Sunday, January 18, 2009

Greta Reveals: Casey's Holding Cells at Courthouse

Holding Cells: Casey Anthony, Mother of Caylee Anthony
by Greta Van Susteren

Caylee Anthony and Casey Anthony:

Very few get to (or want to) see the holding cell behind a courtroom. Last night, because we were in Orlando looking deeper into the Caylee Anthony murder case, we got a glimpse of the holding cells in the Orlando courthouse where Casey is likely to be tried for her toddler child’s death. (It is possible the trial could get moved to another city in Florida because of local publicity.) Since Casey is in custody, and since Casey has already had court appearances, she has been already been held in holding cells in the Orlando courthouse. What routinely happens in a criminal trial (or any appearance for any hearing) is that a prisoner is transported from the jail, and held in a holding cell behind a courtroom before the trial/hearing begins each day, or during a recess etc. It is essentially a mini jail adjacent to a courtroom. When the prisoner / defendant needs to be in court, the deputy goes to get the prisoner from the holding cell and taken to the courtroom (or the other way around.) We saw two types of holding cells in the Orlando courthouse…and now you can, too….you will see there is not a whole lot of privacy (none?) …and that the doors are glass so that the deputy sheriffs can watch the prisoners at all times..
check these pics out:

story and photos courtesy: Greta VanSusteren @ GretaWire / Fox News

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