ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- While Casey Anthony was in court Wednesday morning for a hearing in the criminal case against her, there were depositions for her civil lawsuit.

VIDEO REPORT: P.I. Testifies Under Oath
Eyewitness News obtained the DVDs from the videotaped deposition in the civil case against Casey. Lawyers for Zenaida Gonzalez interviewed a private eye who worked for the Anthony family.
Right: James Hoover works for Dominic Casey.
Jim Hoover said in the deposition Wednesday that private investigators Dominic Casey took him to the woods before Caylee's remains were found there acting on a tip. He didn't know for sure, but he believes the tip came from Lee Anthony.
Before the deposition, Hoover didn't have much to say to Eyewitness News, but in the three-hour videotaped session with attorney John Morgan he did have some things to say about the other private eye, Dominic Casey.
"He asked me to go with him to find Caylee's body," Hoover said in the deposition Wednesday.
In a civil lawsuit against Casey Anthony, Morgan represents Zenaida Gonzalez, the woman with the same name as the babysitter Casey claims took Caylee.
Hoover is the man who videotaped the other Anthony family private eye, Dominic Casey, in the woods where Caylee's remains were later found. According to Morgan, Hoover believes Casey's brother led him to those woods. "He believes the tip came from Lee Anthony," Morgan said.
Hoover also revealed Dominic Casey told him ABC News paid Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, big money, $200,000 to $225,000, for videos of Casey and Caylee, and later said Dominic Casey told him who, after investigating, he believes Caylee's father was.
Hoover also revealed Dominic Casey told him ABC News paid Casey's attorney, Jose Baez, big money, $200,000 to $225,000, for videos of Casey and Caylee, and later said Dominic Casey told him who, after investigating, he believes Caylee's father was.
"He thinks it was Jesse Grund," Hoover said. "He thinks the father is Jesse Grund?" Morgan asked. "That's what he had mentioned," Hoover said.
Eyewitness News has been told paternity tests show otherwise, but have never seen the tests.
Dominic Casey was also supposed to be deposed Wednesday, but he failed to show up, telling John Morgan he hired a criminal attorney to represent him.
Poor Jesse. He has really been screwed over by Casey for years now. And she keeps on going.
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