The TV Guy a blog
by Hal Boedeker
Right: The DEAD CHILD, Caylee Anthony
What does defense attorney Jose Baez know that everyone else doesn't?
Baez seeks a private meeting with the judge to argue a motion. He wants to subpoena records -- without disclosing what they are -- that he sees as crucial to defending Casey Anthony, WESH-Channel 2's Bob Kealing explained.
"All along, Jose Baez has said he knows information that will help explain why Casey Anthony didn't report Caylee missing for a month and why Casey didn't kill her daughter," Kealing said.
Baez wouldn't discuss details of his secret strategy when Kealing asked.
Criminal defense attorney Richard Hornbsy, who offers legal analysis for WESH, said Baez's move could be smart. "He sees something that everybody else is missing, and he doesn't want to tip the state off to what it is he is going to raise at trial," Hornsby said.
Or Baez's strategy could backfire if the state figures out what Baez wants, Hornsby said. "In some ways he's raising a big red flag and he's saying, 'Hey, look at me,' " he said.
Baez on Tuesday started the first of 10 depositions by questioning a corrections official, Sgt. Dennis Moonsammy.
The deposition took an hour and 10 minutes, WKMG-Channel 6's Adam Longo said.
Longo explained how Moonsammy has been mentioned in the case: In August, he handed to a captain a letter written by Anthony. In that letter to then-Sheriff Kevin Beary, Anthony sought a meeting with her father.
"Sources tell us that letter is tied to an allegation of police misconduct that Baez made in a motion a while back that relates to a video visitation Casey had with her parents," Longo said.
Moonsammy told Longo he had no idea why Baez wanted to talk to him. "I didn't do anything wrong," Moonsammy told Longo.
Did Moonsammy see Anthony's reaction when her daughter's remains were found? WFTV-Channel 9's Jeff Deal wanted to know. "No, sir," Moonsammy said.
WESH also reported that Amy Huizenga, Casey Anthony's friend and a key witness for the state, has hired a lawyer and won't give a deposition to Baez this week.
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