Jury selection to start then in ex-Bolingbrook cop's murder case
February 23, 2010
By DAN ROZEK Staff Reporter
Drew Peterson will stand trial beginning June 14 for murder in the 2004 death of his third wife, Kathleen Savio, a Will County judge ordered today.
Judge Stephen White ordered jury selection to begin that day for the 56-year-old former Bolingbrook cop, who's charged with drowning Savio in her bathtub during their bitter divorce
Peterson, who remains jailed, has denied any involvement in her death — which initially was ruled accidental — or in the 2007 disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacy Peterson, who remains missing...
Peterson trial: June 14; jury selection under way
Monday, March 29, 2010
Melissa Huckaby's hearing postponed until May 10 for rape/murder of Sandra Cantu

by Cassie Tomlin
March 29, 2010
.STOCKTON — A judge today postponed a hearing until May 10 to suppress and dismiss evidence in the case of Melissa Huckaby, accused of killing her 8-year-old Tracy neighbor Sandra Cantu.
...Huckaby’s public defender, Samuel Behar, is expected to ask Judge Linda Lofthus to throw out some evidence against Huckaby because Tracy detectives might have violated her rights prior to her arrest last year. Yeah, lets protect the murders rights.
On May 10, Lofthus will set a date for the hearing. Sandra went missing March 27 last year from Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park, where she lived. Ten days later, her body was found in a suitcase in a dairy pond.
Huckaby, 29, who appeared in court today with a short haircut, is charged with kidnapping, rape and murder. District Attorney Thomas Testa said he agreed with the postponed hearing as long as the October trial date isn’t affected...
Aja Johnson body found along with kidnap/murderer Lester Hobbs

March 29, 2010
.Video from kcbd.com:
Suspects car found in Amber Alert case for Aja Johnson of Oklahoma
GERONIMO, OK (KCBD) - New developments in the search for a 7-year-old girl from Geronimo, Oklahoma.
Suspects car found in Amber Alert case for Aja Johnson of Oklahoma
GERONIMO, OK (KCBD) - New developments in the search for a 7-year-old girl from Geronimo, Oklahoma.
Oklahoma authorities believe they have found the suspect vehicle Aja Johnson was last seen in.
.The car was found at Lake Thunderbird, which is a rural area near Norman.
Right now, Jessica Brown with the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation said there are two bodies that have been found in and near the vehicle...
Tonya Hobbs, Aja's mother, filed a protective order against Hobbs just months before she was murdered herself at the hands of Hobbs.
.The documents indicate that Lester Hobbs threatened to kill her children with a hammer. It now appears Lester used a hammer to kill Tonya...
March 29, 2010
NORMAN — A car sought since a 7-year-old girl and her mom's estranged husband disappeared from Comanche County in January has been found at Lake Thunderbird, authorities said today.
It appears there were bodies present in the car, Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation spokeswoman Jessica Brown told The Oklahoman earlier in the day...
The car was found in a field near a heavily wooded rural area just north of SE 108 and State Highway 9. Brown confirmed the car was the 1992 Toyota Paseo owned by Tonya LeAnn Hobbs, who was found slain Jan. 24 in Geronimo...
J.J. Johnson, Aja's father, said an OSBI agent visited his house just before 6 p.m. and told him two bodies had been found. The agent could not confirm that one of them was his daughter.
Watching television coverage today from the scene, however, Johnson said he saw a pink and blue jacket he'd purchased for his daughter — and knew she was dead...
Watching television coverage today from the scene, however, Johnson said he saw a pink and blue jacket he'd purchased for his daughter — and knew she was dead...
Mike Akins, Inman, Kansas police chief, faces trial on child sex charges

via Kansas.com
March 29, 2010
.MCPHERSON, Kan. - A judge has determined there is enough evidence to try a central-Kansas police chief on charges he molested four children.
Thirty-eight-year-old Mike Akins Jr. appeared Friday in McPherson County District Court for a preliminary hearing...
Two of the children testified during the hearing Friday that Akins touched them inappropriately.
Akins occasionally shook his head "no" during the testimony.
The mother of the alleged victims dated Akins, but testified the relationship turned sour. She said she eventually obtained a protection-from-stalking order.
Information from: The Hutchinson News, http://www.hutchnews.com/
Information from: The Hutchinson News, http://www.hutchnews.com/
March 28, 2010
.McPHERSON — The former Inman police chief is headed for trial on charges he molested four children. Mike Akins Jr., 38, appeared Friday in McPherson County District Court for a preliminary hearing on 19 criminal counts alleging he sexually abused three girls and one boy, ages 9 to 14, between December 2008 and December 2009, while he was police chief...
Retired Sedgwick County District Court Judge Ronald Innes, who presided over the hearing, found probable cause to proceed to trial, saying the evidence "shows a course of conduct" by Akins. read more here
Friday, March 19, 2010
Casey Anthony's Letters Prompt Investigation

