Documents highlight a conversation Casey Anthony had the day she was indicted
Sentinel Staff Writers
March 6, 2009
Casey Anthony told investigators she was trying to avoid the media — not the cops — the day she was indicted on a murder charge. Deputies arrested her on the BeachLine Expressway after she switched vehicles several times to circumvent those following her.
"That was us trying to counteract the media from following us down to jail because our only intention was to take me down to the jail to surrender me before this happened. That was the only thing we were trying to accomplish," Anthony said Oct.14 while sitting in an unmarked patrol car.
A transcript of the conversation was among more than 1,000 pages released Thursday by the State Attorney's Office. Anthony, 22, is accused of killing her daughter, Caylee Marie, whose remains were found Dec.11 — about six months after the 2-year-old was last seen alive.
More details emerged about what law enforcement did to follow up on Caylee-sighting tips; how one of Anthony's ex-boyfriends went undercover for law enforcement; and what happened the day Anthony was indicted.
Under Florida's public-records laws, prosecutors released the documents after first disclosing them to Anthony's defense lawyer, Jose Baez.Baez later released a statement by e-mail: "We are going to reserve comment on discovery releases until those times when the discovery is of some importance to the real evidence in this case."
When Anthony was arrested in October and sitting in an unmarked patrol car, she seemed polite and even laughed a few times, according to the transcript. She also made a comment about her attorney's "crazy" driving. Orange County sheriff's Cpl. Eric Edwards asked Anthony if she wanted to help authorities."I have had interest in helping law enforcement from the beginning," the transcript quotes her as saying. "Unfortunately my hands were literally tied and I was put in a position where someone's trying to trick a confession out of me ... That's not going to happen."
She told Edwards that she would be "open-minded" about answering questions with her attorney present."I'll take this as far as I need to to prove my innocence, which I guess is my point in all this," Anthony said.Other details found in the latest investigative documents:
•Anthony Lazzaro, Anthony's former boyfriend, told investigators he remembered seeing Anthony crying as she watched a video of Caylee on her laptop.
•Lazzaro went undercover for investigators when he met with Anthony's brother, Lee, outside a Subway in Winter Park on July29. Nothing major was revealed. Lee Anthony talked about what he knew about the case, including that Caylee had been missing for 31 days before she was reported missing.
•Authorities traveled all over the state to follow up on possible sightings of Caylee and other tips. Authorities visited a 77-year-old woman named Zenaida Gonzalez in Aventura, looking for the person Anthony said took her child. Other stops included a church in Lakeland, a Walgreens in Port Orange, a dumpster in Boynton Beach, and several other restaurants and businesses.
This is the video that shows Casey playing with Caylee on the floor of the Anthony home:
On the gossip and sluething sites I frequent and from the talking heads on TV, all I hear is outrage at showing Casey as a playful mom.
The real reason for the tape to be labeled as evidence is that it SHOWS CAYLEE WEARING THE SAME PINK STRIPPED SHORTS THAT WERE FOUND WITH HER BONES.
See it in the sheriff's report here:
On page 7
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