Casey Anthony Saga: Nancy Grace Friday 1.30.09 episode video
Nancy Grace covers pre-trial hearing held Friday, including the motions filed by Casey Anthony's defense team,mainly, the motion to recuse the prosecution, which was denied. Nancy also discusses Baez's motion for access to the crime scene, which he was granted as soon as law enforcement and CSI concluded their search, only to have Baez not accept the invitation at that time. A few weeks later, Baez filed a motion for access to discovery of the crime scene, including photos, x-rays, and autopsy photos. Judge Strickland granted Baez access to the photos and media discovery at that hearing with an order that the media would be contained on a secure internet server when sent to experts over the internet. At Friday's hearing, Judge Strickland once again granted Jose Baez access to the crime scene itself. Baez claims he has been unsuccessful in contacting the property owner to access the property on his own.
Baez filed a motion on behalf of Casey's right to waive hearing appearances. Judge Strickland denied the motion, and Casey was ordered to appear at the hearing Friday. The court said "it would use force" if Casey made attempts not to appear in court. The majority of the show was spent analyzing Casey's "makeover and wardrobe" from her court appearance.
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