March 19, 2010
ORLANDO, Fla. -- An Orange County corrections officer faces disciplinary action for shuffling secret notes between Casey Anthony and another inmate.
Anthony allegedly wrote 50 letters to another inmate that amounted to more than 250 pages in her own handwriting...
Prosecutors alleged Anthony was somehow able to exchange the letters with Robyn Adam... According to court documents there are 258 pages believed to be handwritten by Anthony...
...sources said Anthony made several statements in the letters that prosecutors will try to use against her in her upcoming murder trial...
Adams pleaded guilty to drug charges and was sentenced to 10 years in a federal prison. Besides the letters, court papers indicated investigators have interviewed her twice in the last 30 days.
According to sources, Adams' statements about what Anthony told her will also be useful to the prosecution.
read entire article here
what I like about this the best, is that every time anyone tries to tell her anything, Casey Anthony cuts them off with a quick "Oh, I know." She thinks she knows everything, and yet she let her own ego get the better of her--has to brag about herself. In her own handwriting. Can't wait to find out what all she has to say. Cheeseball. really pathetic.
Other Anthony news:
March 19, 2010: Judge Declares Casey Anthony Indigent
March 10, 2010: 9 CDs Of DNA Evidence Released In Casey Case
March 16, 2010: Alleged Anthony Affair Reveals Intensity Of Case
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco Denies Anna Nicole Smith Estate’s Claim To Millions

March 19, 2010
.SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the estate of Anna Nicole Smith was not entitled to a single cent of the millions left behind by her late husband, oil magnate J. Howard Marshall.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that federal courts must honor a decision in which a probate court in Texas found that Marshall did not intend to leave her any money...
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that federal courts must honor a decision in which a probate court in Texas found that Marshall did not intend to leave her any money...
Howard Marshall had given Smith $6 million in gifts but didn't make additional provisions for her in his will. Smith claimed that Marshall's son, Pierce Marshall, improperly influenced him.
Howard Marshall had given Smith $6 million in gifts but didn't make additional provisions for her in his will. Smith claimed that Marshall's son, Pierce Marshall, improperly influenced him.
Texas probate court ruled against Smith after a five-month jury trial.
Texas probate court ruled against Smith after a five-month jury trial.
But Smith raised the issue again in a federal bankruptcy court in Los Angeles after she filed for bankruptcy in 1996. A bankruptcy judge awarded her $450 million, later reduced by a federal district judge to $88 million.
But Smith raised the issue again in a federal bankruptcy court in Los Angeles after she filed for bankruptcy in 1996. A bankruptcy judge awarded her $450 million, later reduced by a federal district judge to $88 million.
In Friday's ruling, the federal appeals court said the Texas probate court decision should be treated as the conclusive ruling in the dispute because "it is the earliest final judgment on matters relevant to this proceeding." That makes no sense. It most certainly was NOT the final judgment, and why would you use the earliest one?
In Friday's ruling, the federal appeals court said the Texas probate court decision should be treated as the conclusive ruling in the dispute because "it is the earliest final judgment on matters relevant to this proceeding." That makes no sense. It most certainly was NOT the final judgment, and why would you use the earliest one?
The decision could be appealed to an expanded 11-judge panel of the appeals court and to the U.S. Supreme Court. And you can bet the farm that unless the Bar boots Stern, he will appeal this to the very end of his life. He has put--what? 15 years into this case, counting on his big payout of 6%. Even though Anna and Pierce are both dead, he'll carry it on in the guise of doing it "for Dannielynn." And I find it extremely odd that Stern's name is nowhere to be found in the ktvu.com article.
The decision could be appealed to an expanded 11-judge panel of the appeals court and to the U.S. Supreme Court. And you can bet the farm that unless the Bar boots Stern, he will appeal this to the very end of his life. He has put--what? 15 years into this case, counting on his big payout of 6%. Even though Anna and Pierce are both dead, he'll carry it on in the guise of doing it "for Dannielynn." And I find it extremely odd that Stern's name is nowhere to be found in the ktvu.com article.
...lawyer for Smith's estate was not immediately available for comment.
...lawyer for Smith's estate was not immediately available for comment.
The only lawyer still working on it is Howard K Stern, who of course, is having legal problems of his own right now, so, no, he probably is not available for comment.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Charla Nash; Officer Who Killed Travis the Chimp Speaks to Times

