Monday, September 29, 2008
Explanation of sorts...
It's been a blockbuster week for news, and I have to wonder why they are releasing so much evidence to the public. Early on, George, Cindy and Lee were given subpoena's to attend a hearing in November, still over a month away.
I have to wonder what Casey is thinking as everyone she knows tells the obnoxious truth about her. To create such an intricate web of lies and have them so openly splayed out for all the world to see. I wish she had a sense of shame, of embarrassment.
But alas...
Zenaida Gonzalez Tells Channel 9 "My World Has Been Turned Upside-Down"

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Odd stuff

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Thoughts from Chess613
As usual, my personal opinions are in red italics.
Chess613 has left a new comment on your post "Caylee Anthony Trust Fund Shut Down":
I had a nice long post regarding questions I had on the Anthony case and of course my browser crashed on me.. hey.. it happens. And it pisses us off when it does. Lol.
Here are some thoughts and questions I had on the case, and forgive me if they’ve already been addressed:
1. We have the phone list of calls made by Casey on the 16th and 18th, but what about incoming calls? I want to know who called her on that fateful Monday. I’m willing to bet she called Dad to tell him something was wrong with Caylee but backpedaled so he doesn’t suspect she has actually died, and instead says she’s ok. Dad then calls Mom (Cindy) who blows up her cell while she’s disposing of the body (putting it in her car). After collecting her nerves, she has to call mom to tell her everything’s ok. This is conjecture, but I’d love to know those incoming calls. Knowing now that she had no job to go to and no baby-sitter to leave Caylee with, she took Caylee to lunch at 12:50 pm, Geo left at 2:30, right after a cooking show he likes, and when she called him at 3:03, imo she was just fishing to see had left yet; he had, and Casey and Caylee went back home. Either they have not released incoming calls, or maybe there were none. We know that no calls on the 17th have been released at all, and only outgoing on the 18th.
2. Speaking of calls, can’t get a geographic position on where she was when she called via cell towers? Would help us know for sure where she was when Caylee died. I’m pretty sure it was in the Anthony house, but the cell tower reports would let us know for sure. It can also help track where she was all through that week, in the event she dumped the body away from the Anthony house. I have been waiting with bated breath to get my eyes on that cell tower ping map. It was shown for about 2 seconds on Nance Grace once, so law enforcement may have pulled the plug on releasing it. You could make out that one area was south and east of the airport, another was east some distance from the house. It was a map of the area with small circles in colors that became lighter in color, the further she pinged away from her house. But that was a lot of info for a 2 second look, so don’t hold me to it. I might be able to find it in old Nance Grace transcripts: NANCY GRACE, New Developments in Search for Caylee Anthony, Aired August 25, 2008 - 20:00:00 ET:
CALLER: I`ve been following this since day one, and my question is, we live not far from this area and my question is that this is a very secluded area where these cell phone pings were, there were approximately 32 of them in this area. This area is very difficult to get to. I know the area off the airport and it`s swampy and very heavily wooded and we haven`t heard anymore about this. Is this going to be in some of these documents, do you think, and would you or your panel happen to know anymore about this? We`re right here not far from there and we haven`t heard much more about this. It seems like it`s been kept under cover.
VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let`s go back to Mark Williams, the news director that has been covering this for WNDB Radio. We`ve heard about these pings, all about the cell phones, but somehow the details still elude us, Mark, as to where she was at critical times when there were critical phone calls allegedly made to her by various parties.
WILLIAMS: What the Sheriff`s Department`s investigators are doing is that they`ve obviously hired some high-tech people to take a look at those cell phone bills and see where she was when she used that cell phone. They`re keeping this close to the vest due to the fact that they need to use this during their investigation, to build a case against her and they`re not going to release that to anybody. They`re just going to keep it within themselves.
3. Does Casey have any priors at all? I think we would have known by now, but given her track record, I can’t believe she hasn’t had at least one or two run ins with the law. And how many times has the Anthony family use the law to straighten out their family issues (i.e. called the police on Casey)? None that have been reported.
4. The Chloroform – we know it was looked up on Casey’s computer but when? Any date stamps? No dates as far as I know. I’d like to know if she purchased it on-line.
5. Does Casey have a key to the Anthony house? Did Casey ever have a key to Lazzaro’s place? Any other guy stepped up to say Casey had a one night stand with them (in order to get a place to sleep)? The Anthony's don't use the front door, according to Lee. You have to have the security code to open the garage door, which lets you into the house. I don’t think Casey had a key to Lazaro’s because 1.) he had a room mate and 2.) when he was in New York, she apparently needed somewhere to stay, which is why she stayed at Amy and Ric’s during that time and once asked Jesse if she could use his shower.
6. Is it possible that Caylee tried to move the ladder and gate all by herself? I don’t think Caylee would have the coordination skills or strength to put the ladder up to the pool and snap it to the edge, just my own opinion, and based on the fact that my granddaughter turned 3 last Tuesday and still has problems with negotiating doors and doorknobs. But…why was the gate open anyway?
7. Can we track the money? I’d love to know exactly how much she extracted from her granddad’s retirement account. She had that (I doubt she gave it back to her folks), she had Mom’s credit cards, she had Amy’s checkbook and whatever else she borrowed from Ricardo or Lazaro. For one month, she burned through a WHOLE LOT of money. What did she spend it all on? Could there be a drug connection? From what I read last night, I believe from Amy’s statement, it sounds like the first arrest for checks, id theft may have been for what she stole from her Grandma & Gramps. Check it out, I could be wrong.
8. Did law enforcement sample dirt to find out where Casey may have been? Like from the tires of her car? I had heard that Dad replaced a tire or that a spare tire was removed. Can someone confirm this? George Anthony volunteered the car up to the police on the first night, July 15. The police hauled away the whole thing, and I heard later they not only would take samples from the trunk, but scrape out dirt from tire treads, tire wells, and underneath the carriage of the car, where it wouldn’t have been washed in a car wash. This should de-bunk the squirrel story.
9. What’s up with the seizures of Casey? I think in one police report, Lee had to take Casey to the hospital for seizures. Also, a childhood friend of hers say she has a tendency to forget things that they talked about a day before. Is this more bulljive from Casey? Since she’s a hard drinker, could this be a result of it? This could be an opening for an NGI defense for Casey (NGI – not guilty by reason of insanity). Cindy said it was Jesse Grund who took Casey to a hospital for seizures. I wonder if it could have been a drug OD. If she was over 21, the hospital would have no obligation to tell the parents exactly why she was taken to the hosp, and we know she can lie easily and quickly.
