Casey Anthony and Jose Baez
State of Florida vs Jose Baez?
The Florida Bar reported Tuesday that they have an "active case" working against Casey Anthony's attorney, Jose Baez.
Baez said he knows about the investigation and said it's "been filed by people with an ax to grind".
See The Video: Fla. Bar Compiles Case Against Baez
Baez has signed on world class forensic experts from as far away as Canada, and he will not answer how he's paying for it. Baez says he has not done anything illegal in his handling of the case against Casey Anthony.
He said he has done nothing but conduct himself in a most professional manner. He said he has done nothing unethical.
This comes as experts continue to question how he's getting the money to pay for his legal dream team.
"How is he affording to represent her and are the decisions being made in her best interest and with her permission?" attorney Richard Hornsby questioned.
Baez has consistently refused to answer where the money is coming from.
"First of all I think it's an inappropriate question. It isn't a concern of anyone who's paying for all of this," he said.
If Baez has made improper deals, Hornsby said that could provide Anthony grounds for an appeal.
"It would be so easy for Miss Anthony to claim what is called ineffective assistance of counsel," Hornsby said.
Baez confirms he is the subject of an ongoing Bar investigation. Baez says "the lawsuit was filed by people with an ax to grind, and has nothing to do with allegations of unethical financial dealings."
"It's all a crock," he said.
Baez has declined on-camera interviews, but adds, again, that he has nothing to hide.
video courtesy WESH
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