Thu, Feb 25, 2010
.Everyone knows the story of Travis the 200-pound chimp – a beloved pet turned violent. It’s been over a year now since Travis mauled Charla Nash, his owner Sandra Herold’s friend...
The Connecticut story quickly became a national story. In November, Nash first revealed her face on Oprah...
But a big part of the story has been left out of the media buzz. Earlier this month, the police officer who had to shoot and kill Travis the chimp was denied compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder because compensation is only awarded to an officer who has to kill a human. ...
Read the story in its entirety here: After Shooting Chimp, a Police Officer’s Descent
.also read:
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
SRS re Linda Gillen seeks dismissal of lawsuit filed by grandparents
Brooklyn on the left before she was murdered, with
her mother and brother.
Mar. 11, 2010
The Wichita Eagle
via kansas.com
Coffeyville couple sues SRS worker after granddaughter's beating death
The state's child-welfare agency is asking a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit accusing Kansas social worker, Linda Gillen, of failing to protect a 23-month-old Coffeyville girl who was beaten to death.
The lawsuit hasn't shown that the social worker, Linda Gillen's actions "were so egregious or outrageous as to be considered conscience-shocking," say papers filed Wednesday by an attorney for the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services.
In January, the maternal grandparents of Brooklyn Coons — Larry and Mary Crosetto — filed a lawsuit accusing the social worker, Linda Gillen, of gross negligence, saying she didn't protect their granddaughter from being beaten to death by her father's meth-addicted girlfriend.
The lawsuit accuses SRS social worker Linda Gillen of not taking measures to remove Brooklyn and her brother from a dangerous household after the maternal grandparents repeatedly brought forward concerns about injuries to Brooklyn. Gillen failed to act because of a "pre-existing grudge" involving actions the Crosettos took years earlier in their adoption of Brooklyn's mother, Angela Crosetto Coons, the lawsuit says.
But SRS attorney Danny Baumgartner argued in the court papers filed Wednesday that Gillen "merely investigated a report of abuse and neglect," that Brooklyn was not in state custody and that Gillen "had no duty to intervene." Baumgartner said Gillen is "entitled to qualified immunity."
The Kansas Attorney Generals Office prosecuted the girlfriend, Melissa Wells Coons. Brooklyn died on Jan. 20, 2008. The girlfriend later married Brooklyn's father. On Dec. 30, 2009, a judge sentenced Melissa Wells Coons to life in prison for the murder of Brooklyn. Brooklyn's father, Randy Coons, has been charged with aggravated child endangerment...
The SRS attorney argued in the response filed Wednesday that Gillen, as the social worker, "had to balance the interests of looking into the report of child abuse (which she did) with the interests of the father in being with his children. It is exactly what the law states should be done and that is what she did."
...In an interview in January, Larry Crosetto said that Gillen "was aware there was a situation in that home. She didn't investigate and find out what the situation was."
"What we hope to do is get SRS to act in these situations... and prevent it from happening to another family," Crosetto said.
Read more here
So..."had to balance the interests of looking into the report of child abuse...
with the interests of the father in being with his children..."
Is is me or does that not make sense?
and this: Gillen "merely investigated a report of abuse and neglect," that Brooklyn was not in state custody and that Gillen "had no duty to intervene." Baumgartner said Gillen is "entitled to qualified immunity." But read the timeline below, previously posted by kansas.com and ksn.com and The Prairie Chicken:
The lawsuit provides this timeline:
In the fall of 2007, the Crosettos started seeing bruises on Brooklyn, and their granddaughter
received medical treatment twice for suspicious injuries.
On Nov. 5, 2007, school officials told Gillen, the SRS social worker, that Christian had bruising that looked suspicious, the lawsuit says..
Nov. 6, 2007, Larry Crosetto tried to reach Gillen about the bruising, but got no return call, so he tried to contact her again on Nov. 14, 15 and 16, eventually reaching her on Nov. 20. Gillen said she had interviewed a school official, the children's father, his girlfriend and Christian...
The situation got worse..
On Dec. 10, 2007, the lawsuit says, Crosetto called Gillen again because the "bruising and marks were beginning to escalate...
On Dec. 12, 2007, Crosetto sought help from school officials. "Their position was that SRS had taken control of the situation and it was out of their hands," the lawsuit says..
On Sunday Dec. 23, the Crosettos' doctor noticed bruises on Brooklyn's face while she was at church, and he thought SRS should be notified. The doctor recommended that Larry Crosetto have another doctor examine Brooklyn the next day.
On Dec. 24, the second doctor saw the girl, called police and sent a letter to the Coffeyville SRS office asking that "they investigate the situation and get back to him.".
Gillen did not respond to the letter, the lawsuit says. But that same day the doctor called police, a Coffeyville police officer took a report from Crosetto in the doctor's office and said he would contact the prosecutor's office when it opened after the holiday, Crosetto said..
"I was under the understanding that the Police Department was trying... to intervene, that the roadblock was SRS," Crosetto said..
The grandparents met with Linda Gillen at her office on Dec. 28, [begging her to act to protect their grandchildren, with no resulting actions on Gillen's part.]
And then the worst happened. On Jan. 17, 2008 — 20 days after the Crosettos expressed their fears to Gillen — Coffeyville police responded to a 911 call about Brooklyn. She was unresponsive, and she was in the care of Wells. Police saw head trauma and bruises..
Doctors found that Brooklyn's brain was bleeding as a result of her being struck on the head, and she had brain damage from being shaken, the lawsuit says..
The day after the 911 call, it says, police put three other children from the home of Wells and Randy Coons into protective custody because of "deplorable" living conditions and because of the fatal injuries to Brooklyn..
The lawsuit says that the Police Department didn't take more steps to protect Brooklyn and the other children before Jan. 18, 2008
The lawsuit argues that Linda Gillen's "conduct increased the danger to (Brooklyn) from the meth addicted girlfriend."
Does anyone have a photo of Linda Gillen?
her mother and brother.