10. This is the big question for me: Can anyone else confirm, especially other family members, that Cindy referred to herself in front of Caylee, as her mother? Did the grandmother actively try to supplant Casey and take on the mother role? If there’s a motive for straight up murder, that could be the number one motive – if the child directly challenged her mother and said she was not her mommy. Myself, I don’t think this is so much of a big deal as they are making of it. My daughter has two sons; she calls me mama still, and at around Caylee’s age, they called me mama occasionally just because she did. As they got older they understood the relationship hierarchy. Same with 3-y-o granddaughter. She slips and calls me mama sometimes when she’s tired, or when we are cuddling. AND, I have two little dogs, and I call myself “mama” to them, I refer to them as the girls. So when Granddaughter is here, I may screw up and refer to myself as her mama, AND refer to myself to the dogs as grams. Who hasn’t gotten names wrong when id’ing a family member. When trying to come up with little g-son’s name, sometimes I’ll run through a few others, “John, er, Rick, er, Tracy, er Lord! I mean Joey!”
I know that sounds far fetched, but consider this – Caylee in three days witnessed several people – groups of people – chastise Casey, as if she were a child. It happened on Friday the 13th, when she took Caylee to the club and people told her it was inappropriate to take her there. And the Saturday and Sunday (father’s day weekend), both parents and grandparents had choice words for Casey for stealing her granddad’s money. So did Caylee (because kids absorb everything adults do) start popping off at the mouth at her own mother? I think at this point it would make Casey mad if Caylee asked for her grandma. Kate asks for me when she and her mom have an argument. Sometimes they call me and just talking to her gets her calmed down and gives her mom a little time to chill. At times I’ve told her to bring her over. But there is no jealousy between d-i-l and me, we have our places, but like Hillary said, it takes a village to raise a child.
From Chess 613 Having said that, these are my four theories as to what happened:
(my own theory has become muddled in the last few days, so I withhold it here-Janet):
1. Monday 6/16 Casey leaves with Caylee (per Dad’s testimony) at 12:30, but reappears after 2:30 – basically, she’s scoping the house to wait until Dad leaves. She wants to scam her family and needs to be alone to find some paperwork. Between 2:30 and 3pm, Caylee dies – either by accident or by a spontaneous action by Casey. She calls Dad to get advice, but backpedals and doesn’t let up that the situation’s serious. After talking to Dad, she disposes of the body, putting it in trashbags and in her car. For some reason, she can’t dispose of the body in the evening, perhaps because she’s afraid of it being found or she wants it close by so she can keep watch of it (to control who has access to finding it). Or maybe she’s just lazy and emotionally exhausted.
Tuesday 6/17, she scopes out Sawgrass in hopes of disposing the body in an abandoned apartment – but fails to do so, but sees Zenaida and gets her information, so she can pin her as the ‘nanny’. Re the police report, casey borrows a shovel either this day or Wednesday and uses it to bury her daughter in the back yard, where it is now (since I don’t have knowledge of LE actually digging for the body, only using dogs to sniff for clues).
2. Monday – same as above. Tuesday (if she borrowed the shovel this day) she buries the baby, but Wednesday takes the baby out of the yard (after several calls making sure no one’s home) and dumps the body elsewhere.
3. Same as theory one, but George discovers the body/grave around Thursday or Friday and gives Casey the ultimatum to tell the cops and family what happened. Casey promises but welches on the deal. George calls the police but relents and says it’s about gas cans (which were taken but $50 theft much ado about nothing). Casey comes to the house and George forces Casey to take the body away and instructs her what to do with it.
4. Same as theory three, but George deals with the body, taking it out of the back yard and instructing Casey what to do (perhaps even telling her to ditch the car - including leaving the purse in the car).If you think about the work George is doing in his backyard, especially laying down concrete on the Fourth of July (a holiday!), his not reacting to the smell either when he confronted Casey about the gas cans on the 23rd or when he drove the car back from the wrecking yard on the 15th of July (remember the owner of the yard, who said George never reacted when he told him it smelled like a dead body) – I think George is being very protective of Casey – and of his wife Cindy, for not saying anything to him.The sad part about it all is that Casey is probably not a monster – she’s just someone who’s used to perpetually being in trouble and is used to lying to get herself out of trouble. I’m sure in Casey’s mind, this is just a bigger version of the same old stuff – yes, her baby’s dead and there’s guilt if she allows herself to feel it, but in the end, it’s the same thing as when she was being yelled at on Father’s Day. Only it’s the whole world. Had she told her father on 3:03pm on Monday.. “Dad, something happened to Caylee. Help me.” – it may have not saved Caylee’s life, but she wouldn’t be up for child endangerment, much less murder. And it may have been a blip on the local news, but nothing like this. It would have been a tragic mistake she could have learned from and grew from. Instead, her lies and the people’s lives she’s ruined will follow her for the rest of her life.Lesson (which all kids are taught by their folks) – the act is minimal. It’s the lie that really hurts.
And I am struck by the fact that her spoiled selfish persona is still carrying on. She is doing nothing to help herself, let alone her child, yet look at the world turning around her. She has multiple lawyers, private investigators, world famous searchers, LE of all ranks and her family all living their lives completely absorbed in finding Caylee and protecting Casey. She doesn’t have to do anything, it’s all being done for her, as usual…
Posted by Chess613 to The Prairie Chicken at 11:35 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Casey Anthony Saga: 600+ Documents Released

Documents released today by the State Attorney's Office show Casey Anthony's conversations and text messages on the weeks prior to her arrest and the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee Marie.
The nearly 600 pages of interviews between detectives, family and friends, as well as hundreds of text messages from Anthony's cell phone, show that Anthony spent lots of time discussing relationship woes and planning parties -- with little mention of Caylee Marie -- as well as admitting to a family member that she was an unfit mother.
The file also shows the lies Anthony told friends and family about the smell of decomposition coming from her car and talk of jealousy stemming from her mother's affection toward Caylee.
Smell in the car
* Her friend Amy Huizenga said Cindy Anthony was worried when the tow company contacted her about the car that was hauled away from Amscot. The smell from the trunk was overpowering -- like something had died. The parents initially couldn't get it open because they didn't have the keys. When they did open it, Cindy Anthony feared the worse. " They were terrified it was either Casey or Caylee," Huizenga said. "Because they had not talked to either of them. Because of the smell."
* In late June, Anthony talked to Huizenga about the "horrible smell" in her car and she couldn't figure out the source. She said it smelled like something had died and the odor was coming from the engine. She told her friend that she thought her dad may have hit an animal when he borrowed her car. Days later, she told Huizenga that she found an animal "plastered" to the frame of her car.
* Anthony told her brother Lee Anthony that the smell came from a couple of squirrels that had crawled into the engine and died.
Jealousy between Casey Anthony and her mother, Cindy
* Anthony's friend, Brittany Schieber, told detectives there were jealousy issues between the mother and daughter. "Cindy ... told me that her and Casey were having issues because Casey was having a jealousy issue about the relationship between Caylee and her grandmother and she didn't like it."
