Remy, Melissa – Government Analyst, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse. Performed wage and hour check on Casey Anthony, which showed that Casey’s last place of employment is from the first quarter of 2006, Event Imaging Solutions, Inc., 3201 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL. .
Ridgeway, Gary – Tow truck driver who towed Pontiac Sunfire to Johnson’s Wrecker East. On June 30, 2008, at about 8:50 a.m., he was dispatched to 7501 East Colonial Drive (Amscot Financial) to tow a car. He arrived at 9:06 a.m. and met with Catherine Sanchez, an Amscot employee, who signed the towing request. The Pontiac was parked next to the dumpster with the front of the car next to the curb. He towed it to Johnson’s Wrecker East at about 9:16 a.m., and went back into service at 10 a.m. He did not notice any damage to the car and did not smell any odors coming from it; however, he recalled that he had a cold on June 30, and could not smell anything.
Rivera, Pedro A. – OCSO detective who obtained sworn audio recorded testimony from Danny Colamarino, Maria Kissh, Sean Daly and Jonathan Daly. Returned impounded evidence. See
Beasley, Charity.
Roderick, Kari – Investigator, who along with Awilda McBryde, obtained sworn statement from the Zenaida Gonzalez identified through Sawgrass Apartments. Zenaida was shown picture of both Casey and Caylee Anthony
Rodriguez, Lorraine – Bank of America employee who provided customer sign-in log to law enforcement after possible Caylee sighting. See also Garrett, Lyn and Lamp, Curtis.
Rosa, Jennifer – According to Casey, she is one of Zenaida’s roommates (see also Raquel Farrell) and works at ABC Distribution in Orlando. Company may have warehouse here and headquarters is possibly Miami.
Rusciano, Anthony “Tony” – Rookie cop, friend of Jesse Grund, who got fired for having an affair with Casey and lying about it. Jesse met Tony at police academy. Another cop was involved with Casey but his name is unknown at this time.
Salamat, Michael – OCSO deputy.
Salati, Dante – Has been casual friend of Casey’s for 8 years; he has lived in the Sawgrass Apartments (same apartment) for three years. See Downing, Annie. Worked at Don Reid Ford; quit as of June 17 (last day). Worked at Muscle Cars and Handlebars on Orange and Landstreet, but posted on July 13, that the job at Muscle Cars did not work out, and he would be moving to another shop, but not sure where. “Teddy bear” of a guy according to Exit13, and in no way should be considered a suspect in anything to do with disappearance of Caylee Anthony. http://ls1tech.com/forums/search.php...duser&u=100993 Dante also came on Websleuths (as Nitrouspwrdss) and answered questions, and this description has been revised to reflect some of his answers. He had never heard of or met “Zanny the Nanny.” http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71666
Sanchez, Catherine – Branch manager of Amscot Financial at 7051 East Colonial Drive, which is the location from which Casey Anthony’s car was towed. On June 27, 2008, at 7 a.m., she observed the car parked next to the dumpster but took no action until the next day when she notified the Amscot corporate office. The corporate office instructed her to contact LE to ensure it was not stolen, and if not stolen, to wait another day and have it towed. She called the Orange County Sheriff’s office and was advised it was not stolen. On June 30, when she saw the car was still there, she called Johnson’s Wrecker, and a driver did tow the car. A sworn statement was obtained from Ms. Sanchez. On July 24, 2008, subpoena was served to Amscot Financial for financial records related to Casey Anthony.
Savage, Nick – FBI agent to whom flight information was forwarded. See Wery, Wanda.
Schieber, Brittany – Interviewed by Deputy Michael Segreaves and Tom Manderville. She hs known Casey since she was 5 years old but stopped hanging out with her after graduation from high school. On June 9, 2008, she started getting MySpace messages inviting her to go to the club (Fusion). Continued receiving messages until June 25. On July 16, she received text message from Casey: Caylee is missing. She has been missing for the last 32 days …” She corresponded with Casey regarding this message and Casey told her to keep an eye out for “a silver Ford Focus, 4-door. Ms. Scheiber still had the emails and copied them into a Word file. She agreed to come to the station so that the text messages could be downloaded by computer forensics.
Segreaves, Michael – OCSO. Along with Tom Manderville, OCSO, met with Barbara J. Carey, supervisor at the U.S. post office at 501 North Semoran Boulevard. They inquired whether Ms. Carey knew a Zenaida Gonzalez or Zenaida Rosado. They did have an employee, Zenaida Gonzalez, but her name was changed to Rosado when she married. She currently works at the post office at 650 North Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL. However, her husband, Carmelo Rosado is currently employed at the Semoran branch but was not available at the time to be interviewed. They then went to the Alafaya branch to interview Zenaida. She had not gone by Gonzalez for about 2 years. She was shown pictures of Casey and Caylee and said she did not know either of them. Interview was digitally recorded and turned over to Awilda McBryde, Missing Persons. Conducted neighborhood canvass on Hopespring; see Dickens, Bailey and Joyce. Also interviewed Brittany Schieber.
Selig, Glenn – Everyone’s favorite PR guy (clients include Drew Peterson and Joel Brodsky) now working with Casey. http://www.prnewschannel.com/absolutenm/templates/?a=794&z=11
Simpson, Renee K. – Assistant Vice President of Admissions & Records at Valencia Community College. Provided written statement that Casey Anthony never applied for or attended classes at Valencia Community College.
Sleiman, Eli – Witness to possible Caylee sighting on July 15, 2008. Around 11 a.m., he and his 7-year-old son noticed a girl, age 2-3, with ponytails standing by herself. He pointed her out to his son because she looked like someone they know; the son agreed. LE contacted Chuck-e-Cheese to get surveillance tapes. See Dannielle Lucy-Austin.
Snow, Brandon – aka The Snowman. Friend of Casey’s. According to Exit13 (Websleuths), he is not Caylee’s father (http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71652) since he was not in Florida in November 2004 (when Casey became pregnant). http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71784&page=4 (post 97) He did date Casey during 2006-2007. Casey ran into Brandon on May 25 at the “Anything But Clothes” party at Lake Vaj; she told Amy that she had been impregnated by Brandon (see Amy’s testimony in http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media...9/42528488.pdf ) and suffered a miscarriage. This story was not believed to be related to her pregnancy with Caylee.
Strickland, Stan Judge: Signed court order to get Anthony Lazaro’s cell phone records. He is also the judge to whom Casey appeared in front of. My favorite quote: "Not a bit of useful information has been provided by Ms. Anthony as to the whereabouts of her daughter. And I would add that the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers."
Stutz, Chris – Casey’s former boyfriend. Source of information that follows is http://www.wftv.com/download/2008/0926/17564652.pdf. Met Casey while playing football with her friends. Began dating March or April 2007 and throughout the summer. At this time, Casey said she worked at Sports Authority. Long-distance relationship did not work out. Saw Casey a few times in May and June. On June 17 she came to his house driving dark colored Jeep Cherokee. Distressed because her parents were getting divorced (George cheating on Cindy). Talked about her and Caylee getting house. On July 15 around 9:30 a.m., he saw a girl who looked like Casey jogging down Chickasaw. He texted Casey and asked her if she was running down Chickasaw, but she said ‘no’ and that was the end of that. July 16, he got text message about Caylee being missing for 32 days. Casey called Chris later that night around 11:30 p.m. from jail, but he hung up without taking the call. He called his parents back and asked what he should do; they said not to take the call. Casey called back a few minutes later but he did not talk to her and has not talked to her or seen her since she was arrested. Several of Casey’s friends met with George and Cindy at their house, giving them any information they could … around July 19 or 26 or so.
Tighe, Dianne – Vice President, Human Resources, Colorvision. Testified that Casey Anthony, Jeff Hopkins, and Juliette Lewis never worked for Colorvision.
Torres-Cruz, Kiomarie – Casey’s childhood friend who says Casey told her that she wanted to give Caylee up for adoption but Cindy wouldn’t let her. She herself said she would adopt Caylee because the doctor had told her she could not have kids. She had initially contacted LE saying she had received call from Casey on July 9; however, later recanted story saying she spoke with Casey Williams. Gave LE the number from which Williams had called (no longer in service) but her boyfriend, under whose name the phone was listed, would not provided detailed cell phone bill. She also brought LE to a teenage hideout she and Casey had. Did not know Zenaida Gonzalez but did know “Ida” or something close (possibly Yvette) Gonzales who lived down the street from the Anthonys on Hopespring Drive.
Turner, Dave – Maintenance man at Sawgrass Apartments. Met with Yuri Melich and Amanda Macklin, but when shown a photo of Caylee (? Casey ? ), said he did not recognize her.
Turtora, Leonard – Investigator at Universal Studios who provided employment information about Jeffrey Hopkins, Juliette Lewis, and Zenaida Gonzalez.
Vincent, Michael – CSI investigator. Conducted investigation of Anthony backyard with other CSIs and K-9 units.
Waters, William – Casey was seeing him while Tony out of town. Visited Casey when she was arrested.
Wells, Appling – Also referred to as Apple, Appie, and/or Happy Wells, by Casey during jail video visits. OCSO detective, along with, Sgt. Allen, picked up Casey at 4937 Hopespring Drive (home of George and Cindy Anthony) and brought her to Universal Studios to determine where her office was. After admitting she did not work there, at a time when Casey was with Detective Wells, Yuri Melich called the Zenaida Gonzalez identified from the Sawgrass Apartments. She denied knowing Casey or Caylee Anthony and also denied babysitting for anyone. She provided sworn statement to Missing Persons Investigator Awilda McBryde and Investigator Kari Roderick. Involvement with this case also include face-to-face interviews with Brian Burner, Kiomarie Torres-Cruz, and representatives from the Bank of America in Apopka, FL. Also assisted in search of Tony Lazaro’s apartment and canvass of Sutton Place Apartments (Tony’s), including screening telephone calls regarding the canvass. Assisted Garardo Bloise in bagging shovel borrowed from Casey’s neighbor, Brian Burner. Also examined Anthony’s back yard and reported what she saw to Sgt. John Allen via phone.
Wery, Wanda – Woman who believed she saw Caylee Anthony on July 2 around 6:30 p.m. boarding flight at Orlando International Airport. She was not able to give description to sketch artist; however, her 14-year old son Nicholas Hunt did.