Mar. 11, 2010
The Wichita Eagle
via kansas.com
Coffeyville couple sues SRS worker after granddaughter's beating death
The state's child-welfare agency is asking a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit accusing Kansas social worker, Linda Gillen, of failing to protect a 23-month-old Coffeyville girl who was beaten to death.
The lawsuit hasn't shown that the social worker, Linda Gillen's actions "were so egregious or outrageous as to be considered conscience-shocking," say papers filed Wednesday by an attorney for the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services.
In January, the maternal grandparents of Brooklyn Coons — Larry and Mary Crosetto — filed a lawsuit accusing the social worker, Linda Gillen, of gross negligence, saying she didn't protect their granddaughter from being beaten to death by her father's meth-addicted girlfriend.
The lawsuit accuses SRS social worker Linda Gillen of not taking measures to remove Brooklyn and her brother from a dangerous household after the maternal grandparents repeatedly brought forward concerns about injuries to Brooklyn. Gillen failed to act because of a "pre-existing grudge" involving actions the Crosettos took years earlier in their adoption of Brooklyn's mother, Angela Crosetto Coons, the lawsuit says.
But SRS attorney Danny Baumgartner argued in the court papers filed Wednesday that Gillen "merely investigated a report of abuse and neglect," that Brooklyn was not in state custody and that Gillen "had no duty to intervene." Baumgartner said Gillen is "entitled to qualified immunity."
The Kansas Attorney Generals Office prosecuted the girlfriend, Melissa Wells Coons. Brooklyn died on Jan. 20, 2008. The girlfriend later married Brooklyn's father. On Dec. 30, 2009, a judge sentenced Melissa Wells Coons to life in prison for the murder of Brooklyn. Brooklyn's father, Randy Coons, has been charged with aggravated child endangerment...
The SRS attorney argued in the response filed Wednesday that Gillen, as the social worker, "had to balance the interests of looking into the report of child abuse (which she did) with the interests of the father in being with his children. It is exactly what the law states should be done and that is what she did."
...In an interview in January, Larry Crosetto said that Gillen "was aware there was a situation in that home. She didn't investigate and find out what the situation was."
"What we hope to do is get SRS to act in these situations... and prevent it from happening to another family," Crosetto said.
Read more here
So..."had to balance the interests of looking into the report of child abuse...
with the interests of the father in being with his children..."
Is is me or does that not make sense?
and this: Gillen "merely investigated a report of abuse and neglect," that Brooklyn was not in state custody and that Gillen "had no duty to intervene." Baumgartner said Gillen is "entitled to qualified immunity." But read the timeline below, previously posted by kansas.com and ksn.com and The Prairie Chicken:
The lawsuit provides this timeline:
In the fall of 2007, the Crosettos started seeing bruises on Brooklyn, and their granddaughter
received medical treatment twice for suspicious injuries.
On Nov. 5, 2007, school officials told Gillen, the SRS social worker, that Christian had bruising that looked suspicious, the lawsuit says..
Nov. 6, 2007, Larry Crosetto tried to reach Gillen about the bruising, but got no return call, so he tried to contact her again on Nov. 14, 15 and 16, eventually reaching her on Nov. 20. Gillen said she had interviewed a school official, the children's father, his girlfriend and Christian...
The situation got worse..
On Dec. 10, 2007, the lawsuit says, Crosetto called Gillen again because the "bruising and marks were beginning to escalate...
On Dec. 12, 2007, Crosetto sought help from school officials. "Their position was that SRS had taken control of the situation and it was out of their hands," the lawsuit says..
On Sunday Dec. 23, the Crosettos' doctor noticed bruises on Brooklyn's face while she was at church, and he thought SRS should be notified. The doctor recommended that Larry Crosetto have another doctor examine Brooklyn the next day.
On Dec. 24, the second doctor saw the girl, called police and sent a letter to the Coffeyville SRS office asking that "they investigate the situation and get back to him.".
Gillen did not respond to the letter, the lawsuit says. But that same day the doctor called police, a Coffeyville police officer took a report from Crosetto in the doctor's office and said he would contact the prosecutor's office when it opened after the holiday, Crosetto said..
"I was under the understanding that the Police Department was trying... to intervene, that the roadblock was SRS," Crosetto said..
The grandparents met with Linda Gillen at her office on Dec. 28, [begging her to act to protect their grandchildren, with no resulting actions on Gillen's part.]
And then the worst happened. On Jan. 17, 2008 — 20 days after the Crosettos expressed their fears to Gillen — Coffeyville police responded to a 911 call about Brooklyn. She was unresponsive, and she was in the care of Wells. Police saw head trauma and bruises..
Doctors found that Brooklyn's brain was bleeding as a result of her being struck on the head, and she had brain damage from being shaken, the lawsuit says..
The day after the 911 call, it says, police put three other children from the home of Wells and Randy Coons into protective custody because of "deplorable" living conditions and because of the fatal injuries to Brooklyn..
The lawsuit says that the Police Department didn't take more steps to protect Brooklyn and the other children before Jan. 18, 2008
The lawsuit argues that Linda Gillen's "conduct increased the danger to (Brooklyn) from the meth addicted girlfriend."
Does anyone have a photo of Linda Gillen?
Monday, March 15, 2010
Kent Joseph Gockel, St Marys, Kansas, accused of stealing $890,000 from mother
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A St. Marys man has been charged with stealing more than $890,000 from his mother's trust funds. Prosecutors say Kent Joseph Gockel was charged Thursday with 11 counts of bank fraud stemming from actions in 2008.
Federal prosecutors say Kent Gockel started taking care of his mother's trust funds in 2002 after his father died...
what a jerk...read entire article here
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — A St. Marys man has been charged with stealing more than $890,000 from his mother's trust funds. Prosecutors say Kent Joseph Gockel was charged Thursday with 11 counts of bank fraud stemming from actions in 2008.
Federal prosecutors say Kent Gockel started taking care of his mother's trust funds in 2002 after his father died...
what a jerk...read entire article here
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Jordan A Brown, 11, faces grown up murder charges