Questions about Anthony's car and Caylee's room
* Schieber said Cindy told her about Casey's car being towed from the Amscot. Cindy said Caylee's baby doll was in her car seat and there was a bag of diapers in the back. That was odd because Caylee never leaves without her baby doll, Schieber said.
* Cindy also told Schieber that items were missing from Casey's room, but nothing of Caylee's was gone. "And Caylee's stuff was never moved. No shoes, no pajamas, no clothes, no dolls, no anything."
* Schieber said Cindy also said Casey was stealing from her.
Text messages
*Casey Anthony sent a text message to her friend Amy Huizenga on June 6 that read "proud momma." She sent it after telling Huizenga that Caylee Marie had used the bathroom for the first time.
*As the news of Caylee's disappearance and Casey Anthony's lies became public, her friends' text messages changed from friendly banter to feeling of betrayal. "Dude, don't lie or lose your kid and pretend it didn't happen. I have a lot in common with her too," Huizenga texted a friend. "We were really close for months. She fooled us all. You aren't crazy, she is."
*Anthony sent Huizenga dozens of messages about her relationship troubles, planning parties and nights out at bar, with little mention of Caylee Marie, except for a text message dated June 6, in which she tells her friend "Sorry. Proud momma" after her daughter, Caylee uses the bathroom for the first time.
Detectives interview Casey's most recent boyfriend Anthony Lazzaro.
* After July 5, Anthony stayed at Lazzaro's apartment full-time. On several occasions, in the middle of the night, Anthony would have cold sweats. "And I would ask her uh, why and she said that she would have nightmares... she was having a nightmare or something "
* One night in June, Anthony, Lazzaro and their friends went to a club. Afterward, they all went back to Lazzaro's, but he said Anthony had to leave because her mom wouldn't allow her to stay over.
* Lazzaro once took Anthony to her parents' home so she could pick up a gas can because she ran out of gas.
* Lazzaro picked Anthony up from the Amscot on Goldenrod Road, where she abandoned her vehicle. Anthony told him she ran out of gas and would take care of it later.
* On July 15, when Cindy Anthony and Amy Huizenga came to Lazzaro's apartment to find Casey, Lazzaro said there was a knock at the door and he said "Come in." "And there was Amy just standing there with a miserable face and we were, we were both confused," he said.
Anthony went outside, and about a half-hour later, she and Cindy came to the door, Casey stormed in and looked like she was in tears.
"Uhm, and her mom said, 'Get your things. Let, you're, you're coming with me.' And Casey said, 'No, I'm coming back.'"
Lazzaro said he had never met Casey's mother until that point, and so he said hello. Cindy Anthony responded " 'I hope you're rich because Casey's going to take all your money and leave you high and dry.'"
Investigators question one of Casey's ex-boyfriends Ricardo Morales.
* Morales told detectives about an online message Anthony sent him, possibly in April or May: " Casey was just uh, I guess kind of venting on how she could, she didn't feel that she can participate uhm, fully, or uhm, with her friends because she was a mother."
* Morales said he never met the nanny nor could he remember an occasion where Casey actually spoke to the nanny on the phone. He said Anthony said the nanny was named Zani, and said her actual name was Zenita.
* Morales told detectives about one night when Caylee and Casey were at his house and they all fell asleep in the same bed. When he woke up in the morning, Caylee was gone. "Casey told me that uhm, her mom had called during the night and wanted her to bring Caylee home."
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Caylee Anthony Trust Fund Shut Down

Both the law firm that administers the fund and the bank where the money was deposited said they're backing out.
Attorney Paul Kelley of Bichler & Kelley PA said he's saddened that his law firm had to make a decision to stop administering the trust fund connected with
Kelley said he won't reveal the exact amount in the fund, but he said it wasn't much and that what was spent so far was used to pay for search-related items, like posters and water for volunteers. He also said he can account for every penny spent and that none of it went directly to the Anthony family.
Anthony family members did not return WESH 2 News' phone calls about their reaction to the trust fund controversy.
Kelley said he believes the harassing e-mails came from two people who volunteered with Equusearch.
The Web site still suggests donations be sent to Bichler & Kelley PA, but that's expected to change soon. Kelley said he hopes he can find another financial institution willing to take it on.
Meanwhile, the Anthonys said they're canceling their weekly Sunday night prayer vigil outside their home to "ensure the safety of all of their friends, supporters and neighbors."
The family's representative, Larry Garrison, said in a statement that the Anthonys were saddened that they won't be able to pray with their friends for Caylee.
They are asking anyone who would normally join them to light a candle for Caylee at 8:30 p.m. Sunday.
"Please say a prayer for Caylee's safe return, as well as for the return of peace on Hopespring Drive," Caylee's grandmother, Cindy, requested.
Where's Caylee Anthony? Web sleuths on case

September 21, 2008
Something about 3-year-old Caylee Marie Anthony has struck a nerve.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Cheney must keep records, judge orders

The Bush administration's legal position "heightens the court's concern" that some records may not be preserved, said the judge.
A private group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, is suing Cheney and the Executive Office of the President in an effort to ensure that no presidential records are destroyed or handled in a way that makes them unavailable to the public.
In a 22-page opinion, the judge revealed that in recent days, lawyers for the Bush administration balked at a proposed agreement between the two sides on how to proceed with the case.
Cheney and the other defendants in the case "were only willing to agree to a preservation order that tracked their narrowed interpretation" of the Presidential Records Act, wrote Kollar-Kotelly.
The other defendants are the Executive Office of the President and the National Archives.
The lawsuit stems from Cheney's position that his office is not part of the executive branch of government.
This summer, Cheney chief of staff David Addington told Congress that the vice president belongs to neither the executive nor legislative branch of government but rather is attached by the Constitution to Congress. The vice president presides over the Senate.
The lawsuit alleges that the Bush administration's actions over the past 7½ years raise questions over whether the White House will turn over records created by Cheney and his staff to the National Archives in January.
In 2003, Cheney asserted that the office of the vice president is not an entity within the executive branch.
Two historians and three groups of historians and archivists joined CREW in filing the suit two weeks ago.
Another Confrontation Erupts At Anthony Home

Friday, September 19, 2008
State Attorney Finalizes Charges Against Anthony

September 19, 2008
Meanwhile, the Guardian Angels were on patrol outside the home to try to keep the peace for frustrated neighborhood residents, but they're also involved in the new investigation.
The protests have grown in the wake of the disappearance of Caylee Anthony, who disappeared in June. Caylee's mother, Casey Anthony, failed to report her disappearance for about a month, and she was jailed on charges of child neglect and lying to investigators. She is currently out of jail on bond on those charges and others relating to check fraud.
"This thing has all the juicy, scandalous aspects that people eat up, and they just came out here probably out of poverty and curiosity," protester Christopher Benson said.
