May 9, 2008
Sun-Times News Group
Sun-Times News Group
Drew Peterson was in such a hurry to pick up a 22-year-old female friend who needed a ride May 3 that he got stopped for speeding by Naperville police.
But the former Bolingbrook Police officer avoided a ticket, instead receiving a warning after being curbed about 2:30 a.m. May 3 in Naperville.
Peterson, 54, said he was stopped on his way to pick up a friend who called him for a lift after the driver of the car in which she was riding was taken into custody by Naperville police.
I was just being a good Samaritan," he said, declining to identify the woman, but insisting she wasn't a girlfriend. "Let's call her a friend," said Peterson, whom police have labeled a suspect in the Oct. 28 disappearance of his wife, Stacy Peterson, 23.
Naperville police confirmed that Drew Peterson had been stopped.
A source said Peterson was travelling less than 10 miles over the posted speed when he was stopped.
Peterson was simply helping a young woman who works at a tanning salon he sometimes visits, Peterson's attorney said.
"That's just the type of guy he is," said attorney Joel Brodsky...
Yeah, Joel, we know...Funny thing about this, I don't believe it. He was stopped ON THE WAY to pick up some unidentified woman. Did the police check to see if that woman did exist and was indeed waiting for a ride? I don't believe there was a woman. He went out cruising.
My thought is that law enforcement was notified when the hidden GPS device on Drews vehicle went off at two in the morning. The police pulled him over once they found him. He was testing the system.
What if he is a serial killer? There are plenty of bodies found in the Chicago area. He is up to no good. Now that he has been in the national spotlight, he won't be able to slip back into obscurity. He will start to self-destruct. My opinion--Prairie Chicken.
And in the Cales/Bychowski Camp:
A group dedicated finding missing mom Stacy Peterson will raise money on Mother's Day weekend to search for her.
"We're doing it on the weekend of Mother's Day to honor Stacy and all the other great mothers just like her," said Sharon Bychowski, Stacy's best friend and next-door neighbor.
May 10's "FUN-Raiser" at Ditka's Sports Dome & 46 Zone Bar and Grill will feature contests, tournaments, various auctions and raffles, and music.
Tickets for the event at the 730 N. Bolingbrook Drive entertainment and recreation facility are $25 for adults and $10 for children. A two-adult, two-child "family fun pack" costs $65.
Proceeds from the event will help pay for the volunteer search effort for Stacy Peterson, the young mother who vanished Oct. 28. The state police have named Stacy's husband, former police Sgt. Drew Peterson, their sole suspect in the case, which they have classified a "potential homicide."
For more information on the event, or to sponsor it, visit the Web site http://www.findstacypeterson.com/.
Bychowski said Advantage Chevrolet of Bolingbrook has stepped up to contribute $1,000 to the event and to chip in with $50 worth of gasoline cards and four $25 gift cards for Woodlands restaurant at the Promenade.
"We're doing it because it needs to be done," said Jim Galbraith of Advantage Chevrolet.
Galbraith said the dealership is trying to do its part in the community.
Galbraith said the dealership is trying to do its part in the community.
"We're actually not doing it for the publicity as much as because it needs to be done," he said. "Sometimes the unsung heroes are the best heroes, and if people just did good things, we'd have a lot less problems."
I do have to ask at this point, what exactly ARE the costs for volunteers?
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