Posted February 10, 2010
(CNN) -- In February 2009, her 4-year-old daughter found 26-year-old Kenzie Houk in her bed with a bullet though her head. She was eight months pregnant.
The search for her killer ended with the most surprising murder suspect residents had ever seen: 11-year-old Jordan Brown, the son of the victim's fiancé.
He is one of the youngest suspects in the country to be charged with homicide, legal experts say. There are two counts of homicide, one covering the fetus.
He pleaded not guilty to the charges in May.
In Pennsylvania, there is no lower limit for the age someone can be charged as an adult with criminal homicide. If convicted, Jordan, now 12, faces life in prison without the possibility of parole.
The question of age is being raised in the Supreme Court this year where the practice of sentencing young people younger than 14 to life in prison without parole is being challenged.
After nearly a year of silence, Jordan's family, friends and attorney are bringing attention to the case...This month, they will launch the Jordan Brown Trust Fund to raise money for his defense.
A decertification hearing, requesting the judge move the case to the juvenile system, began this month. A decision on whether the case will be tried in the juvenile system or adult courts will likely be made in March, attorneys say.
The suspect's father has not publicly discussed the case, and CNN has been unable to reach him for comment...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Cameron Brown will stand trial for third time for death of daughter Lauren Keys

By Denise Nix Staff Writer
The Daily Breeze
Posted: 01/28/2010
Denise Nix: your coverage of this case has been exemplary. Thank you for not letting this little girl be forgotten. Janet
A judge on Thursday, January 28, refused to dismiss charges against Cameron Brown, who already has stood trial twice for the Rancho Palos Verdes cliff death of his 4-year-old daughter, Lauren Keys.
"I believe there should be a third trial in this case, and there will be," Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said following a heated hearing.
Pastor also refused to set bail for Brown, 49, who has remained in jail for more than six years.
Brown's attorney, Pat Harris, argued in written motions and during the hearing that the entire case should be dismissed or, in the alternative, the first-degree murder charge dropped.
...Hum also argued that dismissing the case out of fairness to Brown was the "antithesis" of what is fair.
...Hum also argued that dismissing the case out of fairness to Brown was the "antithesis" of what is fair.
"The defendant shouldn't have murdered his 4-year-old daughter and then he wouldn't be in this position," Hum said in response to Harris' argument that Brown will have to spend "years" in jail awaiting another trial.
Hum called it "offensive" for the defense to argue that another trial would be a waste of court resources.
"If we're not gonna use our money on cases like this, what are we going to use our resources on?" Hum replied. EXCELLENT!
...Lauren died during a court-ordered visit with her father when they went on a "walk" from Abalone Cove to Inspiration Point.
Brown said she slipped while throwing rocks over the 120-foot drop, but gave inconsistent statements and, prosecutors believe, acted suspiciously in the hours, days and weeks following Lauren's death.
Hum maintains that Brown, an airline baggage handler, threw or pushed the little girl because he was quarreling with [hated] Key-Marer and felt burdened by [was totally pissed off about]child support payments.
Harris indicated to Pastor that the ruling will be appealed. An appeal will likely include a stay of the case until a decision is made.
Harris, an attorney with Geragos & Geragos, also said he did not believe his firm, which has gone through a drastic downsizing recently, would remain on the case.
Firm principal and high-profile attorney Mark Geragos represented Brown during the first trial, and Harris agreed to do the second on appointment from the court.
Brown likely will be given a public defender, who Harris predicted will take a year or two to become familiar enough with the evidence to handle the trial.
Monday, March 8, 2010
William Moore pleas guilty to murder of Carol Mould

The Wichita Eagle
via kansas.com
March 3, 2010
Click here to see the video in full screen or to e-mail to a friend.