White, Jerold – OCSO detective who obtained Tony Lazaro’s sworn statement, interviewed
Ricardo Morales, and obtained court order for Casey’s cell phone records from Judge Evans. These records showed no numbers belonging to Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, Jeff Hopkins or Juliette Lewis. No call from private number around time she said she got call from ZFG. Closest calls were from Tony Lazaro and Kyle. Conducted audio recorded interview of Tom Galaida, owner of shop where Tony Lazaros’ car was repaired.
White, Lance Charles – Knows Casey because she comes in the shop often. Knows her through the Dalys (Jonathan and Sean) who went to high school with Casey. Last saw her on July 15, 2008, in the shop. She said she was moving out of her parents’ house, and when asked about Caylee, said she was with the nanny.
Williams, Bobby Lee – employee of Cast Iron Tattoo. He is the tattoo artist who did Bella Vita (Beautiful Life). Knows Casey from the tattoo shop. Last saw her on July 15, 2008, in the shop. She was talking with his boss, who asked about Caylee. Casey said she was fine, and she would bring Caylee with her on July 19 (date of next appointment).
Williams, Derrick – Society Entertainment; lived at Sawgrass until 2 years ago. Says he does not have anything to do with Casey or with Caylee’s disappearance. http://www.cafemom.com/group/53387/b...mer_210_tenant Derrick was Tony Lazaro’s boss. He ran the entertainment/promotion company that was promoting Fusian, the club Casey frequented.[/size]
Williams, Ryan – OCSO deputy.
Allen, Sgt. John – Orange County Sheriff’s Office; Yuri Melich’s supervisor. When he pulled up all individuals with the name Zenaida Gonzalez in the DAVID system, Casey could not identify any of them as being the alleged kidnapper.
Angel, Karen – Registered nurse at Avante at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab, where Casey Anthony’s grandfather lives. Provided sworn recorded testimony that she saw Caylee Anthony on June 15, 2008 (Fathers Day) at Mount Dora.
Anthony, Casey Marie – Caylee Anthony’s mother, born March 19, 1986. George and Cindy Anthony’s daughter. Lee Anthony’s sister. Attended but did not graduate from Colonial High School. Did not attend Valencia College, although she said she did. Habitual liar and known to steal from friends and family. Gave false statements to police upon investigation of Caylee. Stated she was employed by Universal Studios; however, she was fired April 24, 2006. Worked at Club Fusion as “manager of shot girls.”
Anthony, Caylee Marie – Missing 3 year old girl born August 9, 2005 (2 yoa when missing). Daughter of Casey Anthony. Grandchild of George and Cindy Anthony. Niece of Lee Anthony. Father unidentified at this time.
Anthony, Cindy – Married to George Anthony. She is Casey’s mother and Caylee’s grandmother. On July 16, called 911 and reported “smell of death” in car (white 1998 Pontiac Sunfire, FL tag G63XV) Washed pants that were in car.
Anthony, George – Married to Cindy Anthony. He is Casey’s father and Caylee’s grandfather. Former homicide detective (Ohio). Currently working at Lexus dealership in security (worked for security company).
Anthony, Lee – Casey’s brother, George and Cindy’s son, Caylee’s uncle. Girlfriend’s name is Mallory Parker.
Baez, José – Casey’s defense attorney.
Beasley, Charity – OCSO detective. Took possession of several items at Anthony home on July 16, 2008. Those items include computer cord, laptop, child’s toothbrush, black leather bag and belt, dinnerware knife, plastic hangers, blue crate, Dora the Explorer backpack, toy doll and various papers and binder. These were items that had been in the car. Cindy said that when she got in the car, there was a strong, unidentifiable odor. It was evident in the papers and the backpack. Regarding the dinnerware knife, Cindy said it appeared to be unused but had been washed since they found it. See page 180-182 http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2008-08/41844520.pdf Conducted interviews of Tony Lazaro, Jeffrey Dale Hopkins II, Amy Huizenga, and Ricardo Morales.
Birch, Simon – Facility manager of the wrecking yard (Johnson’s Wrecker East) where Casey’s car was towed on June 30, 2008. After the car had been there a couple of weeks, he approached it and began to smell a foul odor. At the time, he did not pay further attention to the white Pontiac. On July 15, 2008, Birch was approached by Nicole Lett, who worked in the office, was dealing with two upset customers, George and Cindy Anthony. Cindy Anthony was trying to negotiate a discount for the towing fees; George agreed to pay the fees and provided the title and his driver license. As they walked, George Anthony mentioned that his daughter had been missing and that she would not allow him to see his granddaughter and has told several lies. When George opened the door of the car, a very foul odor came from inside. Mr. Birch recognized it as the same odor as had been in a car in which a man had committed suicide (his body had been in the car for about 5 days). When Mr. Birch said, “That’s rotten,” George did not reply. They opened the trunk in order to locate the source of the odor (flies flew out) and found a garbage bag, which Mr. Birch opened. Papers, a pizza box and maggots were in the bag. Mr. Birch threw the bag over a fence into the tow lot’s dumpster. George noticed the fuel gauge read empty and said he had a gas can in his car. He retrieved the gas can, apologized for his wife being upset, poured gas into the Pontiac and drove away.
Bloise, Gerardo – CSI investigator. The vehicle and the items listed above (see Beasley, Charity) were released to Gerardo (exceptions being laptop and cord; see Cawn, Sandy). Gerardo also photographed Brian Burner’s (Casey’s neighbor) shovel and took possession of shovel with laytex-gloved hands. Shovel was packed in two large bags. Appling Wells assisted.
Bonilla, Rosanna – Resident of 301 Hillside, the seniors-only facility, who talked with LE during their search for Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez (1).
Bourgeois, Patrick – Said he went to high school with Casey and visited Casey in jail; Casey said she did not recognize him. Short visit. Frank Bourgeois also signed in. Could not find anyone on class list for 2001-2007. Still trying to find connection (maybe guy just wanted 15 minutes of fame).
Brown, Troy – Friend of Casey’s. Amy’s former roommate. Former boyfriend of Lauren Coppel. Troy met Casey for first time on his birthday (June 5, 2007) and became friends with her when she started dating Ricardo Morales. During discussion with sister about how much she got paid babysitting (he felt it was a low number), he said they should ask Casey since she had a nanny. Casey never gave him a straight answer. He never heard her refer to the nanny by name, nor did he see her make or take a call from the nanny.
Burner, Brian – Met with Appling Wells in parking lot of H&B Trading (his place of employment). Said he would be driving maroon Ford Taurus). Told her Casey borrowed a shovel possibly on July 16, 2008. He was doing yard work when Casey approached him and asked to borrow shovel to dig up bamboo root. She walked into Anthony garage (her car was in there which was unusual). When he was finished with his yard work, he went back to the front to see if Casey was finished. Her car was in the garage; nobody else seemed to be home (no other cars). She returned the shovel about an hour after borrowing. She then went to Burner house to get shovel, which had not been used since Casey had used it. See Bloise, Gerardo.
Campana, Cameron – Friend of Tony’s who was staying at Tony’s apartment. Has band, Fuzzy Red Balloons. No other connection at this time. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=2736501
Carey, Barbara J. – USPS supervisor 501 North Semoran Boulevard, who directed LE to yet another Zenaida Gonzalez (married, and for last two years Zenaida Rosado). While Rosado’s husband did work at the Semoran USPO, Rosado worked at 650 N. Alafaya Trail post office. She later was located and gave statement that she did not know Casey or Caylee.
Cawn, Sandy – OCSO detective to whom the laptop and power cord found in Casey’s car were released. See Beasley, Charity above.
Chase, Anne Marie – Mother of Mark Hawkins, Marine friend of Casey’s stationed in California. Anne Marie last saw Casey in Target on July 10, 2008. She is due to return from cruise on July 18, 2008.
Chatt, JP – Roommate of Ricardo Morales (Casey’s ex) and Amy Huizenga (Casey’s friend). Some think he bears a striking resemblance to Caylee Anthony but not sure whether he knew Casey prior to him living with Ricardo and Amy. News editor at WFTV Channel 9, the ABC affiliate in Orlando.
Chester, Kristina – Friend of Casey’s. Called LE after seeing story on Caylee on the news. Claims to be Casey’s best friend. Said that Casey and Caylee had been to her house and had gone for walk at Lake Underhill Park between 6-8:30 p.m. on June 12 or June 13. She was surprised to hear that Caylee was missing. Investigator Kelly Deguzman later obtained a sworn written statement from Kristine (PDF has Jessie [sic] here) regarding this information.
Clarke, Dave – OCSO detective who, along with Deputy Kraubetz, Kevin, met with Amanda Macklin, community manager of Sawgrass Apartments.
Colamarino, Danny – owner of Cast Iron Tattoo, the place where Casey got the tattoo Bella Vita (meaning Beautiful Life) on July 2 or 3, 2008. Casey has been customer there for about 1.5-2 years and regularly visits the establishment. He last saw Casey on July 15, 2008, between 2-4 p.m. She came in shop to schedule appointment for July 19, 2008. She arrived in maroon or red 4-door compact (Toyota maybe) and said she was picking up a friend at the airport and the friend’s luggage would not fit in her car. He had last seen Caylee 3 to 6 months ago. He asked about her, and Casey said she would bring her to the July 19 appointment.
Coppel, Lauren – Former girlfriend of Troy Brown.
Coworkers, Alleged – As noted in various emails Lee took from Casey’s computer and gave to LE, the following people are either Casey’s supervisors or she dealt with when being hired: Cheryl Davis (East Coast VP, Marketing and Sales), Katherine Hart (HR Manager, Universal Studios, Florida), Gabe Marsh, Michael Hamilton, Thomas Franck (Event Coordinator, East Coast Operations). None of the email addresses were valid when messages were sent to them.
Cozak, Mike –Employee, Event Imaging Solutions Group (Kodak) who confirmed that Casey had worked for him in 2005, but that he could not remember Jeff Hopkins or Juliette Lewis.
Note: Kodak was taken over by Colorvision in 2006.
Crawford, Dee – Director of Human Resources, Event Imaging Solutions Group (Kodak) who confirmed that Mike Cozak worked for them but no Jeff Hopkins or Juliette Lewis.