Benson added a different aspect to the protesting by covering himself in body paint.
After a fight between George Anthony and protesters on Thursday, Benson said he wanted to see what would happen next.
Some returning protesters said they're not sure what caused the violent outbreak.
"He pushed that girl first, and they grabbed a hold of him," protester Ashley Griffin said. "I honestly think they deserved every bit of what they got."
"She needs to let everybody know where the baby is and quit wasting everybody's time," protester Carol Fedor said.
While Orange County sheriff's deputies patrolled the streets, the Guardian Angels arrived and stood back to back in front of the Anthony home.
"The people's rights out here are being violated. The Guardian Angels' purpose is to keep communities safe. That's it," a Guardian Angels representative said.
Some neighbors did confront one man, leading to a new criminal investigation. "Some words were exchanged between people in the car and the neighbors. Subsequently, neighbors said a Taser was pulled out. It wasn't utilized, but it was activated. The car sped off," Lt. Larry Spahn said.
The Guardian Angels were able to follow the car and make contact with the occupants a few blocks away. Spahn said another confrontation took place, but no arrests were made.
The Guardian Angels wouldn't say how long they would stay at the Anthony home.
Anthonys' Neighbors Push For HOA Injunction To Be Granted
As the protests continue to turn into fights at the Anthony home, neighbors are getting more and more upset.
They want a judge to grant an injunction and move the protesters down the street away from the Anthony home.
The attorney for the Homeowner’s Association said all the commotion is making the East Orange County neighborhood unsafe.
"They're frustrated that they can't get a full night sleep, that they can't get their kids to the bus stop, or to the elementary school," Karen Wonsetler said.
Wonsetler admits the protesters have freedom of speech and assembly -- and the association isn't trying to take away their rights.
Residents simply want the protesters to relocate to a lot down the street away from the driveway of the Anthony home.
But Wonsetler also has a request for George and Cindy Anthony.
"We've requested that they move the prayer vigil to the back yard, inside, or suspend it until we obtain an injunction," she said.
Neighbors welcome the Guardian Angels who are now helping keep the peace, but they'd much rather get an injunction from the judge.
If that doesn't happen, residents will push for an off-duty deputy to guard the house around the clock.
Wonsetler also said selling a house in the neighborhood right now is next to impossible.
Bounty Hunter Questioned In Caylee Anthony Case

September 18, 2008
But Anthony told investigators she left the child with Gonzalez at Sawgrass apartments.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Casey Anthony Timeline--Revised September 18, 2008
Please go here for the latest revision: Anthony Timeline, Aug 26, 2009
June 24 2004 Casey began work at Kodak or Universal studios. End date Nov 26 2005.
November 2004 Casey becomes pregnant. No one seems to know who the father is, and I doubt that Casey knows, either.
December 2004 around Christmas; this is the date Casey says she first met Zenaida Fernandez-Gongalez the nanny, through Jeff Hopkins who supposedly used her as his babysitter.
Summer 2005 Casey tells ex-fiance Jesse Grund that she is pregnant with his baby. Jesse is willing to accept responsibility, but requests a DNA test at Caylee's birth.
August 2005 DNA tests show Jesse could not possibly be Caylee's father. Throughout that summer, however, she avowed to Jesse being the father, spending time with his family, Sunday dinners, to the point where there was great disappointment in the Grund family when the DNA evidence showed someone else as the bio father.
November 26 2005 Casey is fired from Kodak or Universal. Begin date June 24 2004.
June 2007 there-about, Casey met Ricardo Morales and Amy Huizenga and their pals at a birthday party for a past friend Lauren. I believe Lauren and Amy were roommates at the house in Oveida. Amy left for six months to work a cruise ship and when she came back in December, Casey was hanging with her people. Note about Amy: she hired-on in the entertainment dept of the cruise line and ended up just setting-up and breaking-down for various bands. Has a degree in theater, works as waitress to pay the bills.
August 2007 Ricardo Morales moved from Jacksonville FL to Orlando for employment reasons.
January 2008 Ryan Pasley who grew up with Casey, says he hung out with Casey about every other day. He doesn’t say when or what time period. Caylee was with them about a third of the time, the rest of the time Casey said she was with her parents or the nanny who had a Caucasian name like Krista or Kristen, when prompted by police said Christina sounded more like it. He said he saw Casey on and off until the end of May.
February 2008 Casey and Amy became friends on a steady basis, i.e. calls/texts, etc., by Feb 2008.
February 23 2008 Casey and Ricardo start seriously dating, with Casey sleeping over many times and Caylee sleeping with them when she was there.
April 14 2008 Casey and Ricardo stop seeing each other. He says it just petered out. He said they remained friends and he likes Caylee, who has a favorite Teddy bear she named Teddy and a cloth bodied baby doll with a plastic head named Mama, and she liked to play his drums. She sleeps over occasionally. Amy lives there too. Amy said Ric is not very "ambivalent" which I take to mean not too emotional one way or the other, and was undecided as to his and Casey's relationship.
April 20, 8:04 am to web post to The Quadruple Tripler (Donny Wells): hey yourself. I've been good...with the exception of the last 4 days. Seriously, the sickest I've been since before high school :( what's new? The last time i saw you, we literally ran into each other downtown.
So, Casey stops going to Ric's on April 14 and had to go home, so she probably played sick beginning April 16 and moped in bed at home so someone else would take care of Caylee. It was about this time she met Lazzaro on-line.
May 21 2008 Casey met Anthony Lazzaro at a party, after having conversed on-line at Facebook for some time.
June 2 2008 Anthony Lazzaro last saw Caylee on this date at the swimming pool of his apartment complex. It was the last of only a few times he had seen Caylee at all.
June 4 Wednesday, at 7:33 am Casey Anthony wrote to Amy on Facebook: oh, the times we will have! i can’t wait for us to become roomies in another week! Seriously… by the end of next week, it will be just us girls. I can’t believe it! Author’s note: Casey had been telling Amy that her parents were splitting up and moving out and she was going to get the house and Amy could move in with her there on Hope Spring Drive. That is a pretty bold lie. I wonder if she ever pondered killing her parents to make it look like homicide/suicide so she could have the house. Just a thought.
June 4 2008 Casey on MySpace or Facebook to Donny Wells: So are you home yet, or what?
June 4th Wednesday, at 12:12 pm Casey Anthony wrote to Amy on Facebook: Si!!! Good times to be had, from tonight, until, well, forever. What time do you think you’re getting done tonight????
June 7 Saturday, at 9:04 am Casey Anthony wrote to Amy on Facebook: I’m so glad you’re ok! Seriously, you scared the life right out of me! i love you girl.