EL DORADO - After Bill Moore calmly pleaded guilty Tuesday to killing an Andover woman five years ago, Doug Mould talked of the wife and mother he and his three children lost.
“There is no closure in these sorts of situations,” Mould said of the loss of his wife, Carol, in a violent attack in their home...
Moore, 56, pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of second-degree murder.
Had he gone to trial, Moore faced first-degree murder and life in prison.
...Moore could face nearly 13 years when he returned for sentencing May 10.
Mould, 46, was found dead in her burning house, just off K-254, on Sept. 22, 2004...
Then last May 20, paramedics received a call that Moore was suicidal at his home. “I killed Carol Mould,” Moore told paramedic Dom Domebo...
During his confession, Moore said that he knew Mould because their sons served together in Boy Scouts. Moore said he went to her house hoping to have sex with her.
Under the plea agreement, Moore will not be able to appeal his sentence...
Butler County Attorney Jan Satterfield’s decision to offer Moore the plea...
So what will Butler County Attorney Jan Satterfield decide what to do about the disappearance of Adam Herrman? It is pretty clear that Valerie Herrman killed him, and Doug Herrman has kept his yap shut all these years.
If Carol Mould's murderer can walk in 13 years, will Satterfield even bother to charge the Herrmans? Could it be she's scared to proceed? Valerie Herrmans own family is willing to testify against her. What's stopping the filing of charges?
Maybe we need to just wait until Satterfield can get voted out and replaced by someone who knows the job. My own opinion.
Donald Wacker denied parole--kidnapped and murdered Nancy Shoemaker

The Wichita Eagle
via kansas.com
Mar. 06, 2010
Parole denied for girl's abductor
Parole denied for girl's abductor
Donald Wacker, one of two men imprisoned for the 1990 abduction and murder of 9-year-old Nancy Shoemaker will remain in prison for at least eight more years, the Kansas Parole Board said in a ruling released this week...
Donald Wacker, one of two men imprisoned for the 1990 abduction and murder of 9-year-old Nancy Shoemaker will remain in prison for at least eight more years, the Kansas Parole Board said in a ruling released this week...
In its ruling, the board concluded that Wacker did not have an adequate parole plan and that he "continues to demonstrate high risk."...
In its ruling, the board concluded that Wacker did not have an adequate parole plan and that he "continues to demonstrate high risk."...
Nancy was kidnapped on July 30, 1990, after walking a block and a half to a Phillips 66 station...
Wacker was convicted of helping Doil Lane kidnap Nancy, then driving her to Sumner County, where Lane raped and strangled her.
Nancy was kidnapped on July 30, 1990, after walking a block and a half to a Phillips 66 station...
Wacker was convicted of helping Doil Lane kidnap Nancy, then driving her to Sumner County, where Lane raped and strangled her.
Lane, 49, was convicted of murder, rape and aggravated kidnapping, and sentenced to life without parole for 66 years. He is serving a life sentence in Texas for a similar crime there.
Wacker, who was sentenced to 15 years to life for kidnapping, was denied parole twice before, in 1999 and 2004...
Wacker, who was sentenced to 15 years to life for kidnapping, was denied parole twice before, in 1999 and 2004...
During Wacker's last public comment session in October, the parole board was presented with the signatures of more than 30,000 people who were opposed to Wacker's release.
During Wacker's last public comment session in October, the parole board was presented with the signatures of more than 30,000 people who were opposed to Wacker's release.
So, here we read that Wacker helped Doil Lane, who was Nancy Shoemakers killer. But why would a fully functional person follow the lead of a mentally retarded guy? That's what Lane claims, anyway, and it bought his way off of Death Row in Texas for little Bertha's murder. His sentence was commuted to life in prison a few years back. He says he colors all day every day. I can't muster up any sympathy for the guy though. He was smart enough to plan the rape and murder not one, but two little girls. I guess being retarded doesn't make him any less mean.
Wichita man pays crack dealer with Monopoly money