Crisp, Matthew Allen – Went to high school with Casey (Colonial High School). He last saw Casey on July 7, 2008, at Subway. Talked about her boyfriend being out of town. Casey said daughter was in Sanford, FL with the babysitter, and Casey was going to pick Caylee up later that day. On June 19, 2008, he received a call from Casey and talked to her about leasing an apartment as his complex, Cranes Landing Apartments, for her and her boyfriend, Tony Lazaro. They met and completed a contact form, but no contract lease agreement was signed. He contacted her later in the week but she was more interested in inviting him to the club (Fusion). He did not accept invitation.
Custodians – From witness list: Custodian of 911 Calls, Orange County Sheriff’s Office; Custodian of Records of Johnson’s Wrecker Service, which towed Casey Anthony’s car; and Custodian of Records of AT&T Wireless.
Daly, Jonathan – Friends of Casey’s from Colonial High School. Employee of Cast Iron Tattoo. Last saw Casey early July; Caylee several months ago. Was told Caylee’s father was in the military and was the result of a one-night stand.
Daly, Sean – Friends of Casey’s from Colonial High School. Last saw Casey July 5, 2008, with her boyfriend Tony. Sean said that Casey was known to tell lies. On July 16, 2008, Sean received a missed call from Casey’s cell (407-619-9286) which was witnessed by Detective Rivera. Casey’s telephone number was displayed on the screen of Sean’s phone. Brother of Jonathan.
Davis, Cheryl – East Coast VP, Marketing and Sales (from emails Lee took from Casey’s computer and gave to LE). One of the people Casey named as coworker or supervisor. According to Lee Turtora, she does not exist. The only employee by this name was a server for Pat O’Briens’s in CityWalk. There is no “East Coast VP” for Marketing and Sales.
See Coworkers, Alleged.
Deguzman, Kelly – OCSO Investigator who obtained Kristine Chester’s written statement.
DePalmo, Tanya – OCSO deputy. Assisted in search of Anthony backyard and drainage easements with Appling Wells and Awilda McBryde. Requested wage and hour check on Casey Anthony. Request sent to Melissa Remy, Government Analyst, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse. Results showed that Casey’s last place of employment is from the first quarter of 2006, Event Imaging Solutions, Inc., 3201 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL. .
Dickens, Bailey and Joyce – Anthony’s neighbors. Told Detectives Tom Manderville and Michael Segreaves that on July 19, they had a visit from Kiomarie Torres-Cruz, a former neighbor, whose parents still live in the neighborhood. While visiting with them, Kiomarie mentioned that she had a call from Casey on July 9 and had heard Caylee in the background. She also said Casey had called from a payphone (unsure of date and time). She also said that if Caylee was buried, she was buried by Hidden Oaks Elementary, in the woods where they used to hang out. The Dickens encouraged her to contact LE. Detective Segreaves contacted Appling Wells, who said she had spoken with Kiomarie.
Downing, Annie – Friend of Casey’s. Contacted by LE but not home; father said he would have her call, which she did. Detective Clarke spoke with her. She had previously lived in Sawgrass apartments. See Salati, Dante. Has been interviewed by LE, but transcript has not been released to public.
Eberlin, Ryan – OCSO deputy who first responded to Cindy Anthony’s report of stolen vehicle. After initial investigation, he determined this to be a kidnapping.
Edwards, Eric – OCSO.
England, Melissa – Friend of Troy Brown’s from Virginia. Visited Troy July 2 through July 5 (but still there on July 23 or back to give testimony?). Because Troy had to work July 3, she spent the day with Casey the day she got her tattoo (possibly). The first thing Casey had said to her upon meeting her July 2 was “We should get a tattoo” to which Melissa responded “You’re crazy. I’m not getting another tattoo.” During the time they were together, there was no mention of Caylee, which was a disappointment to Melissa since she was in a relationship with a man who had a baby, and she was looking forward to talking to Casey about kids.
See Troy Brown’s testimony at http://flawebhosting.net/docs092308/
Erickson, Michael – OCSO. On page 195 as witness. Work address given as 2500 West Colonial, which is the OCSO forensic storage bay. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2008-08/41844520.pdf
Evans, Robert – Orange County, 9th Circuit Court. Judge who signed warrant for Casey Anthony’s cell phone records.
Exit13 – Websleuths poster who did not want to be IDd by his real name. He is the owner of the “Lake Vaj” house. Friend of Dante Salati and Mallory Parker (Lee’s girlfriend) and roommate of Sean Daly. Exit13 spent four years in 75th Ranger Regiment. Says Casey stopped hanging out with them when she started dating Tony (about 6-8 weeks before Caylee was reported missing). He saw Casey at party in May (Anything But Clothes) and watched UFC fight on June 7, 2008. http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71620
France, Andrew James – Casey exchanged phone calls/texts on 6/29, 6/30, 7/1, 7/2, 7/8, 7/11 and 7/15. No clear connection yet.
Farrell, Raquel – According to Casey, she is one of Zenaida’s roommates. The other is Jennifer Rosa. Casey has met them only briefly. Also according to Casey, she is a hostess at TGI(Fridays). However, according to Rich Garrad, corporate recruiting specialist for Carlson Restaurants Worldwide, TGIFriday’s parent company, no such person is/was employed by them. He tried various versions of the name with no luck.
Fernandez, Gloria – Alleged name of Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez’s biological mother. An email from Lee, based on conversation with Casey had her name as Gloria Gonzalez, age 55.
Fernandez, Victor – Alleged name of Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez’s step-father.
Fletcher, Rendon – OCSO deputy. Work address given as 2500 West Colonial, which is the OCSO forensic storage bay.
Forgey, Jason – OCSO K-9 Unit. Contacted by Yuri Melich regarding missing child. Responding to 2500 West Colonial Drive, the Orange County Sheriff’s Office Forensic storage bay, performed cadaver search with his K-9 partner, Gerus, who is trained to detect and alert on the odor of human decomposition. Upon giving the cadaver search command, Jason began his search of the Pontiac Sunfire that belonged to the Anthonys (Casey’s car). Gerus gave a final trained alert at the rear of the passenger finder/trunk.
Franck, Thomas – Name from forwarded email to Casey, provided by Lee Anthony on July 29, 2008. The email appears to be from Mr. Franck (Thomas.Franck@events.universal.com) and tells Casey about an upcoming event. However, when LE tried to respond to this email address, they received a message that the domain was invalid (email does not exist). LE checked with
Leonard Turtora at Universal Studios and determined that Thomas Franck is not an employee and according to the Server Technology Department, they have never used “@events.universal.com” as one of their email addresses.
Fusco, Stephen – OCSO. On page 195 as witness. Need description. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2008-08/41844520.pdf
Gagne, Holly - Former babysitter of Caylee’s. Friend of the Anthony family. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0807/31/ng.01.html
Galaida, Tom – Owner of Tom’s Repair. At Anthony Lazaro’s request, during the morning of June 9, 2008, his black SUV was towed from his home to the repair shop. Tony’s dad paid for the repairs with a credit card over the phone. During the afternoon, Mr. Lazaro came to pick up the vehicle; however, Mr. Galaida did not see how he arrived or who was with him.
Garcia, Harry – Leasing agent who showed Zenaida Gonzalez the apartment at Sawgrass. Provided sworn statement and was shown 12 pictures of women; picked out one who was familiar. Officer said all were the same woman (did he mean had the same name?) but did not give name.
Garrad, Rich– Corporate recruiting specialist for Carlson Restaurants Worldwide (parent company of TGIFriday’s). Casey stated that Raquel Farrell, ZFG’s roommate, was a hostess at TGIF. Mr. Garrad stated that no person is/was employed by them. He tried various versions of the name with no luck.
Garrett, Lyn – Bank of America employee who provided customer sign-in log to law enforcement after possible Caylee sighting. See also Rodriguez, Lorraine and Lamp, Curtis.
Garrison, Larry – Spokesperson for the Anthony family.(Fired November, 2008, for "profiting off of Caylee") Later released he kept money from licensure of photos to NBC. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,405262,00.html
Gibbs, Lauren – Friend of Casey’s since middle school. Was told Caylee’s dad was in the Army and that he had died last year. She was Caylee’s unpaid babysitter during her first 8 months (now and then when needed according to her testimony). Stopped babysitting Caylee in April 2006. She found out that Casey was not working, she was hanging out with friends, and that made her mad. She thought Casey was taking advantage of the situation (she took on-line classes and worked weekends, so she watched Caylee during the week until Cindy got home). She never met or heard of ZG. Lauren last talked with Casey in April to tell her that she (Lauren) was pregnant. On July 16, she got text message that Caylee was missing. She called Casey back, and Casey said she didn’t know who had taken Caylee, but that she had talked to Caylee yesterday, so she was okay. Note: Casey was fired from Universal in April 2006.
Gonzalez, Zenaida (1) (aka Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez) – This is the name of the alleged kidnapper according to Casey Anthony. Although Casey indicated that she had called Zenaida before she dropped Caylee off on June 9 and tried calling her when she tried to pick Caylee up, there are no such calls on her cell phone. Contrary to statements by Casey, Zenaida Gonzalez was never an employee of Universal Studios. Casey had stated that Zenaida was a seasonal employee. Description of Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez: 25 yoa, 5’ 7″ tall, 140 pounds, brown curly hair and brown eyes. Born in September. Allegedly lives at 2863 South Conway Road, #210; however, this apartment has been vacant since February 29, 2008. Drives a 2008 silver Ford Focus purchased by her step-father, Victor Fernandez. She has a sister who is 1-2 years older, Samantha, unsure of last name.
Gonzalez, Zenaida (2) – Woman who visited Sawgrass Apartments. Lives in Kissimmee, FL. Gave sworn statement to Investigators Awilda McBryde and Kari Roderick saying she did not know Casey or Caylee Anthony. Full name unknown although harry Garcia completed form as C. Zenaida Gonzalez. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media/acrobat/2008-08/41844520.pdf (page 50, bottom). All her signed documents are signed only with Zenaida Gonzalez and intialed ZG.
Goodwin, Estelle – Friend of Tony’s. He and Casey hung out at her house after going to the movies on May 31. At this time, no other connection.