June 8-14 Casey told Cindy that during this time Casey took a mini-vacation with Jeff Hopkins. Author’s note: His name is became familiar later because she used it as an outcry witness and we now know he had not seen Casey since high-school, except for once a few weeks before Caylee disappeared when they ran into each other at a restaurant and said cursory hello’s; The Anthonys asked the Hopkins family not to talk to reporters.
June 9 Casey and Caylee spent their last night at Ricardo’s. Tony Lazzaro states that Casey lived with him June 9 through July 16, the day she was arrested. Caylee was not there with them, Casey repeated saying she was with the nanny or grandparents.
June 9 From Casey (to unknown, looks like MySpace or Facebook). Hey baby! I hope NY is treating you right. Question!!!!! Do you know any local girls, that can sing? My boyfriend Tony, and his business partners are looking for an up and coming female R&B artist let me know!!! i miss you!
June 9 - June 15 Casey Anthony told Cindy that she was going to work every day, Casey was really just holed up at Tony Lazzaro’s apartment.
Jun 12 6:41 AM from Casey to Jeff Hopkins (Fusion poster was here) you guys should definitely check it out! Cover is only $5. There’s going to be live artists, a full bar, and an album release that you shouldn’t miss! Hope to see you out there!
Jun 12 9:14 AM From Casey (not sure to who): so I’m thinking, you should bring your happy ass back into Orlando tomorrow night, for a BADASS hip hop showcase/album release party. Google the address on the poster, on my MySpace page. I’d love to see you out there!
June 12 Casey claims to have spoken to Zenaida on the phone on June 12 but ZG would not tell Casey where Caylee is. Info from meowse. But…this was before she had even gone missing…could it have been July 12?
June 12 George Anthony says Caylee was spotted by friends of the Anthony family in a shopping area near the Orange-Seminole county lines. She was wearing a pink and blue outfit and white-rimmed sunglasses.
Jun 12 7:54 PM From Casey (not sure to who):"sounds good hun."
June 12 or 13 Cristina Chester recalls herself, Casey and Caylee taking a walk, between 6:00 pm and 8:30 pm.
June 13 Friday Roy House, Lazzaro’s roommate says he saw Caylee on June 13 at the Fusion bar with her mother, when Casey attended a party thrown by House and Lazzaro. It was noted because several people noticed and commented that it was inappropriate to have Caylee there. I think this is important, that Casey was told by her friends that Caylee shouldn't be at a night club on Friday night, three days before Caylee goes missing. Why didn't she have a babysitter on that night, if they were so freely available?
June 14-15 Anthony’s neighbors report loud argument at the Anthony’s house over the fathers day weekend.
June 15 Caylee and Cindy visited Cindy’s father at 12:00 noon at Nursing Home. Last photo’s of Caylee taken, time taken from camera. A confrontation between Great Grandma and Cindy occured at the facility because G-Grams wanted Casey held responsible for the thiefs against her and the nursing home, and instead, Geo and Cindy just paid them back and talked the nursing home into not filing charges. This must have sparked the argument at home between G-parents and Casey.
June 15 In the evening, Cindy and Casey used the pool. After the argument? When they got out, Cindy remembers moving the stairs away from the pool.
June 16 Monday, Cindy goes to work sometime in the morning.
June 16 Per George Anthony, Casey and Caylee leave the house at 12:50 pm. Casey was wearing gray dress slacks and a white dress shirt and carried a dark blue backpack. Caylee is wearing blue-jean shorts, a pink blouse and her sunglasses with white frames. She also has a white and pink backpack and her cloth-bodied baby doll.
June 16 George leaves the house at 2:30 to go to work.June 16 Interesting flurry of phone calls from Casey’s cell phone on this day as follows:
3:03 to dad’s cell
4:10 to mom’s work
4:11 to mom’s cell
4:13 to mom’s cell
4:14 to mom’s work
4:19 to Tony Lazzaro
4:21 to Jesse Grund
4:24 mom’s cell
6:32 mom at home
6:33 home voicemail
7:06 mom at home
7:20 Amy
June 16 Cindy returns home from work and finds the pool ladder is attached to the pool and the fence gate is open.
June 16 Per Amy H official statement, Casey spent June 16 thru July 4 with Tony Lazzaro, July 4-8 with Amy Huizenga at Ricardo Morales apartment, then July 9 thru 15 with Tony. Tony says Casey stayed with him from June 10 until
June 16 Casey’s boyfriend Tony told investigators that Casey was not in a panic, not searching for her daughter. She spent that night with him.
June 17 Tuesday, at 3:15pm Casey Anthony wrote on Facebook to Amy: cheer up me lady! i love you and can’t wait to finally get you moved in.
June 17 Tuesday A Zenaida Gongalez filled out a guest registration card at the Sawgrass apartments to look at unit 210. Casey claims she left Caylee with ZG at the bottom of the stairs leading to apartment 210, because ZG was hanging out downstairs, but that she had left her at the apartment many times. I saw an image of the registration somewhere on the web, and for the life of me would not be able to make out the name from the scrawled signature. The workers at the apartment building say the woman was definitely Hispanic, was NOT Casey Anthony, and did not rent the apt. So, how did Casey make the connection between ZG and apt 210?
June 18 Wednesday, another flurry of phone calls that could mean nothing, or could mean something.
12:33 to home
12:34 to mom’s cell
12:35 to home
12:36 to dad’s cell
1:09 to mom’s cell
1:11 to home
June 18 1:30 to 2:30pm The neighbor Brian Burner told LE that Casey had asked to borrow a shovel on the same day he saw her backing the car into the garage. He said the "week of the 16th." (pg 310) Note the time—she calls to make sure no one is home, then between 1:11 and 1:30 backs in the garage and borrows a shovel.
June 19 Casey introduces Tony Lazzaro to Matthew Crisp. Tony wants to rent from Crisp and get out of his current lease. Caylee was not with them, Casey was in good spirits. So Casey was looking for apartments for Tony? That would explain why she was at Sawgrass on the 17th. She was checking Sawgrass out for Tony and Zani's guest card, which is a normal 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper, was lying on the counter. Caylee was already dead, Casey was forming her story...maybe she was intrigued by the name...
June 19 Thursday, Casey’s Facebook comments to Troy on the 19th at 3:57 pm you, ric and dave should definitely come out tomorrow night. I’ll give you a buzz later. i haven’t see you in ages!
June 19th, 2008 at 9:09pm Casey Anthony wrote: until 2. I’ll be there all night.
June 20, Friday, 2008 15:46 you’re online!!! come out to fusion tonight…mandatory attendance Alexander Ryans.
June 20 Casey’s Facebook comments to Chris Tutz, Friday, at 2:36pm Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote trying to get back in shape?! How about you come and hang out with me tonight, at Fusian!!!! Call me!
June 20, Friday Big bash at Fusion—photo’s taken. Casey say’s she was “working” there. The club owners say she was an unpaid “promo” girl, hot chicks that get free drinks to hang out and be friendly and draw a crowd.