March 8, 2010
.NBC -- Police in Wichita, Kansas are investigating an odd crime that involves drugs, assault and Monopoly money.
It started as a routine traffic stop in a Wichita neighborhood Thursday evening.
When police pulled over the car they found a 33-year-old man bleeding from the head and telling an unusual story.
When police pulled over the car they found a 33-year-old man bleeding from the head and telling an unusual story.
The victim said a couple of weeks ago he bought several hundred dollars of crack-cocaine with Monopoly money and now the dealer was ready for pay back.
"The man from whom he had bought the drugs was upset and invited him over to his house and upon arrival struck him in the head several times with a handgun and other people jumped into the fray," said Gordon Bassham with the Wichita Police Department.
The victim was able to get away and escape serious injury.
The victim was able to get away and escape serious injury.
At this point police say he's being uncooperative.
At this point police say he's being uncooperative.
Despite the unusual circumstances, officers still want to arrest the attacker...
Friends and Family Allege Susan Powell Was Abused by Husband Josh Powell

Missing Mom's Family and Friends Unite Against Joshua Powell
By Lisa Fletcher,
By Lisa Fletcher,
Mary-Rose Abraham and
Kate McCarthy
ABC News
Feb. 17, 2010
.Friends and family members of a missing Utah woman, Susan Powell, say the young mother was abused by her husband and question why Joshua Powell has not done more to help the investigation...
"We can say, without reservation, that Susan was a victim of domestic abuse within her own home," Gifford said.
The 28-year-old mother of two young boys has been missing since Dec. 6, 2009, but Joshua Powell, 34, has refused to help in the investigation and remains the only person of interest.
Gifford said Jennifer Graves, Joshua Powell's sister, and her husband recently visited Joshua in Washington state, where he now lives, to spend time with the children. But when Graves confronted her brother about his wife's disappearance, Joshua asked her to leave his house.
Tuesday, Graves publicly questioned her brother's behavior on the "Dr. Phil Show," saying she hopes he did not commit a crime but "the truth is going to come out eventually."
also read from ABC News:
Missing Mom's Family Launches Media Blitz
WATCH: Missing Mom Mystery Twist
WATCH: Campaign to Bring Missing Mom Home
Missing Mom's Family Launches Media Blitz
WATCH: Missing Mom Mystery Twist
WATCH: Campaign to Bring Missing Mom Home
...At a press conference Monday to announce a foundation in Susan Powell's name, her friends and family said it wasn't until they spoke to each other that they put together what they believe are the missing pieces of Susan Powell's life.
Some alleged that Joshua would not let his wife have her own car key and she had to get permission from him to use the family vehicle.
Some alleged that Joshua would not let his wife have her own car key and she had to get permission from him to use the family vehicle.
One said he knew of an episode of physical violence and another said Joshua would frequently change the pin numbers on their bank accounts so Susan would not have access to their money.
Gifford said, "people who were in the house with firsthand knowledge" knew that Joshua Powell would purposefully undermine his wife's parenting in front of their children.
Gifford said, "people who were in the house with firsthand knowledge" knew that Joshua Powell would purposefully undermine his wife's parenting in front of their children.
"He would go in and get the boys out of bed and say things like, 'Mommy's so mean for making you go to bed, come on out of bed,'" Gifford said.
Joshua Powell and his attorney have refused to comment directly on the latest allegations.
In an e-mail to ABC News, his attorney said he believes supporters of Joshua Powell are preparing a response to the "untrue allegations."...
In an e-mail to ABC News, his attorney said he believes supporters of Joshua Powell are preparing a response to the "untrue allegations."...
I hope we DO hear his side of these allegations. I read somewhere that when Law Enforcement came to search the van a second time, Josh turned ghostly pale. I think he thought they were coming to arrest him. All along he has seemed too bizarre--from the very first story of camping at midnight in freezing weather and forgetting what day it was. Moving out of state. But it's spring, and if he did kill her and leave her body somewhere in the woods, she'll be found. I'll enjoy seeing his pale little pansy ass locked up.
Wow. Am I getting sinister?
Casey Anthony has $112,000 in legal fees . . . and a trial date