Grund, Jesse – Engaged to Casey at one time. DNA test taken soon after Caylee’s birth showed he was not Caylee’s father . Cindy mentioned Jesse as the person who had taken Casey to the hospital earlier in the year for a seizure. He contacted LE before they called him. He said that Casey was a habitual liar. On June 24, he had received a call from Casey. She was trying to cheer him up after a recent job loss, and wanted to get together that weekend because Caylee was with the nanny, and they had gone to the beach for the weekend. After learning that Caylee was missing, he called LE to give statement because it contradicted what Casey had been telling everyone. Missing Persons Investigator Awilda McBryde later obtained a sworn statement from Jesse regarding this information. He has taken a polygraph and answers were satisfactory to LE. He is not considered a suspect but rather is a witness.
Hawkins, Mark – Active duty Marine stationed in 29 Palms, CA. He and Casey communicated on almost a daily basis via telephone and Internet. Casey said she was planning a trip to CA and she needed to tell him something. She had told her mother and brother and did not know how he would react to what she had to tell him. He had heard that Caylee’s father was deceased and that he was a security guard at Universal Studios.
Hemphill, Sue – Is her last name Hemfield? One of two OCSO detectives who obtained sworn audio statement from Karen Angel, RN, at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab Center. See also Kraubetz, Kevin.
Hopkins, Jeffrey Dale and Hopkins, Melissa – Parents of Jeffrey Dale Hopkins II. They live at 8406 Jefferson Boulevard; howver, their son does not. Said his cell phone was out of service. Parents deny any knowledge of Casey Anthony and said they knew all of their son’s friends. On July 16, 2008, at about 0500 hours (5 a.m.), they received a call identified by their caller IDd as “Anthony Casey 407-619-9286”; neither of them answered. Caller did not leave voice message.
Hopkins, Jeffrey Dale II – Went to high school with Casey Anthony (graduated 2003). Had not seen her for years until beginning of July when he ran into her while they were eating with separate parties at the Orlando Ale House (631 North Alafaya Trail). They had a brief conversation and returned to their meals. He has never met Caylee Anthony and no idea why Casey had called his parent’s residence. He does have son but never recommended any babysitter to Casey. Photo from MySpace page.
Hopkins, Jeffrey Michael – According to Casey, Jeff is one of the two people (see Lewis, Juliette) she told that Caylee was missing. Said he worked at Universal Studios with her. Further investigation found that he had been fired May 13, 2002. Casey says he lives in Jacksonville, FL. It was through Jeff Hopkins that Casey says she first met Zenaida Gonzalez, around December 2004. ZG babysat Jeff’s son Zachary for approximately six months. According to Casey, she had contacted Jeff several times during the time Caylee has been missing to find out whether Jeff had heard from Zenaida.
Hosey, Sgt. Reggie – LE who took initial report of missing person; Notified Yuri Melich of report of missing child, later identified as Caylee Marie Anthony.
House, Roy Clint – aka Clint House. Anthony Lazzaro’s former business partner and roommate. Although Casey was on her laptop “doing work” all the time when she was at the apartment, most of what he saw was her on Facebook. Casey talked about the babysitter but never by name, and no babysitter came to apartment to drop Caylee off or pick her up. Last saw Caylee June 13, 2008, and it was after he came forward with this statement that the Anthony family changed their story and told about Caylee visiting her great-grandpa at the nursing home. Answered questions on Scared Monkeys website on September 25. . IMO, honest and sincere and cares only about finding Caylee. http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=3433.0
Huizenga, Amy – Told Cindy where Casey could be found on July 15. She claims Casey picked her up at the airport around 1430 hours (2:30 p.m.) on July 15 in her (Amy’s) car. Amy had loaned Casey her car for the week she was gone. Amy claims Casey stole some checks and approximately $700. Amy lives with Ricardo Morales at 232 Glendwood Drive. Amy cannot recall the last time she saw Caylee. The address is somewhat important because it is across the street from one of the sites that Casey indicated was the home of Zenaida Gonzalez and her roommates (Raquel Farrell and Jennifer Rosa).
Irwin, Michael – OCSO Commander. Conducted investigation of Anthony backyard on July 17, 2008, with OCSOs and CSIs.
Jay Blanchard Park – According to Casey, she says that this was Caylee’s favorite park. I know this is not a “who” but put it in anyway.
Kispert, Michael – OCSO deputy, who along with Pete Marino, Detective, Sexual Offender Squad. Marino, conducted canvass of the Sawgrass Apartments for Caylee Anthony. Also met with Amanda Macklin and Harry Garcia.
Kissh, Marie M. – Is her name Maria-Acquaintance of Casey. Met her through her boyfriend Clint who is a close friend of Tony Lazaro’s. Last saw Casey and Caylee June 10, 11, or 12, 2008, at Tony’s apartment. Saw Casey June 20, 2008, at Tony’s apartment. Casey told her Caylee was with her nanny, who was a friend of hers, but never mentioned the nanny’s name. Casey had mentioned that Caylee’s father was deceased. Casey lived with her parents, but her parents had moved out of the house in early July. Casey worked at Universal Studios. Ms. Kissh felt that Casey had a lack of attention toward Caylee.
Kokkinos, Chris – Owner of home where birthday party for Daniel Howard was thrown. Tony and Casey meet for the firs time. Casey had said she wanted to go to the party; Tony gave her directions, and she showed up with two friends, Troy and Amy.
Kraubetz, Kevin – OCSO deputy who, along with Detective Dave Clarke met with Amanda Macklin, community manager of Sawgrass Apartments. Left card on Dante Salati’s apartment and left card with Annie Downing’s father. Helped search Tony Lazaro’s apartment. One of two OCSO detectives who obtained sworn audio statement from Karen Angel, RN, at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab Center. See also Hemphill, Sue. Spoke with Shirley Pleasea, Cindy’s mom, about last time she saw Caylee.
Lake Vaj – Nickname (think female genitalia) for house (typical bachelor pad) owned by Exit13 on Websleuths (identity not revealed during discussion). House is near Young Pine Landfill. Source for this information: http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71620
Lamp, Curtis – Man who believed he saw Caylee Anthony in the Bank of America at 33 East Main, Apopka, FL on July 18, 2008, around (:30-9:45. LE met with Lyn Garrett and Lorraine Rodriguez (BOA employees) who turned over customer sign-in sheet. Working with Roy Gonzalez, Security, it was determined that the child was not Caylee, but was the granddaughter of a regular customer, Pat Cooper.
Lazzaro, Anthony (Tony) – Casey’s boyfriend; originally from New Jersey. Met Casey online (Facebook). Claims he first heard of Caylee’s disappearance by deputies coming to his house early morning July 16. He met Casey in May and has been dating her since June. Has never met Zenaida and does not know where she lives. He had contacted Amy Huizenga and had her contact LE. Casey has lived with him since June 9, 2008, and had mentioned several times that Caylee was with the nanny at Disney, Universal Studios, or the beach. Casey never gave any indication that Caylee was endangered or missing. Detective Gerald White later obtained a sworn statement from Anthony regarding this information. It was Tony who picked Casey up at the Amscot parking lot; she’d called him saying her car had run out of gas. She was outside the car with bags of groceries. He offered to look at car; she said her dad would take care of it. A couple days later he went on vacation (NY) and she told him story of what was wrong with the car (all lies since car was towed from Amscot). According to Nate, Tony’s temporary roommate, on June 27, 2008, Tony left between 11 a.m.-1 p.m. to pick up Casey after the car had run out of gas. (Nancy Grace Transcript 09/09/2008 http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0809/09/ng.01.html) Tony answered questions on
Scared Monkeys website http://scaredmonkeys.net/index.php?topic=3434.0 on September 25. IMO, honest and sincere and no connection to Caylee’s disappearance.
Lee, Ricardo – OCSO detective who met with Bobby Lee Williams and Lance Charles White at Cast Iron Tattoo Shop. Also met with Matthew Crisp at his apartment and Dannielle Lucey-Austin at Chuck-e-Cheese to get surveillance tape. Turned recorded audio testimony and the VHS surveillance tape over to Yuri Melich.
Lennington, Anne – Director of Avante at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab, where Casey Anthony’s grandfather lives. Provided sign-in sheet from June 15, 2008 (Fathers Day) which showed that Cindy and Caylee Anthony visited that day.
Lett, Nicole Lorraine – Office employee at Johnson’s Wrecker East. On July 15, 2008, George Anthony arrived at the tow yard and asked about the cost and requirements to recover a car. She told him what he would need, the cost and advised him that Johnson’s only accepted cash. He said he did not have the cash and would return. Hours later, he returned with his wife, Cindy Anthony, who appeared upset. She summoned Mr. Birch to speak with them, and when George presented her with the title, his driver license, and the cash, she completed the transaction. She then walked to the rear patio to smoke a cigarette, where she overheard George Anthony tell Mr. Birch he had found his daughter, but his granddaughter was missing.
Lewis, Juliette – According to Casey, Juliette is one of the two people (See Jeffrey Michael Hopkins) she told that Caylee was missing. Casey says she worked at Universal with Juliette; however, when Yuri Melich met with Leonard Turtora, records showed that Juliette was never an employee.
Lopez, Ryan – Friend of Tony Lazaro’s. He and Casey went to barbeque at Ryan’s on June 1, 2008. Apartment at Pegasus Connection. At this time, does not seem to be any other connection.
Lucey-Austin, Dannielle E. – Manager of Chuck-e-Cheese Restaurant at 541 West Highway 436 in Altamonte Springs, FL. She provided video surveillance tape to Yuri Melich from July 15 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Macklin, Amanda – Manager of Sawgrass Apartments. Met with Yuri Melich and Dave Turner, but when shown a photo of Caylee, said she did not recognize her. Ran name Zenaida Gonzalez through database for LE and gave LE card completed by Zenaida on June 17, 2008. Card included her cell phone number, 407-219-6558. In subsequent interview, she said she had watched news reports and did not recognize George Anthony, Casey Anthony or Cindy Anthony.
