It appears Casey Anthony will be back in court next week.
Wednesday afternoon, the judge set a court date for Thursday, March 12.
Casey's attorney, Jose Baez is attempting to gain access to more evidence in the case related to DNA tests and evidence taken from a computer belonging to Ricardo Morales, Casey's ex-boyfriend. It is unclear the nature of the need of Morales' computer. However, it was Morales that had the "chloroform" picture posted on his myspace account. (see sidebar for link to picture)
Wednesday afternoon, the judge set a court date for Thursday, March 12.
Casey's attorney, Jose Baez is attempting to gain access to more evidence in the case related to DNA tests and evidence taken from a computer belonging to Ricardo Morales, Casey's ex-boyfriend. It is unclear the nature of the need of Morales' computer. However, it was Morales that had the "chloroform" picture posted on his myspace account. (see sidebar for link to picture)
Also regarding Morales, Cindy was under the impression that one of the most popular photos of Caylee--the one with the drum set behind her--(see below)-- was taken at Zenaida or "Zanny's" apartment. During the conversation, Casey informed Cindy that the picture was actually taken at Ricardo's home. Cindy supposedly caught onto the drum set because Caylee would speak of playing the drums, and showed interest in it. At Caylee's memorial, Cindy made a comment that she and George were going to give Caylee a drum set for her third birthday. The drum set apparently is part of the RockBand video game. Strike up another lie for Casey. Casey also told Cindy in the jailhouse visitation video, that Ricardo and "Zanny's" apartments were "almost identical" in layout. It was not until that conversation that she admitted to Cindy that the picture was taken at Ricardo's.
Cindy already knew this information due to the fact that Amy Huizenga had already told her the photo was of Ricardo's apartment. Amy was visiting with Cindy after Casey was first arrested and they were going through photos of Caylee and Cindy happened to tell Amy this particular photo was taken at "Zanny's". Amy then told Cindy it was actually taken at Ricardo's. This information is from Cindy's interview with law enforcement.
The clock is now ticking for Casey Anthony's attorney to block a jail house video from being released.
During a motions hearing on Monday, Jose Baez convinced a judge not to release the video until he sees it. The tape shows Casey in jail as she was told that her daughter's remains had been found. Judge Strickland ruled that Baez and his team have 15 days to review the tape before petitioning the court again to suppress the video.
On Wednesday, Jose Baez picked up a copy of the video tape and is now in the process of reviewing the contents of the tape. Casey's defense team has two weeks to ask a judge to seal it.
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