John Morgan Reacts To Countersuit Against Gonzalez
November 17, 2008
November 17, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Attorney John Morgan said Monday he plans to depose Casey Anthony in jail, now that she has counter-sued Zenaida Gonzalez.
Morgan told WESH 2 News that the countersuit obligates Anthony to give a deposition or drop the suit. :-)
Anthony is in Orange County Jail, accused of killing her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee, who has not been seen since June. Anthony told investigators a woman named Zenaida Gonzalez was Caylee’s nanny and disappear with her.
In her original lawsuit filed by Morgan, Gonzalez says Anthony’s statements defamed her. Gonzalez said she lost her job, got hate mail, and was afraid for her family.
In her countersuit, Anthony denies she defamed Gonzalez. She said the suit is frivolous, because she was referring to a different Zenaida Gonzalez in her conversations with investigators. The countersuit also says Morgan’s firm filed the Gonzalez lawsuit to generate publicity.
Morgan, in an interview with WESH 2 News, also was critical of Cindy Anthony, Casey Anthony’s mother. On Sunday, Cindy Anthony called Morgan “an ambulance chaser,” which Morgan called slander.
Sooo, smooth move Casey. Put yourself under oath to spite this person you targeted to begin with. We'll see how this plays out...
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