Manderville, Tom – OCSO. Along with Michael Segreaves, OCSO, met with Barbara J. Carey, supervisor at the U.S. post office at 501 North Semoran Boulevard. They inquired whether Ms. Carey knew a Zenaida Gonzalez or Zenaida Rosado. They did have an employee, Zenaida Gonzalez, but her name was changed to Rosado when she married. She currently works at the post office at 650 North Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL. However, her husband, Carmelo Rosado is currently employed at the Semoran branch but was not available at the time to be interviewed. They then went to the Alafaya branch to interview Zenaida. She had not gone by Gonzalez for about 2 years. She was shown pictures of Casey and Caylee and said she did not know either of them. Interview was digitally recorded and turned over to Awilda McBryde, Missing Persons. Conducted neighborhood canvass on Hopespring; see Dickens, Bailey and Joyce.
Manley, Tom – Fictitious name of Casey’s supervisor in Events, Universal Studios. She subsequently admitted that she was not currently employed at Universal Studios.
Marino, Pete – Detective, Sexual Offender Squad. Marino, along with Michael Kispert, OCSO deputy, conducted door-to-door canvass for Caylee Anthony.
Mattson, Tom – Head of Events, Universal Studios. Casey had stated that her supervisor was
Tom Manley; however, no such employee existed.
McBryde, Awilda – Missing Persons Investigator who obtained Jesse Grund’s sworn statement.
Along with Kari Roderick, obtained sworn statement from the Zenaida Gonzalez identified through Sawgrass Apartments. Zenaida was shown picture of both Casey and Caylee Anthony.
McCabe, Joy – OCSO.
McCoy, William – OCSO.Contacted Eli Sleiman regarding possible sighting of Caylee Anthony on July 15, 2008, at Chuck-e-Cheese at 7419 International Drive, Orlando, FL. Do have video surveillance but were not sure how long tapes kept. Manager was not at store when LE called (several times) on July 17, 2008.
McDonald, Heather – From Lee Anthony’s email to LE: Casey’s coworker at Kodak/Colorvision, 321-437-4997. She confirmed there was a Jeff that worked as tech guy for Kodak until he switched to Disney water park in 2004-2005; unsure of last name. Also confirmed that Casey hung out with Juliette who worked there; unsure of last name. Casey told him that these were the people helping to search for Caylee; Jeff in Jacksonville and Juliette in Orlando, until a few days before July 15, when she moved out of state somewhere.
Melich, Corporal Yuri – Orange County Deputy Sheriff Detective and Child Abuse Investigator who interviewed Casey Anthony on July 16, 2008. Yuri was also the detective who testified at the July 22, 2008, bond hearing. http://www.myfoxorlando.com/myfox/MyFox/pages/sidebar_video.jsp?contentId=7039465&version=1&locale=EN-US
Melich, Samara – OCSO deputy who, on July 23, followed up on tip given by Wanda Wery and her son, Nicholas Hunt on a possible Caylee sighting on July 2, 2008, at Orlando International Airport. Detective David Hall, OCSO, who works at Orlando International Airport, notified Deputy Melich that the last date available for video surveillance tapes was July 8, 2008.
Moore, William – OCSO.
Morales, Ricardo – During summer 2007, he attended party in Orlando (from Tampa), where he met Casey Anthony. Met again February 2008 and dated until late April/early May 2008. Casey and Caylee Anthony spent night at his apartment on several occasions, all three of them sharing a bed. Once they stopped dating, he only saw Casey out at clubs or parties, or when she came to visit Amy Huizenga, who he was now dating, and who had moved into his apartment. Casey and Caylee Anthony spent the night at his apartment on June 9, 2008. Morales saw them the morning of June 10, 2008, when he left for work.
Nate – Friend and temporary roommate of Tony’s who stayed at his apartment during June-July. Said Casey was not allowed at the apartment if one of them was not going to be there; she did not have a key to the apartment. He and Tony were playing video games when Cindy came to the apartment to get Casey on July 15, 2008. Does not seem to be any other connection to the case.
Nieves, Captain Angelo – Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Oaks, Joseph and Stacy – Last occupants of Apartment 210, which Casey says was Zenaida’s (in Sawgrass Apartments). Evicted February 25, 2008; apartment empty since February 29.
Ortiz, Jesus – Friend of Casey’s. He died in a car accident on May 8, 2007 in Orlando, FL. One of the many possible candidates for father of Casey.
Padilla, Leonard – Bondsman from California. Has television show on Discovery Channel. Discovery denies connection between them and the Casey Anthony case as being reason Padilla is involved.
Pasley, Ryan – Friends with Casey since about age 4 or 5. Has never heard of the nanny, and finds it odd that Casey says she had known Zanaida or Zani for four years, but has never mentioned the name to him. He says that the name Casey would refer to as the nanny was a caucasian name like Krista or Kristen (Noway Note: Lauren Gibbs was Casey’s babysitter until April 2006), but never a hispanic name like Zanaida. Cindy told him she didn’t think it was a good idea for him to keep talking to Casey because she thought Casey was a sociopath. After Caylee went missing, Ryan found out that Casey had told her mother that she and Ryan worked together at Sports Authority; however, Casey never worked there.
Plesea, Alex and Shirley – Cindy Anthony’s father and mother, Casey Anthony’s grandparents, Caylee’s great-grandparents. There is a picture of Alex and Caylee taken together on June 15, 2008, at Avante at Mount Dora Nursing and Rehab Center, where Alex lives. This shows that Caylee is alive as of June 15, 2008; Casey stated that she had not seen Caylee since June 9, 2008. Shirley stated that after visting Alex, they returned to her home and had dinner together. Cindy and Caylee left after that.
Plesea, Rick, Cindy's Brother, with whom she had a heated email debacle.
Pletzer, Cara – Sister of Troy Brown. Attends grad school and does babysitting. During discussion with Troy about babysitting, she said how much she got paid, and he felt that was a low amount and that they should ask Casey since she had a nanny. When they were at Ricardo’s house watching the college national basketball championships, he asked Casey but she never gave him concrete answer … just said “I pay her a lot. She’s fine. Don’t worry about her.”
Remy, Melissa – Government Analyst, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Missing Endangered Persons Information Clearinghouse. Performed wage and hour check on Casey Anthony, which showed that Casey’s last place of employment is from the first quarter of 2006, Event Imaging Solutions, Inc., 3201 East Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL. .
Ridgeway, Gary – Tow truck driver who towed Pontiac Sunfire to Johnson’s Wrecker East. On June 30, 2008, at about 8:50 a.m., he was dispatched to 7501 East Colonial Drive (Amscot Financial) to tow a car. He arrived at 9:06 a.m. and met with Catherine Sanchez, an Amscot employee, who signed the towing request. The Pontiac was parked next to the dumpster with the front of the car next to the curb. He towed it to Johnson’s Wrecker East at about 9:16 a.m., and went back into service at 10 a.m. He did not notice any damage to the car and did not smell any odors coming from it; however, he recalled that he had a cold on June 30, and could not smell anything.
Rivera, Pedro A. – OCSO detective who obtained sworn audio recorded testimony from Danny Colamarino, Maria Kissh, Sean Daly and Jonathan Daly. Returned impounded evidence. See
Beasley, Charity.
Roderick, Kari – Investigator, who along with Awilda McBryde, obtained sworn statement from the Zenaida Gonzalez identified through Sawgrass Apartments. Zenaida was shown picture of both Casey and Caylee Anthony
Rodriguez, Lorraine – Bank of America employee who provided customer sign-in log to law enforcement after possible Caylee sighting. See also Garrett, Lyn and Lamp, Curtis.
Rosa, Jennifer – According to Casey, she is one of Zenaida’s roommates (see also Raquel Farrell) and works at ABC Distribution in Orlando. Company may have warehouse here and headquarters is possibly Miami.
Rusciano, Anthony “Tony” – Rookie cop, friend of Jesse Grund, who got fired for having an affair with Casey and lying about it. Jesse met Tony at police academy. Another cop was involved with Casey but his name is unknown at this time.
Salamat, Michael – OCSO deputy.
Salati, Dante – Has been casual friend of Casey’s for 8 years; he has lived in the Sawgrass Apartments (same apartment) for three years. See Downing, Annie. Worked at Don Reid Ford; quit as of June 17 (last day). Worked at Muscle Cars and Handlebars on Orange and Landstreet, but posted on July 13, that the job at Muscle Cars did not work out, and he would be moving to another shop, but not sure where. “Teddy bear” of a guy according to Exit13, and in no way should be considered a suspect in anything to do with disappearance of Caylee Anthony. http://ls1tech.com/forums/search.php...duser&u=100993 Dante also came on Websleuths (as Nitrouspwrdss) and answered questions, and this description has been revised to reflect some of his answers. He had never heard of or met “Zanny the Nanny.” http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71666
Sanchez, Catherine – Branch manager of Amscot Financial at 7051 East Colonial Drive, which is the location from which Casey Anthony’s car was towed. On June 27, 2008, at 7 a.m., she observed the car parked next to the dumpster but took no action until the next day when she notified the Amscot corporate office. The corporate office instructed her to contact LE to ensure it was not stolen, and if not stolen, to wait another day and have it towed. She called the Orange County Sheriff’s office and was advised it was not stolen. On June 30, when she saw the car was still there, she called Johnson’s Wrecker, and a driver did tow the car. A sworn statement was obtained from Ms. Sanchez. On July 24, 2008, subpoena was served to Amscot Financial for financial records related to Casey Anthony.
Savage, Nick – FBI agent to whom flight information was forwarded. See Wery, Wanda.
Schieber, Brittany – Interviewed by Deputy Michael Segreaves and Tom Manderville. She hs known Casey since she was 5 years old but stopped hanging out with her after graduation from high school. On June 9, 2008, she started getting MySpace messages inviting her to go to the club (Fusion). Continued receiving messages until June 25. On July 16, she received text message from Casey: Caylee is missing. She has been missing for the last 32 days …” She corresponded with Casey regarding this message and Casey told her to keep an eye out for “a silver Ford Focus, 4-door. Ms. Scheiber still had the emails and copied them into a Word file. She agreed to come to the station so that the text messages could be downloaded by computer forensics.