June 21st Saturday, 6:43pm on MySpace: good times last night!
June 21 about here, Casey ran into Jeff Hopkins II, a high-school acquaintance she had not seen since high-school, nor since the chance meeting.
June 21st 7:02pm Casey wrote to “little one” on MySpace: Oh yes I know! haha. you’re amazing girly! Looking forward to the all white party this weekend.
Between June 30 and July 6, Casey asked Jesse if she could come over and use his shower, that she didn’t want to use her parents and her boyfriend was out of town. Jesse’s statement said June 22 to July 6, but we now know Tony didn’t leave for NY until June 30.
June 22 11:58 From Casey on Facebook: Wow. What a night. Seriously, I'm never living that one down.
June 22 6:00pm Sunday, when George Anthony is sure he locked the shed.
June 22 7:29pm From Casey (not sure who to) on MySpace: it’s been ages I’ll give you a call this week.
June 22 7:36pm from Casey on Facebook: fusion was so fun lol...we need to go again for sure!
Jun 23 2008 Monday, 12:40 AM From Casey to Lee “here’s my question…is ‘the windy city’ an appropriate nickname for Chicago? Is it really THAT windy? I’ve always wondered.”
June 23 on or about, Cindy Anthony calls Ryan Pasley, while he was in class, and warns him of Casey’s erratic behavior, her having stolen money from Cindy and Cindy’s mother, and she tells him she thinks Casey is a sociopath.
Jun 24 10am Tuesday: Shed at family home found broken into, two gas cans stolen by unknown thief. George makes a police report. Casey comes to the house without Caylee to get some clothes, and Casey tells George “it’s too bad what happened in the shed”. Later George needs a tool from Casey’s trunk and finds the gas cans in the trunk.
June 24 Cindy is very angry and tells Casey she wants the car back and that she wants Caylee brought home.
June 24 2008 at 2:40pm Casey Anthony (Orlando, FL) wrote to troy on Facebook: she still has yet to move into the house. hell, in the past 9 days, i haven’t even been living at the house. DRAMMMMMA. I’ll fill ya in later on. Miss ya, yo.
June 24 2008 at 2:46 Amy Huizenga (Orlando, FL) to Troy on Facebook wrote: I’m still at Ricardo and JPs… hopefully everything works out soon! Hey, so I forwarded my mail a little late… any idea how to get my insurance stuff that got mailed to the Oviedo house?
June 25 Wednesday, Casey called Jesse Grund on the phone; he had quit his job as a police officer on that same day and he said he heard Caylee in the background. He later said he wasn’t SURE he heard Caylee. He notifies LE and gives statement that Casey is a habitual liar, and that on June 25 he received a call from Casey A asked him to come to Fusion and that Caylee was at the beach all weekend. The upcoming weekend was June 28/29, when Tony Lazzaro was about to leave (on Monday) for New York on vacation.
Jun 25 2008 10:36 AM From Casey (not sure to who) on MySpace: hey girly! long time. are you going to be in orlando this weekend?
Jun 25 2008 3:35 PM from Casey to Alex on MySpace: come to orlando friday!!!! i miss your happy ass, plus, you need to join me for a few beverages, and the ALL WHITE PARTY, at fusian. i never asked…do you like sushi?? get at me brotha!
June 27 Friday, some time before 7:00 am Casey abandoned the White Pontiac in front of Amscot, a Check Cashing Business. Anthony picked her up from from Amscot store at about 7:00 am. She told Tony her dad was going to take care of it. She left her purse in clear view on the front seat; the child seat was still in the backseat. Author’s ponder: did she leave the purse in the car to try to entice someone to steal it or the whole car, thus trying to confuse the crime scene?
June 30 Monday Tony Lazzaro leaves for New York. Returns July 5.
June 30 Monday The car Casey had been driving is towed at 9:00 am from the Amscot store on Goldenrod Road and Colonial Drive by Johnson’s Towing Co. Casey said later it had run out of gas and she had help pushing it into a parking stall next to a dumpster.
July 2 1:01am Casey to Tony’s sisters (in NY) Facebook: take care of your brother. it's sad...but i can't wait for him to come back home.
July 2 2008 at 1:46pm Casey Anthony wrote to Troy on Facebook: you taking a cab tonight? She has already dumped her car and Tony is in NY. She's trying to get a ride?
July 2 at about 12:00pm noon, Casey went to Cast Iron Tattoo’s and got “Bella Vida” (Italian for Beautiful Life) tattoo’d on her shoulder.
July 2 Richard Morales and JP Chatt go to Puerto Rio for a vacation. Amy had been rooming with Ric for about 2 months, waiting to move in with Casey at the Anthony's Hope Spring Dr house. Amy joins them July 8.
July 3 Cindy posted this on MySpace:
Thursday, July 03, 2008: my caylee is missing She came into my life unexpectedly, just as she has left me. This precious little angel from above gave me strength and unconditional love. Now she is gone and I don’t know why. All I am guilty of is loving her and providing her a safe home. Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all of the love and support given to her. A mother’s love is deep, however there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. A daughter comes to her mother for support when she is pregnant, the mother says without hesitation it will be ok. And it was. But then the lies and betrayal began. First it seemed harmless, ah, love is blind. A mother will look for the good in her child and give them a chance to change. This mother gave chance after chance for her daughter to change, but instead more lies more betrayal. What does the mother get for giving her daughter all of these chances? A broken heart. The daughter who stole money, lots of money, leaves without warning and does not let her mother now speak to the baby that her mother raised, fed, clothed, sheltered, paid her medical bills, etc. Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. No money, no future. Where did she go? Who is now watching out for the little angel?
July 3 Casey texts Jesse Grund to tell him not to talk to her parents if they should call him. Interesting in that in one of the jail house phone calls between Casey and Lee (7/26 or 7/30), she is telling Lee not to trust Jesse. I think the Anthony's and Grund need to sit down and compare notes. There is a reason she doesn't want them to talk.
July 5 10:12am Casey to Tony’s NY sister: i'm going to prove to your brother how much of a dork i really am....i ABSOLUTELY can't wait to see him today hope you guys had fun while he was home.<3 July 5 Friends reported Casey celebrated Independence Day with her boyfriend Tony Lazzaro. She partied and cooked dinner for him and his roommate, they took photos.
July 5 on or about Casey tells friend Ryan Pasley that she has been doing drugs, smoking pot and such.
July 7 about noon, ran into Matthew Crisp at the Subway Shop. He said Caylee was in Sanford, Florida with the nanny.
July 7 Casey claims that she reported one of her phones missing, the one with Zani's number programmed in. If she "reported it", who did she report it to, if she just lost it, as she told Lee? Is she saying she reported the loss of the phone to the police, but said nothing about her little girl? Or to Universal, where she didn’t work?
