Anthony Family Not Giving Up Hope That Granddaughter Is Alive
November 21, 2008
November 21, 2008
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Prosecutors released new video Friday of interviews with Cindy and George Anthony -- the same day the couple showed off a photo they said is a possible sighting of their granddaughter alive.
The photo, which was given to the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the FBI, shows a little girl playing in a West Florida mall. The Anthony family asked media outlets to release the photo to the public.
Earlier this week, the OCSO announced it believed Caylee Anthony was dead and was abandoning efforts to find her alive. The agency said the decision was based on evidence collected.
Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, is charged with killing Caylee, who was 2 when she was reported missing in July. She has not been found.
The photo was released on the same day prosecutors released five DVDs showing FBI investigators' interviews with Casey Anthony's parents. The interviews were conducted in late July and are the latest in evidence released in the case.
During one interview, George Anthony said another investigator told him that as many as 1,200 photos of Casey Anthony "are out there -- she's done some bad things."
Anthony describes his daughter as a young woman who has been weaving a web of lies for months. He also said he expects his daughter to get jail time.
The videotapes of FBI interviews done with George and Cindy Anthony in late July also reveal in the months leading up to Caylee's disappearance, Casey Anthony was leading a life her parents claim they knew nothing about.
"She's going to be going away. I know deep in my heart she is," George Anthony said. "If there was some way I could get to her and talk to her…your life as you know it is over…"
George Anthony admits hiding from his wife and son the fact that sheriff’s detectives had found over 1,000 provocative photos of Casey retrieved from the family's computers, cameras and online.
Later in the interview, George Anthony all but admits the odor he smelled in his daughters car was the odor of decomposition. He also reveals that Casey Anthony was stealing cash from Caylee's piggy bank.
In another interview, Cindy Anthony points to friends of her daughter as being involved in Caylee's disappearance.
She said if her daughter was being quiet it was only to protect Caylee.
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