Segreaves, Michael – OCSO. Along with Tom Manderville, OCSO, met with Barbara J. Carey, supervisor at the U.S. post office at 501 North Semoran Boulevard. They inquired whether Ms. Carey knew a Zenaida Gonzalez or Zenaida Rosado. They did have an employee, Zenaida Gonzalez, but her name was changed to Rosado when she married. She currently works at the post office at 650 North Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL. However, her husband, Carmelo Rosado is currently employed at the Semoran branch but was not available at the time to be interviewed. They then went to the Alafaya branch to interview Zenaida. She had not gone by Gonzalez for about 2 years. She was shown pictures of Casey and Caylee and said she did not know either of them. Interview was digitally recorded and turned over to Awilda McBryde, Missing Persons. Conducted neighborhood canvass on Hopespring; see Dickens, Bailey and Joyce. Also interviewed Brittany Schieber.
Selig, Glenn – Everyone’s favorite PR guy (clients include Drew Peterson and Joel Brodsky) now working with Casey. http://www.prnewschannel.com/absolutenm/templates/?a=794&z=11
Simpson, Renee K. – Assistant Vice President of Admissions & Records at Valencia Community College. Provided written statement that Casey Anthony never applied for or attended classes at Valencia Community College.
Sleiman, Eli – Witness to possible Caylee sighting on July 15, 2008. Around 11 a.m., he and his 7-year-old son noticed a girl, age 2-3, with ponytails standing by herself. He pointed her out to his son because she looked like someone they know; the son agreed. LE contacted Chuck-e-Cheese to get surveillance tapes. See Dannielle Lucy-Austin.
Snow, Brandon – aka The Snowman. Friend of Casey’s. According to Exit13 (Websleuths), he is not Caylee’s father (http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71652) since he was not in Florida in November 2004 (when Casey became pregnant). http://websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=71784&page=4 (post 97) He did date Casey during 2006-2007. Casey ran into Brandon on May 25 at the “Anything But Clothes” party at Lake Vaj; she told Amy that she had been impregnated by Brandon (see Amy’s testimony in http://www.orlandosentinel.com/media...9/42528488.pdf ) and suffered a miscarriage. This story was not believed to be related to her pregnancy with Caylee.
Strickland, Stan Judge: Signed court order to get Anthony Lazaro’s cell phone records. He is also the judge to whom Casey appeared in front of. My favorite quote: "Not a bit of useful information has been provided by Ms. Anthony as to the whereabouts of her daughter. And I would add that the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers."
Stutz, Chris – Casey’s former boyfriend. Source of information that follows is http://www.wftv.com/download/2008/0926/17564652.pdf. Met Casey while playing football with her friends. Began dating March or April 2007 and throughout the summer. At this time, Casey said she worked at Sports Authority. Long-distance relationship did not work out. Saw Casey a few times in May and June. On June 17 she came to his house driving dark colored Jeep Cherokee. Distressed because her parents were getting divorced (George cheating on Cindy). Talked about her and Caylee getting house. On July 15 around 9:30 a.m., he saw a girl who looked like Casey jogging down Chickasaw. He texted Casey and asked her if she was running down Chickasaw, but she said ‘no’ and that was the end of that. July 16, he got text message about Caylee being missing for 32 days. Casey called Chris later that night around 11:30 p.m. from jail, but he hung up without taking the call. He called his parents back and asked what he should do; they said not to take the call. Casey called back a few minutes later but he did not talk to her and has not talked to her or seen her since she was arrested. Several of Casey’s friends met with George and Cindy at their house, giving them any information they could … around July 19 or 26 or so.
Tighe, Dianne – Vice President, Human Resources, Colorvision. Testified that Casey Anthony, Jeff Hopkins, and Juliette Lewis never worked for Colorvision.
Torres-Cruz, Kiomarie – Casey’s childhood friend who says Casey told her that she wanted to give Caylee up for adoption but Cindy wouldn’t let her. She herself said she would adopt Caylee because the doctor had told her she could not have kids. She had initially contacted LE saying she had received call from Casey on July 9; however, later recanted story saying she spoke with Casey Williams. Gave LE the number from which Williams had called (no longer in service) but her boyfriend, under whose name the phone was listed, would not provided detailed cell phone bill. She also brought LE to a teenage hideout she and Casey had. Did not know Zenaida Gonzalez but did know “Ida” or something close (possibly Yvette) Gonzales who lived down the street from the Anthonys on Hopespring Drive.
Turner, Dave – Maintenance man at Sawgrass Apartments. Met with Yuri Melich and Amanda Macklin, but when shown a photo of Caylee (? Casey ? ), said he did not recognize her.
Turtora, Leonard – Investigator at Universal Studios who provided employment information about Jeffrey Hopkins, Juliette Lewis, and Zenaida Gonzalez.
Vincent, Michael – CSI investigator. Conducted investigation of Anthony backyard with other CSIs and K-9 units.
Waters, William – Casey was seeing him while Tony out of town. Visited Casey when she was arrested.
Wells, Appling – Also referred to as Apple, Appie, and/or Happy Wells, by Casey during jail video visits. OCSO detective, along with, Sgt. Allen, picked up Casey at 4937 Hopespring Drive (home of George and Cindy Anthony) and brought her to Universal Studios to determine where her office was. After admitting she did not work there, at a time when Casey was with Detective Wells, Yuri Melich called the Zenaida Gonzalez identified from the Sawgrass Apartments. She denied knowing Casey or Caylee Anthony and also denied babysitting for anyone. She provided sworn statement to Missing Persons Investigator Awilda McBryde and Investigator Kari Roderick. Involvement with this case also include face-to-face interviews with Brian Burner, Kiomarie Torres-Cruz, and representatives from the Bank of America in Apopka, FL. Also assisted in search of Tony Lazaro’s apartment and canvass of Sutton Place Apartments (Tony’s), including screening telephone calls regarding the canvass. Assisted Garardo Bloise in bagging shovel borrowed from Casey’s neighbor, Brian Burner. Also examined Anthony’s back yard and reported what she saw to Sgt. John Allen via phone.
Wery, Wanda – Woman who believed she saw Caylee Anthony on July 2 around 6:30 p.m. boarding flight at Orlando International Airport. She was not able to give description to sketch artist; however, her 14-year old son Nicholas Hunt did.
White, Jerold – OCSO detective who obtained Tony Lazaro’s sworn statement, interviewed
Ricardo Morales, and obtained court order for Casey’s cell phone records from Judge Evans. These records showed no numbers belonging to Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, Jeff Hopkins or Juliette Lewis. No call from private number around time she said she got call from ZFG. Closest calls were from Tony Lazaro and Kyle. Conducted audio recorded interview of Tom Galaida, owner of shop where Tony Lazaros’ car was repaired.
White, Lance Charles – Knows Casey because she comes in the shop often. Knows her through the Dalys (Jonathan and Sean) who went to high school with Casey. Last saw her on July 15, 2008, in the shop. She said she was moving out of her parents’ house, and when asked about Caylee, said she was with the nanny.
Williams, Bobby Lee – employee of Cast Iron Tattoo. He is the tattoo artist who did Bella Vita (Beautiful Life). Knows Casey from the tattoo shop. Last saw her on July 15, 2008, in the shop. She was talking with his boss, who asked about Caylee. Casey said she was fine, and she would bring Caylee with her on July 19 (date of next appointment).
Williams, Derrick – Society Entertainment; lived at Sawgrass until 2 years ago. Says he does not have anything to do with Casey or with Caylee’s disappearance. http://www.cafemom.com/group/53387/b...mer_210_tenant Derrick was Tony Lazaro’s boss. He ran the entertainment/promotion company that was promoting Fusian, the club Casey frequented.[/size]
Williams, Ryan – OCSO deputy.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Police Arrest Suspect in Sex Assault Slaying of Reno Teen Brianna Denison

Police arrested a suspect in the kidnapping, rape and killing of Reno teenager Brianna Denison, ending an exhaustive 10-month-long manhunt for the college student's alleged murderer.
James Michael Biela, 27, of Sparks, Nev., was taken into custody about 9 p.m. Tuesday and booked at the Washoe County Jail on suspicion of kidnapping, murder and sexual assault, authorities said. He is being held without bail.
Denison, 19, was abducted while she was sleeping at a friend's house during winter break in January. Police said a secret witness and DNA were crucial to cracking the case.
At an afternoon news conference about the arrest, the girl's aunt Lauren Denison thanked police for getting the suspect "off the streets."
"Can you believe it?" Lauren Denison told the Reno Gazette-Journal earlier Wednesday. "The police said the DNA came back, and it's him. ... This is what we have been waiting for."
Reno investigators told reporters that a secret witness was key to capturing Biela. The witness' information "indicated that Biela's activities and behavior made him a likely suspect," police said.
DNA was also critical in arresting the suspect, according to authorities. Biela, who was taken into custody at Stepping Stones Children's Center in Reno, provided a DNA sample that matched evidence collected at the scene where Denison's body was found in February.
Police said they collected DNA evidence at the crime scene that linked the suspect to Denison's murder and at least two other sexually-motivated attacks on women on or near the campus between October and December of 2007.
The district attorney vowed to fight for the maximum sentence possible.
Denison, a sophomore at Santa Barbara City College in California, was kidnapped about 4:30 a.m. Jan. 20 as she slept in the living room of a friend's rented home near the University of Nevada's Reno campus. The teen had likely been visible through a glass door, according to police.
Her body was found in near a business park in south Reno on Feb. 15 after a massive search. An autopsy determined she had been raped and strangled and left there about a week earlier.
Investigators said from the beginning they believed the suspect, who taunted police by leaving two pair of intertwined women's panties at the site where Denison's body was found, lived nearby. Public records show Biela has lived in the Reno area since 2002.
Denison graduated from Reno High School in 2006. She was visiting her hometown during winter break when she was kidnapped and killed.
The Associated Press
Many Questions Despite Arrest in Murder of TV Anchorwoman

Thursday, November 27, 2008
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Police for weeks had neither a suspect nor a motive in the beating death of a popular television anchorwoman.
A suspect is now in custody, but many questions remain unanswered.
Officers arrested Curtis Lavelle Vance, 28, at a home in Little Rock on Wednesday night — tipped to his location after police held a late-evening news conference to reveal him as their suspect, said Lt. Terry Hastings, a police spokesman.
Left: Curtis Lavelle Vance
Vance was charged with capital murder in the death of Anne Pressly. The 26-year-old anchorwoman, who had a small part in the President George W. Bush biopic "W," died Oct. 25 — five days after being severely beaten in what police described as a random attack at her home.