July 7 Monday (exactly 2 weeks since June 16, Caylee’s last day…) Casey Anthony posted this poem from American Psycho the Diary of Days, which was posted on July 7. It reads, in part:
“On the worst of worst days,
remember the words spoken
Trust no one, Only yourself.
With great power, comes great consequence.
What is given, Can be taken away.
Everyone Lies.Everyone Dies.”
July 8 before 9:00 am Casey drives Amy to the airport and has permission to use the car for the week Amy was on vacation.
July 8, Tuesday, 2008 at 9:31am Casey Anthony wrote to Amy on Facebook: Oh Puerto Rico….has stolen my friends. We shall be reunited shortly.
July 8 2008 On this date Casey wrote the first of checks on Amy’s checking account, per Orange County Clerk of Courts website. July 8 is the offense date Aug 30 is the arrest date. As soon as Amy was gone, on that very day, Casey stole all of her money.
July 9, Wednesday, Tony was out of town so Casey spent the night at Ricardo and JP’s apt.
July 10 Thursday, 9:12pm Jesse Grund’s Updates on his Facebook “Jesse will be moving again in August…to Georgia!
July 10 Casey wrote to “little one” on MySpace you’re the best adopted little sister ever! we need a new picture tonight ”July 10 Casey writes several more checks off of Amy’s account at two Target stores.
Jul 10 2008 11:47 PM From Casey to Red Fuzzy Balloonsoh my sexy boys. i love fuzzy red balloons!
July 13 7:36 am Casey wrote to “little one ”on MySpace, you little hoochie! where are “our” new pictures????
July 13 Sunday at 9:34 am on, 2008 Casey Anthony wrote to Chris Stutz on Facebook:happy birthday love!!!!
July 14, Monday, 10:10 pm From Casey to Ricardo Morales. She sent a video to this user about drums because he is a drum player it is by killer chops tv on you tube.
July 8-15 Casey drove Amy’s car when Amy went to Puerto Rico for a vacation with Ricardo and JP Chatt.
July 15, Tuesday. The car found abandoned is picked up by the Anthony family from the wrecker company. Simon Birch, manager at the wrecker yard, noticed the stench coming from the vehicle both on June 30 when it was originally towed, and when he brought it up to George Anthony. They left and he picked up the car several hours later. One tow lot employee overheard him say something to the effect of his daughter wouldn't let him see his granddaughter, and the tow guy who went to the car with him was told something to the effect of his daughter HAD been missing but his granddaughter was still missing. They get to the car, and open it and tow guy says it smells horrible…met with TOTAL silence from George. They opened the trunk and flies flew out and they find a bag of trash with some pizza and some maggots, etc.; the bag is thrown over the fence AT THE TOW YARD by the tow guy BUT it WAS collected into evidence from there (so NOT at the Anthony home like George claimed earlier) George sees the gas gauge is on empty and says, oh, I have gas in my car. This is interesting to me, that George didn't try to start the car, just looked at the gas gauge, which Casey had said was broken. The tow yard wouldn't know if it was out of gas, they didn't have a key to it. The only time we hear of the car being out of gas is from Casey's statement that it was pushed into the lot because it was out of gas. He puts in gas and leaves. George said the smell of decomposition was so bad they drove home with all the windows open. Did George talk to Casey between the time it was towed on the 30th and the day George picked it up, on July 15?
July 15 Sometime after George picked up the car and before he went to work, he used some kind of cleaning solution on the trunk interior.
July 15 abt 12 noon, Casey says she received a phone call from “personal call” and spoke to Caylee herself, but was then disconnected. Phone records later show no call was made in or out at any time around noon
July 15, Tuesday at 2:30 pm Casey picks up Amy Huizenga at the airport in Amy’s car. Earlier in the day she wrote one final check for cash from Amy H’s checking account.
July 15, Casey returns to Cast Iron Tattoos between 2:00 and 4:00 pm and makes an appointment for herself and a friend at the tattoo parlor for July 19, 2008, the next Saturday.
July 15, 2008 at 4:02 pm Casey Anthony wrote to Amy on Facebook: so glad you’re home. i better not see you online. life is on hold until tomorrow.
July 15 Cindy found Amy’s phone number in the car and called her; Amy told Cindy that Casey was at Tony Lazzaro’s apartment and that Caylee was not with her.
July 15 Between 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm, Amy discovered checks missing and her account had been emptied of $600+, not to mention that in the past, $400 in cash Casey stole from her then convinced Amy that she had sleepwalked and hidden it.
July 15 about 7:30 pm Cindy picked up Amy at a mall she was at and Amy showed her where Tony lived, where Casey was at the time. They compared lots of notes on the way and Amy found out the whole "moving into the Anthony house" deal was bogus.
July 15, at 8:00 pm per Tony Lazzaro, Cindy, with Amy, picked Casey up. They drove around and when Casey would not tell her where Caylee was, went to a closed police station, then back to Anthony’s house where George and Lee were.
July 15 George didn't answer at least one call from Cindy on the evening of the 15th, nor does he come home the first time she asks him to, and twice he tries to send Lee to go to her. George arrives home at 9:50pm. Ten minutes later police are called.
July 15 to 16 Sometime between the 15th and 16th, Casey removed over 200 photos and almost four months worth of messages from her MySpace and Facebook pages (Jesse Grund). Most everyone who knew her got a text message or middle of the night phone call or missed call telling them essentially Caylee was missing for 31 days, etc.
July 15 I think we have all heard the 1st, 2nd and 3rd 911 calls. Insert here.
July 15 While they were waiting for the police, Casey and Cindy got onto MySpace to contact all her friends to “get the word out”. She said she called the police around 10:00.
July 15 The Sheriff’s Office is notified that Caylee Anthony has been missing since June 16. Police report from Casey: Casey Anthony said that on June 9, she dropped Caylee off at a babysitter who lived at the Sawgrass Apartments She said between 9:00am and 1:00pm in her affidavit, but George said they left the house at 12:50pm. She said the babysitter’s name was Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. She got the date from her hysterical mother, who was trying to figure out the last day she saw her while in a blind panic. Date turned out to be June 16, the day after Fathers day.
July 15, 2008 at 11:38 pm on Amy Huizenga wrote on Facebook to “her friend”: A person who I thought was my friend stole money one night while I was sleeping and made up a story about how I got up in my sleep and put money away for the trip I was going on (I got back today, it was a great trip!). I bought that, she’s my friend, but after today I know it was her. I let her use my car while I was gone and my check book was in there. Account cleared out. Hopefully I’ll be able to get that back… but yeah… overall… about a grand. Which isn’t even the worst (for me it is…) apparently her kid has been missing for a month. She claims the nanny stole her and was too afraid to tell her mom. So, as bad as all this is, there is a little girl out there (hopefully) that I’m way worried about. Anyway, how are you?