Casey Anthony’s attorneys have already spent more than $100,000; trial date set for May 2011
By Amy L. Edwards, Orlando Sentinel
4:42 p.m. EST, March 8, 2010
4:42 p.m. EST, March 8, 2010
Casey Anthony has run up $112,000 in fees for two of her attorneys and is asking the state to declare her indigent so the state will help pay for her expenses, according to court filings made public Monday...
In an affidavit signed last week, Anthony estimated fees for defense attorney Andrea Lyon, a professor at DePaul University in Chicago who is renowned for her work in death-penalty cases, at $22,500. She said the fees for Kissimmee lawyer Jose Baez total $89,454.83.
Anthony is accused of killing her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony, in 2008.
In their motion, Lyon and Baez stated Casey Anthony doesn't have sufficient funds to pay costs associated with her defense.
Anthony is accused of killing her daughter, 2-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony, in 2008.
In their motion, Lyon and Baez stated Casey Anthony doesn't have sufficient funds to pay costs associated with her defense.
Lyon represents Anthony pro bono and has not received any fees, the motion said. Lyon has incurred costs for transcripts, travel and investigation.
By Sarah Lundy,
March 5, 2010 Article
Casey Anthony case: Defense wants state to cover costs
Casey Anthony case: Defense wants state to cover costs
By Susan Jacobson,
Feb 23, 2010
Anthonys Could Lose Family Home to foreclosure
ORLANDO, Fla. --
The home where Casey Anthony's parents live in east Orange County is in foreclosure...
The home where Casey Anthony's parents live in east Orange County is in foreclosure...
Bank of America filed the foreclosure notice on the home on Monday. Bank officials said the Anthonys are eight months behind on their $785-per-month mortgage and owe a total of $120,978.27 including fees.
Trial set for Brian David Mitchell, charged in Elizabeth Smart case deemed competent

March 1, 2010
By Mike Stark and Paul Foy
SALT LAKE CITY -- A federal judge on Monday ruled that the man charged in the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart is competent to stand trial, paving the way for him to face charges nearly eight years after the girl was snatched from her bedroom.
U.S. District Judge Dale Kimball wrote in a 149-page ruling that Brian David Mitchell, 56, "does not presently suffer from a mental disease or defect that impedes his rational and factual understanding" of the proceedings against him.
A court hearing is scheduled on March 26 to set a trial date...
.A court hearing is scheduled on March 26 to set a trial date...
October 2009
Elizabeth Smart Says Brian David Mitchell Raped Her Daily
SALT LAKE CITY Oct. 1, 2009
Elizabeth Smart, the Utah girl snatched from her bed and later found alive in 2002, has been allowed to give testimony today against kidnapper Brian David Mitchell in his competency hearings...
Smart, who is now 21 and a senior at Brigham Young University, testified that during the ordeal, she was raped frequently, sometimes 3-4 times a day. Smart said that the assaults were frequent and that she was rarely able to defy her attacker, causing friction with Barzee:
“Wanda would get very upset with him,” said Smart. “She’d say ‘All you do is lust after her.’”
Smart said “There wasn’t an actual 24-hour period he wasn’t able to rape me.”...
“Wanda would get very upset with him,” said Smart. “She’d say ‘All you do is lust after her.’”
Smart said “There wasn’t an actual 24-hour period he wasn’t able to rape me.”...
Elizabeth Smart's Kidnapper Pleads Guilty in Related Case
February 2010
(Feb. 9) -- Elizabeth Smart's kidnapper, Wanda Barzee, pleaded "guilty but mentally ill" in a Utah court on Monday to charges tied to the attempted kidnapping of Smart's 15-year-old cousin in 2002. Barzee also agreed to testify against her estranged husband, Brian David Mitchell.
According to court documents and police reports, Barzee and Mitchell attempted to abduct Smart's cousin on July 24, 2002, about seven weeks after Smart's kidnapping. The couple allegedly planned to hold the two girls together but were scared off when the girl's 18-year-old sister awoke.... Last year, Barzee, 64, entered a guilty plea to federal charges in connection with Smart's abduction in exchange for a 15-year federal prison term.
Sentencing in Barzee's case is scheduled to take place May 19...
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