Investigators interviewed Vance late Wednesday and early Thursday morning, Hastings said.
Vance lived in Marianna, in eastern Arkansas, but had numerous contacts in central Arkansas, Police Chief Stuart Thomas said. He named Vance as the suspect earlier Wednesday night and said Vance was traveling with a woman, three kids, a pistol and "lots of extra ammunition."
Within an hour of the news conference's end, officers were at a home south of downtown. Vance apparently was not armed when arrested, Hastings said early Thursday.
Police did not disclose what led them to suspect Vance. Thomas said only that the capital murder charge was based on "a very, very solid case due to solid detective work."
Hastings said previously that DNA and other evidence from the scene gave police a portrait of the person they were looking for, though they did not have a name until this month.
Hastings said Thursday that police would not disclose how they obtained DNA to match to a possible suspect, adding "We're going to be very tightlipped on this case, pretrial."
One of Pressly's credit cards was used at a gas station after the beating, but Hastings said security camera footage didn't provide a good look at the person using it.
Pressly lived alone in the city's Pulaski Heights section, a mix of mansions and bungalows near a country club. Her mother, visiting from out of town at the time of the attack but not staying at her daughter's home, found Pressly on Oct. 20, a half-hour before the anchorwoman was due on KATV's "Daybreak" program. The mother checked on her daughter after she didn't answer her daily wake-up call.
The anchorwoman had been beaten severely on the head and upper torso. She never regained consciousness.
Pressly was a native of Greenville, S.C., and moved with her family to Little Rock while she was in high school. She was a graduate of Rhodes College in Memphis, Tenn., which has discussed establishing a scholarship to honor her.
In the Oliver Stone movie "W" — the subject of a news story she covered as the film was being shot in Shreveport, La. — Pressly appeared briefly as a conservative commentator who speaks favorably of Bush's "Mission Accomplished" event on an aircraft carrier after the start of the Iraq war.
Hastings said he did not know if Vance had an attorney. He said a public defender would likely be appointed to the case.
Vance was being held Thursday at the Pulaski County Jail, awaiting a Friday morning arraignment.
Ann Coulter's jaw wired shut! We're sooo sad....

It is reported that right-wing agitator and controversy-seeker Ann Coulter's jaw is wired tightly shut.
I know, I know. If the report is true, It's almost as if our prayers have been answered.
Apparently it was broken, but by whom, no one seems to be sure. We could hazard a guess, but why throw roses yet.
The blogosphere is already aquiver over the idea of a forced Coulter Moment of Silence.
Finally, the Right Wing Barbie Doll has to shut up. This is, after all, the woman who called 2004 VP nominee John Edwards the F-word in 2007 while speaking at the concervative Political Action conference.
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you say "faggot", so I'm--so, kind of at an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards, so I think I'll just conclude here and take your questions."
The rehab reference was a right-wing joke (and we use the term loosely) about actor Isaiah Washington using that word for his “Grey’s Anatomy” co-star T.R. Knight and been forced by the network to undergo psychological treatment.
But her unfunny comments drew criticism from all fields, Democrats, Republicans and gay rights groups.
But here’s the best part about the Coulter broken jaw news. No really, this is really good: Seems she has a brand new book titled "GUILTY” due out in early January and, of course, was all booked on TV and radio talk shows to discuss the “much-needed reality check on a Left gone wild," declares the book's jacket.
Her latest work reportedly exposes and mocks the media's love affair with all things Democrat and all things President-elect Barack Obama.
Too bad Ann won’t be able to say a word about her new book.
That’s just a gosh darn shame...
Casey Anthony Searches One Tree Hill 100th Episode=Clips From Nanny Kidnaping
One Tree Hill 100th Episode - This is the episode Casey Anthony searched on her computer.
This is not the entire episode. Only a few clips of the "nanny kidnapping"....
Nanny Carrie kidnaps Jamie from Naley and Jamie's wedding
part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv658bmshsM Nanny Carrie Takes Jamie
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wZaxRA6RTk The Grandfather (Dan) Brings Jamie Home.
Dan is Jamie Sr, father and a killer - he was not allowed at the church=everyone thought that it was Dan that took Jamie instead of Nanny Carrie.
The song in the background on the last clip is "Apologies"
Sorry for embedding issues. This is what I could find "on a whim" (Casey-ism)
One Tree Hill courtesy: CW
This is not the entire episode. Only a few clips of the "nanny kidnapping"....
Nanny Carrie kidnaps Jamie from Naley and Jamie's wedding
part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv658bmshsM Nanny Carrie Takes Jamie
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wZaxRA6RTk The Grandfather (Dan) Brings Jamie Home.
Dan is Jamie Sr, father and a killer - he was not allowed at the church=everyone thought that it was Dan that took Jamie instead of Nanny Carrie.
The song in the background on the last clip is "Apologies"
Sorry for embedding issues. This is what I could find "on a whim" (Casey-ism)
One Tree Hill courtesy: CW
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today's question:
What are you most thankful for? Be honest!
To get things going, I'll go first.
I am thankful for my family. My daughters, my pets, and their health. I am thankful that despite, my cancer has returned, and is metastasis, at the moment, I am stable. I am so glad I got to have my cancer treatment last week, instead of this week. I am thankful my immediate family is together for dinner at home.
I am thankful for all the many wonderful people I have met through my blog, as well as others, and their beautiful prayers and caring. I know they are genuine and I could feel them last week during my treatment. People whom I have never met, taking time to pray for me and to have thoughts for me for my speedy recovery is just totally overpowering and good.
Would love for you to share what you are thankful for. I love reading about the readers. After cooking, or eating, take a break, and let me know!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and most of all.
What are you most thankful for? Be honest!
To get things going, I'll go first.
I am thankful for my family. My daughters, my pets, and their health. I am thankful that despite, my cancer has returned, and is metastasis, at the moment, I am stable. I am so glad I got to have my cancer treatment last week, instead of this week. I am thankful my immediate family is together for dinner at home.
I am thankful for all the many wonderful people I have met through my blog, as well as others, and their beautiful prayers and caring. I know they are genuine and I could feel them last week during my treatment. People whom I have never met, taking time to pray for me and to have thoughts for me for my speedy recovery is just totally overpowering and good.
Would love for you to share what you are thankful for. I love reading about the readers. After cooking, or eating, take a break, and let me know!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and most of all.
Guilty verdict on lesser charges in MySpace case

A Los Angeles federal jury today convicted a Missouri mother of misdemeanor charges in the nationally watched MySpace cyber-bullying case involving the suicide of a 13-year-old girl. But the jury rejected more serious felony charges against Lori Drew.
Drew, 49, was accused of violating federal computer statutes and one count of conspiracy for creating the MySpace account in the name of a fictitious 16-year-old boy and using it to engage in an online relationship with 13-year-old Megan Meier.
Meier, of Dardenne Prairie, Mo., hanged herself Oct. 16, 2006, after the fictitious boy, “Josh Evans,” told her the world would be a better place without her, prosecutors alleged.
During the five-day trial in front of U.S. District Judge George H. Wu, prosecutors sought to portray Drew as a callous and reckless woman who gleefully took part in the hoax on Meier, despite knowing the girl had struggled with depression for years and had a vulnerable psyche.
Among the government’s witnesses were a close friend of Drew’s, a business associate and her hairdresser, each of whom testified that Drew had admitted playing a role in the hoax.
Drew’s attorney, H. Dean Steward, had accused the government of overreaching by prosecuting his client for something that people routinely do on the Internet: Create bogus identities. He also sought to cast Megan as a deeply troubled teen who had already considered suicide and who was taking an antidepressant medication that carried a warning of suicidal tendencies as a potential side effect. Authorities in Missouri investigated the circumstances surrounding Megan’s death in the months after it occurred but concluded there was no statute under which Drew could be charged.
Thomas P. O’Brien, the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, claimed jurisdiction over the case based on the fact that MySpace is based in Beverly Hills.
Documents Show Casey Anthony Searched Neck-Breaking On Computer

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Newly released court documents show Casey Anthony searched for information on chloroform, types of shovels and neck-breaking on her computer in the time before her young daughter Caylee disappeared.
The documents show Casey searched those items in March, at the same time she was also looking on missing children web sites. Casey reported her daughter missing in June. Casey claims she left Caylee with a babysitter but that person has never been found and Casey now stands charged with Caylee’s murder.
Some of the information found on Casey’s computer also related to the chemicals peroxide, acetone and alcohol, which can be used to make chloroform.
Traces of chloroform were found in the trunk of Casey’s car, along with DNA evidence that suggests the dead body of Caylee had also been in there.
Investigators say they found that Casey’s mother Cindy was not at home when the searches were done. They say she was at work but that her father, George, was not employed at the time.
The new records also show that Casey told her parents during a jail visit that her message to "Zenaida," the mysterious nanny, was "she (Zenaida) needs to return Caylee" and "I forgive her.”
Casey hinted that she told Cindy long ago that she might have given someone a key to their house but didn’t say who.
Casey also gave a description of Zenaida: she’s 5-feet, 7-inches tall, has curly brown hair that had been straightened, weighs 140 pounds, and has brown eyes, and a lot of money.
The documents also show there was no rotting pizza in the trunk of Casey’s car. Cindy has long claimed a horrible smell that detectives have described as the smell of death, was due to a rotting pizza. But the documents show there was nothing but an empty pizza box in a bag in the trunk.

Investigators say when George opened the car trunk at a towing company, with a towing company employee next to him, flies flew out of the trunk. The pair tossed the trash bag that was in the trunk into the dumpster. Later, when investigators went back to it and opened it, they found flies, maggots, and the empty pizza box.
Also released Wednesday, investigators say Casey's slacks, which her mother removed from the car and washed because they reeked of the same odor inside the car, were apparently the same slacks Casey was wearing on the day Caylee disappeared and is believed to have been murdered. Investigators did not ask for those slacks early on because they had already been laundered at least once.
Cindy Anthony May Face Obstruction Of Justice Charges

This family reminds me of the VanDerSloots in Aruba. They don't know the truth from a lie. All the same to them.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008 – ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Cindy Anthony was on the defensive Wednesday morning after Eyewitness News uncovered an email showing that she may have knowingly given investigators the wrong evidence.
