Saturday, January 17, 2009


Thank you to all the emails, IMs and comment from Michelle :).. letting me know that IE was not happy with the blog today.
Some of you may have gotten an "Internet Explorer Error" stating: OPERATION ABORTED...
I saw where some of you were asking others in the chatroom as well. ( I get an emailed version of the chat) So I am not ignorning you, if you had any idea, you would forgive me.. LOL

Also "ChatRoll" was down for maintenance for a while last night. They are good to put that message up to let you know.
Never fear. Everything is okay (with the blog, that is) heh

The reason?
Yours truly got a little overwhelmed with the "post titles" of my posts and they were too long for Internet Explorer to handle.

I heard Firefox pulled the "addicts" through. It's hell when you can't get your fix, huh? LOL

If you notice that some of the titles are different from previously, that is why. I had to rename the posts. It only affected the last two postings, but I changed a couple of others, to make sure.

Good to know that your SpoiledMom is a nurse, paralegal, and computer geek. Thank goodness I have something to fall back on since this blogging gig doesn't pay. Come to think of it, I don't get paid for all those jobs now either.. oh well, the papers that say I am those things are pretty. :)
At least with the nursing, I can administer my own shots...heh

And to the "ChatBrats"....thanks for hanging in there! If you only knew.. I do see all of your hugs and good wishes (when y'all wrap up chatting at 3am..LOL) But I only see them at about 8am, if then, when I finally get to write or post something.
'Tis been a week from hell... but, this too, shall pass. Thank you for the sentiments and I WILL be back in the chat, promise!

Thank you to the readers, too. I do all of this for you. I apologize for the inconvenience of today. Wish I had caught it sooner. I am glad it is remedied and hopefully will continue to be.

On top of everything else, I have been without heat on the main floor of my home for the last 2 days. The girls' floor was heated, (I have 2 heating units) but I bundled up and managed.(only time hot flashes were welcome..HA) Bad thing was, it went out the coldest night in 2 years. The temp. was 2 degrees Thursday night/Friday morning. Good thing I had a lot of the posts in draft form. LOL My fingers were frozen.

Thanks to all of you again. Keep warm and keep Caylee in your heart.


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