Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Casey Anthony Saga: Revised Witness List 1.27.09

Revised Witness List 1.27.09

A new witness list has been filed by the prosecution in the case against Casey Anthony.

The state filed the witness list Monday morning. It includes the names of more than 140 potential witnesses, including Zenaida Gonzalez and several members of Anthony’s extended family. Below are the names from the state witness list in the Casey Anthony case.

Debbie Abney, FDLE agent

Deputy Adrianna M. Acevedo, Orange County Sheriff’s office

Vicky Aleman

Sgt. John Allen, Orange County Sheriff’s Office\

Victoria Alveron\

Karen Angel, Dora Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Mount Dora, where Casey Anthony’s grandfather lived.

Cynthia Anthony, Casey Anthony’s mother, Caylee Anthony’s grandmother

George Anthony, Casey Anthony’s father, Caylee Anthony’s grandfather.

Lee Anthony, Casey Anthony’s brother.

John Azzilonna

Marlene Baker, Orange County Corrections

Deputy Charity R. Beasley, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Simon Birch, works at wrecker company that towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Simon Gerardo Bloise, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Geraldo Bolin, FBI.

Rosanna Bonilla, Orlando

Troy Brown, Orlando

Brian Burner, neighbor of Cindy and George Anthony who loaned shovel to Casey Anthony.

Michael Burnett, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Alina Burroughs, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Melina Calabrese, Orlando

Cameron Campena, Orlando.

Deputy Sandra G. Cawn, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Ann Marie Chase

John Phillip Chat, Orlando.

Kristina Chester, friend of Casey Anthony.

David D. Clarke, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Danny Colamarino, works at tattoo parlor that Casey Anthony visited.

Jean Couty, Orlando.

Dee Crawford, Event Imaging Solutions Group.

Matthew Crisp

Kiomarie Cruz

Jonathan Daly, Works at tattoo parlor that Casey Antony visited.

Sean Daly, from tattoo parlor that Casey Anthony visited

Kelly Deguzman, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Tanya DePalmo, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Christopher Dillon, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Iasse Donov, Orlando.

Annie Dowling

George Duke, MBI.

Deputy Ryan Eberlin, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Eric Edwards, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Melissa England, Boston.

Michael Erickson, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Jay Ferrell

Deputy Rendon Fletcher, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Elizabeth Fontaine, FBI

Deputy Jason Forgey, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Thomas Galaida, Tom’s Auto Repair.

Wendy Gallant, Tom;s Auto Repair, Casselberry.

Harry Garcia, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.

Rich Garrad, Carlson Restaurants, Texas.

Lauren Gibbs, Orlando.

David Glasgow, Oak Ridge National Labiratory.

Zenaida Gonzalez, woman whose name Casey Anthony used as Caylee’s nanny.

Jessie Grund, Casey Anthony’s ex-boyfriend.

Richard Grund, Orlando.

Mark Hawkins, friend of Casey Anthony.

Deputy Susan Hempfield, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Jeffrey Hopkins II, identified in police report as former high school classmate of Casey Anthony who ran into her in late June.

Jeffrey and Melissa Hopkins, Jeffrey II’s parents.

Reginald Hosey, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Roy House

Amy Huizenga, friend of Casey Anthony.

Deputy Mark Hussey, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Commander Matthew Irwin, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Michael Kispert, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Maria Kissh

Mike Kozak, Orlando.

Deputy Kevin Kraubetz, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Anthony Lazzaro, recently Casey Anthony’s boyfriend.

Ricardo Lee, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Anne Lennington, from nursing home where Casey Anthony’s father was.

Nicole Lett, from wrecker company that towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Nathan Lezniewicz, Winter Park.

Karen Korsberg Lowe, FBI

Dannielle Lucey-Austin

Amanda Macklin, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.

Tom Manderville, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Peter Marino, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Madhavi Martin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Awilda McBryde, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Joy McCabe, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

William McCoy, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Steven John McElyea, FBI.

Shelly Meade, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Samara Melich, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Yuri Melich, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Sgt. Dennis Moonsammy, Orange County Corrections.

Officer William Moore, Orlando Police Department.

Ricardo Morales, dated Casey Anthony.

Dawn Murray, state Dept. of Children & Families.

Christine Narkiewicz, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Custodian of 911 Calls, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Custodian of Records of Johnson’s Wrecker Service, which towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Custodian of Records of AT&T Wireless.

Custodian of Records, Brighthouse.

Custodian of Records, Blockbuster Video.

Custodian of Records, Gentiva Health

Cary Oien, FBI.

Mallory Parker, Orlando.

Ryan Pasley

Teddy Pieper

Rick Plesea

Shirley Plesea

William Procknow, State Dept. Of Children & Families.

Jamie Realander, Oviedo

Melissa Remy, FDLE

Michael Rickenbach, FBI

Gary Ridgeway, Johnson’s Wrecker, which towed Casey Anthony’s car.

Pedro Rivera, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Dorothy A. Rivera, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Kari Roderick, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Anthony Rusciano, Orlando.

Dante Salah

Deputy Michael Salamat, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Dante Salati, Orlando.

Katherine Sanchez, Amscot

Nicholas Savage, FBI.

Brittany Schieber

Deputy Michael Seagraves, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Michael Sigman, UCF

Renee Simpson, Valencia Community College.

Deputy David Spall, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Sgt. Kevin Stenger, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Christopher Stutz, Orlando.

Catherine Theisen, FBI.

Dianne Tighe, Colorvision

Bryan Tittle, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Dave Turner, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.

Leonard Turtora, where Casey Anthony said she worked.

Arpad Vass, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Michael Vincent, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

William Waters, Orlando.

Deputy Appling Wells, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Jerold White, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Lance White

Bobby Lee Williams

Deputy Ryan Williams, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

Mark Wise, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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