In the message, Cindy wrote to former family spokesperson Larry Garrison that she gave investigators Casey's hair brush instead of Caylee's brush, which they wanted for a DNA sample.
Cindy Anthony said that she told investigators that the brush that was given to them was used by Caylee and Casey. The FBI and Eyewitness News' legal analyst said Cindy Anthony could face obstruction of justice charges.
"Did you purposely give investigators the wrong hairbrush?" asked Eyewitness News Reporter Jeff Deal.
"No absolutely not," Cindy responded.
When Eyewitness News obtained an email from Larry Garrison (read the email), it was handed over to the FBI because of the explosive evidence inside. The email says Cindy gave investigators the wrong hairbrush when they asked for Caylee's brush in late July to compare DNA from her hair to the hair they found in Casey's trunk, where it smelled of death.
Eyewitness News told the FBI about it and now they're investigating whether Cindy has tried to sabotage the investigation. Our reporter confronted Cindy about the email and she said she did not purposely give investigators the wrong hairbrush.
"Did I go around and find all the hairbrushes? No, but it wasn't deception," said Cindy.
Cindy Anthony tries to give the appearance that she's cooperating with investigators, but Eyewitness News has learned she and her husband George have been stalling for weeks to answer their follow-up questions in the investigation.
Then Tuesday, a controversial email surfaced. It appears that the Anthonys' former spokesman, Larry Garrison, says he confronted Cindy by email about why she gave Casey's hairbrush, instead of Caylee's hairbrush, to investigators who wanted a DNA sample.
Garrison said Cindy's emailed response was: "I never lied. I just never went to my bathroom to get the hairbrush that I used only for Caylee."
Cindy believes Garrison is behind the leak, calling it sour grape because the family recently fired him after finding out he was collecting money for interviews. She said she's not worried about any legal trouble.
"Are you afraid of getting arrested?" asked Jeff Deal.
"I'm not afraid. I've received no calls from the FBI or Sheriff's Office. They know I handed that brush, I told them it was Casey's," Cindy responded.
Eyewitness News passed the email along to FBI Special Agent Nick Savage, who told Eyewitness News Tuesday: "The appropriate weight will be given to this like all other information received. Law enforcement will address this matter as it relates to the investigation."
Eyewitness News legal analyst Bill Scheaffer told Eyewitness News the obstruction of justice statute could apply.
"If she knowingly gave the investigators the wrong hairbrush, then I think there's enough elasticity in this statute that one could bring a charge of obstructing justice," Schaeffer said.
Cindy Anthony told Eyewitness News that she's not afraid of being arrested. Eyewitness News also found out that it is unlikely the Anthonys would be charged since they lost their granddaughter, but the issues could affect their credibility if they try to defend Casey in court.
So is this "obstructing justice?" Eyewitness News looked up the legal definition: "An attempt to interfere with the administration of the courts, the judicial system or law enforcement officers, including threatening witnesses, improper conversations with jurors, hiding evidence, or interfering with an arrest. Such activity is a crime."
Cindy's Spin on Hairbrush Given to Authorities *video*
Cindy reacts to "hairbrush-gate".
This one goes on and on and on, so make sure you have about 12 minutes to spare.
This one goes on and on and on, so make sure you have about 12 minutes to spare.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
MySpace case goes to Los Angeles federal jury

Judge in the widely watched cyber-bullying case revolving around a teen's suicide could still decide to throw it out, even after jurors reach a verdict.
By Scott Glover November 25, 2008
By Scott Glover November 25, 2008
A closely watched cyber-bullying case in which a Missouri woman is accused of creating a fake MySpace account and using it to torment a teenage girl who later killed herself was turned over to a federal jury in Los Angeles on Monday.
The case centers on events leading up to the death of 13-year-old Megan Meier. An eighth-grader in suburban St. Louis, Meier hanged herself with a belt in her bedroom closet two years ago after she was suddenly dumped by someone she believed was a 16-year-old boy she'd met on the MySpace website. But the boy, Josh Evans, didn't exist.
"Folks, that's Josh Evans right there," U.S. Atty. Thomas P. O'Brien told jurors, pointing to the defendant, 49-year-old Lori Drew, moments before the jury was given the case.
Drew showed no emotion as she returned the gaze of the six men and six women who will consider her fate.
During a five-day trial in front of U.S. District Judge George H. Wu, prosecutors sought to portray Drew as a callous and reckless woman who gleefully took part in the hoax on Meier, despite knowing the girl had struggled with depression for years and had a vulnerable psyche.
Among the government's witnesses were a close friend of Drew's, a business associate and her hairdresser, each of whom testified that Drew had admitted playing a role in the hoax. Drew's attorney, H. Dean Steward, accused O'Brien and his colleagues in the U.S. attorney's office of engaging in a misguided prosecution that was meant to exact revenge for the tragic death of a pretty young girl, even though Drew is not charged with her killing.
"You'd think this was a homicide case, but it's not," Steward told jurors during his closing arguments. He insisted his client is not guilty of the charges the government did file -- in essence, intentionally violating the rules governing the use of computers on MySpace and then using a computer to intentionally inflict emotional distress.
When the government rested its case Friday afternoon, Steward asked to have the charges thrown out, arguing that Drew could not have intentionally violated MySpace rules because there was no evidence she'd ever read them. Judge Wu, after considering the matter over the weekend, said Monday morning that it was "a complicated legal issue" that he had not yet resolved. He allowed the trial to proceed, but said he would take the motion to dismiss under submission, meaning he could decide to throw out the case even if the jury reached a verdict.
Authorities in Missouri investigated the circumstances surrounding Megan's death in the months after it occurred but concluded there was no statute under which Drew could be charged. O'Brien's office asserted jurisdiction this spring, based on the fact that MySpace is based in Beverly Hills.
The trial, featuring tearful testimony from Megan Meier's mother, Tina, about the night she discovered her daughter hanging in the makeshift noose, has played out before an often packed courtroom and drawn media attention from across the country.
Prosecutors have touted the case as the first of its kind in the nation.
According to prosecutors, Drew; her daughter, Sarah, then 13; and Drew's employee, Ashley Grills, then 18, set up an account in the name of Josh Evans because they believed Megan Meier had been spreading rumors about Sarah Drew. The bogus profile, featuring a photo of an attractive boy who'd supposedly just moved to town, was designed to lure Megan into an online relationship in which she might repeat some of the rumors she was allegedly spreading about Sarah.
The ploy worked to an extent. Megan Meier began exchanging e-mails with the boy she came to know as Josh. The exchanges were innocent at first but turned nasty on the afternoon of Oct. 16, 2006.
Megan received an e-mail from "Josh" that day telling her that "the world would be a better place without you" and to "have a [lousy] rest of your life." "You are the kind of boy a girl would kill herself over," Megan allegedly replied before tearfully going up to her room and making good on the threat.
The government's star witness was Grills, a longtime family friend of the Drews and an employee of Lori Drew's coupon business.Grills, who was given immunity in exchange for her testimony, said it was her idea to make up the MySpace profile and that she did most of the messaging with Meier. But she said Lori Drew was aware of what she was doing and sometimes helped formulate the messages that were sent to Megan.
Grills testified that she warned Drew that what they were doing was illegal but that Drew brushed her off, telling her, "People do it all the time."In his closing arguments, Steward questioned Grills' intelligence and suggested she was exaggerating Drew's role to make sure she didn't wind up getting charged with a crime.
He said Grills' testimony was inconsistent with earlier statements she'd made to authorities and to an interviewer on "Good Morning America." The line about Josh Evans being "the kind of boy a girl would kill herself over" didn't come up until just days before trial, he said.
Near right, Megan Meier; far right Ashley Grills
"It's just a lie," Steward told jurors. "When you think of Ashley Grills, bless her heart, the word 'pathetic' has got to come up."Glover is a Times staff writer.
Guantanamo Bay: US 'transfers' bin Laden's driver

November 25, 2008
The US military is transferring Osama bin Laden's former driver, Salim Hamdan, from the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay to his home country of Yemen, The Washington Post has reported citing two government officials.
The US military is transferring Osama bin Laden's former driver, Salim Hamdan, from the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay to his home country of Yemen, The Washington Post has reported citing two government officials.
He is expected to arrive within 48 hours in Yemen's capital, Sanaa.
But military prosecutors and Hamdan's attorneys on Monday said they could not confirm his impending transfer, the daily said.
Hamdan is to serve out the remaining month of his military commission sentence in a Yemeni prison, the newspaper said.
A military commission in August this year convicted Hamdan of supporting terrorism but acquitted him on more serious charges of conspiring with al-Qaeda to wage murderous attacks, in the first US war crimes trial since World War II.
Personal services
Hamdan was convicted of providing personal services in support of terrorism, specifically driving, guarding and ferrying weapons for a man he knew to be the leader of al-Qaeda.
Hamdan was captured in November 2001 at a roadblock in Afghanistan, not long after the US invasion that followed the September 11 attacks.
Held as a suspected terrorist at the Guantanamo prison camp, he won a supreme court case in June 2006 that struck down the Bush administration's first trial system there and prompted congress to rewrite the rules.
The Guantanamo trial was the first full test of the military tribunal system authorised by the Bush administration to try foreign captives on terrorism charges outside the regular US court system.
Hamdan's attorneys said the ruling made clear the detainees are entitled to fundamental constitutional rights.
Bush Drinking Again? Downs "Pisco Sour" In Peru

lol. like he ever quit.
The Huffington Post
November 25, 2008
The Peru news agency Andina notes that President Bush was drinking a Peruvian cocktail during the recent APEC summit:
Peru has successfully promoted its national drink "Pisco Sour" during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Summit, Peru's Environment Minister Antonio Brack said Sunday.
He noted that the flagship drink of Peru was well acepted by international guests, including Japan's Prime Minister, Taro Aso.
"Pisco Sour has been the "star" of the APEC Summit, the drink was served in several meetings at the Government Palace and the APEC Summit venue," he told CPN Radio....
U.S. President George W. Bush, who quit drinking at 40, was apparently drinking a Peruvian cocktail during a meeting on Saturday.
Pisco Sour is a cocktail containing Pisco (a Peruvian brandy), lemon juice, egg whites, simple syrup, and regional bitters.
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