A blockbuster development unfolded Wednesday in the Casey Anthony case. A private investigator, who worked with George and Cindy Anthony, just told Kathi Belich of Eyewitness News his partner knew where Caylee's body was and their search for it was on camera.
RAW INTERVIEW: P.I Jim Hoover Speaks Out
VIDEO REPORT: P.I. Says Partner Knew Where Caylee's Body Was
Kathi Belich interviewed Jim Hoover and his attorney Wednesday afternoon
Eyewitness News broke the story and continues to work the angle of the mystery videotape recorded by private investigators working for the Anthonys.
The videotape reportedly showed the location of Caylee's remains weeks before they were discovered and it could be evidence that helps link Casey to her daughter's death.
The private investigator gave his videotape to detectives Wednesday. The evidence appears to be key incriminating evidence against Casey Anthony in the murder of her daughter.
Private investigator Jim Hoover and his attorney told only Eyewitness News on Wednesday afternoon that the Anthonys' private investigator, Dominic Casey, after months of insisting Caylee was still alive, told Hoover on the morning of November 15 that Caylee was dead and that he knew where her body was.
Private investigator Jim Hoover, who volunteered his services to the Anthony family, brought his camera equipment and tape to an Orlando law office where he and his attorney met with the lead investigators from the Orange County Sheriff's Office and the FBI for about three hours.
When the detectives left with Hoover's ten-minute video of the scene from November, they seemed encouraged.
"Can you tell me whether this helps you move forward in the case?" WFTV reporter Kathi Belich asked Sgt. John Allen.
"Very helpful," he said.
Hoover and his lawyer sat down with Eyewitness News minutes later and revealed some of the information Hoover shared with the detectives. They said Mr. Casey called Hoover on November 14 and asked him to come to town and meet at Mr. Casey's office on the morning of November 15. That's when Mr. Casey told Hoover that Caylee was dead and that Mr. Casey knew where the remains were.
"Does Mr. Hoover know who told Mr. Casey that?" Belich asked Hoover's attorney, John Liguori.
"No, he does not," he said.
"Does Mr. Hoover know who Mr. Casey was on the phone with at the scene?" Belich asked.
"No, he does not," he said. "And it's our belief, based on his recollection, that numerous calls were made on the 15th and 16th search."
Hoover turned over his video of the search of the scene where Caylee's remains were found a month later.
The tape was handed over at the office of WFTV's legal analyst, William Sheaffer. Sheaffer is not representing any of the parties involved, but was asked by Hoover to facilitate and speed up the turning over of evidence to investigators.
story courtesy WFTV Local 9 Orlando; Kathi Belich, reporter; video courtesy WFTV
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