July 16 Five minutes after midnight, Jeff Hawkins, a friend of Jesse Grund, called him and told him Caylee was missing and there was a big to-do going on at the Anthony’s house. Jesse calls her cell and a policeman answered.
July 15 Jesse texts Casey 9:39 to ask what happened. She says Caylee has been missing 32 days now, that the babysitter has her.
July 16 9:42 am mass e-mail to everyone in her addy, plus out-cry on MySpace. In a response to a text message from Brittany Schieber, Casey says to keep an eye out for a Silver four-door Ford Focus.
July 16 Wednesday, Casey Anthony is arrested after taking the police to phony addresses and lying continuously, making up imaginary people and places.
July 16 Tony Lazzaro’s house was searched early in the morning. Amy tells Tony Lazzaro about the theft. Tony encourages Amy to contact detective Yuri Melich. Amy calls LE and tells them what she knows.
July 16 Police begin to debunk the Zanaida Fernandez-Gonzales story, as well as the Universal “Event planner” tale. While at Universal, Yuri Melich called Casey on her cell phone to ask for her story again, and put his phone on speaker so all could hear her answer.
July 17 Casey Anthony is officially charged with child neglect, lying to investigators and interfering with a criminal investigation. The judge denies bond because she showed a “woeful disregard for the welfare of her child.”
July 17 In the angry phone call from Casey in jail to her house, she berates her mother, is rude to her friend Christine who breaks down crying, and just wants Lee to get Tony’s phone number off of her cell phone. She rants, "Everyone is only worried about Caylee, that's all they care about," before she catches herself and says, “and you know what? That's all I want too.”
July 17 Thursday, The Sheriff’s office starts to search the backyard of the Anthony house, with family consent. Cadaver dogs hit twice in the back yard in a slight depression at the far side of the pool and in the trunk of the car Casey was driving. A second dog confirmed the findings.
July 17 The Sheriff’s Office takes possession of the car and finds evidence of possible human decomposition. Samples were taken for DNA analysis.
July 17 Casey Anthony cell phone records subpoenaed.
July 17, 2008 12:05 AM Written to Lee on MySpace from MayFizzle: With great love from the Mayfield Family! Erika, Karla, Carlos, and The Fizz.
July 19 2008 5:36 AM (To Lee) from MayFizzle Caylee! Always on my mind! I miss the whole fam! So, next time I see ya George, Cindy, Lee, Casey, and Caylee hugs r on me!
July 21 Anthony Lazzaro’s cell phone records subpoenaed.
July 21 Anthony house searched per warrant for DNA samples, toothbrush, thermometer used by Caylee, hair brush. LE took strands of hair from Casey at the jail, and I heard on an early interview with police that they took a lawn/trash bag.
July 24 Cindy Anthony tells the media that Caylee has been sighted in Georgia with someone who is heading to Charlotte, North Carolina. Police investigate the tip but find no evidence to substantiate the claim.
July 24 Casey Anthony received a surprise visit from Patrick Bougeois, a man who claimed to attend high school with her. Casey had trouble remembering who he was and had little to say during their conversation, which lasted less than 2-minutes... Why would this guy just randomly show up for a visit if they didn’t really know each other? Just a misguided old acquaintance reaching out, a person sent to intimidate Casey?, just a creep?
July 25 Lee A visits Casey at the county jail and she tells him bogus crap about people who could lead him to her, but the family is in danger.
August 6 & 7 Investigators make two additional visits to the Anthony home, gathering clothing of Casey and Caylee Anthony.
August 7 Orange County Sheriff’s Office held press conference to announce that LE has dispelled any and all involvement between Zenaida Gonzalez and Casey or Caylee Anthony.
August 8 Casey’s boyfriend Tony Lazzaro gave interview to WESH2.August 8 Casey refuses to receive a visit from her brother Lee.
August 10 WESH2 confirmed that air sample tests taken from Casey’s car trunk are sent to “the Body Farm” at the University of Tennessee.
August 22, 2008, Anthony Rusciano was terminated as a police officer for having lied about his personal relationship with Casey A, when e-mails and messages were found on Casey’s laptop computer. Tony Rusciano went through the Police Academy with Jesse Grund, which is how Tony and Casey met and they dated briefly after Jesse and Casey broke up. Casey liked to keep in touch with all her ex’s evidently.
August 21, 2008 Casey A was released from the county jail when a bounty hunter Leonard Padilla and his nephew, a bail bondsman, made arrangements and posted the $50,000, under conditions that included a bounty hunter living in the home and a cute trendy ankle bracelet for Casey to wear.
August 30, 2008 Casey A was arrested for stealing and cashing Amy H checks. Leonard Padilla withdrew the bond he posted for her on the child neglect charges, and she was taken back to jail. A demonstration against Casey was going full-tilt outside the family home when six police cars descended like the wind, handcuffed her and whisked her into the paddy wagon all within about 10 minutes and fully documented CNN and the OS in Orlando.
August 31, 2008 Caylee confirmed dead. Results from hair samples came back from DNA analysis and it was confirmed that the dead body that had been in the trunk of Casey's car WAS in fact, Caylee Marie Anthony.
September 2, 2008 With Leonard Padilla withdrawing the bond money and Tim Miller packing up Equusearch to go help families that want help, Casey throw’s a new twist into her story:
Casey’s new story:
Casey Anthony told Rob Dick on the way to or from an attorney visit that Caylee was kidnapped by the babysitter at Blanchard Park. Leonard Padilla said, "The story she gave him was she went to Jay Blanchard Park, Zenaida and her older sister, Samantha, and Samantha's three young children were there and they were driving a silver Ford whatever and one of them jumped her and the other one took the baby and said, 'Hey, this is the script. For the next 30 days, you say this to law enforcement and tell them this is what happened' and they zoomed off."
September 5, 2008 Casey is released again when an unnamed benefactor in Tennessee posts her bond through two local (Orlando) bail bond companies.
September 15, Casey was rearrested on additional charges stemming from the theft of checks from her "friend" Amy H.
September 16, Tuesday, Casey A bonded out again.
September 17 Wednesday, an ugly altercation arose between protesters outside the Anthony's home and the Anthony's when the protesters started throwing pennies at the garage door and became increasingly aggressive.
Updated revision of this timeline: Anthony Timeline: Aug 26, 2009
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Casey Anthony's latest jail stay short; attorney blasts 3rd arrest

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Casey Back in Jail: DCF Investigates Confrontation

Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, says he plans to have her out of jail in the next 24 hours.
Investigators plan trip to CaliforniaFOX 35's Executive Producer Nicole Wolfe spoke with Leonard Padilla Tuesday morning. He is the celebrity bounty hunter that helped post Casey's $500,000 bond when she was initially arrested.