Text messages, photos and interviewwith Casey
Friday, 06 Mar 2009
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. - The Orange County Sheriff's Office released an additional 1,100 pages of documents related to the case against Casey Anthony on Thursday morning.
Inlcuded in Thursday's discovery is Casey Anthony's interview with detectives the day she was arrested on murder charges in Oct., 2008. There are also hundreds of text messages, images and data taken from Casey's Photobucket account.
Inlcuded in Thursday's discovery is Casey Anthony's interview with detectives the day she was arrested on murder charges in Oct., 2008. There are also hundreds of text messages, images and data taken from Casey's Photobucket account.
There is a transcript of an interview with the private investigator who took video of the area where the remains of Caylee Anthony were finally discovered. FOX 35 has also learned that Casey Anthony's former boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, was wired and had conversations recorded with Casey's brother, Lee.
Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigative reports on Caylee Anthony
Transcript of interview conducted with James Hoover on December 18, 2008
Photobucket photos and data
Transcript of interview with Anthony Lazzaro
Transcript of interview with Casey Anthony
Various investigative documents
Discovery documents released by the Orange County Sheriff's Office
Anthony Lazzaro tapes conversations with Lee Anthony
In one set of documents, it is revealed that Casey Anthony's former boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, was working with police to record secret meetings and phone calls from Casey's brother Lee trying to get him to reveal something about Caylee.
On July 29, 2008 at 11 a.m., more than a month after Caylee disappeared and about two weeks after Casey Anthony’s first arrest, Tony Lazarro called lead detective Yuri Melich to tell him about a meeting Lazzaro had scheduled with Lee Anthony later that day.
Lazzaro, Casey’s boyfriend at the time, told Melich that Lee wanted to talk about his relationship with his sister Casey.
Various times throughout that afternoon Lazarro called Lee to discuss a meeting place and Lazarro recorded all those calls on his own. Then around 5 p.m. Investigators with Orange County met up with Lazarro to give him audio and video recording devices.
Agents and Lazarro, then drove to a subway sandwich shop in winter park to wait for Lee Anthony. Lee arrived close to 6 p.m and got into the passenger side of Lazarro's car where the two started to talk.
Lee tells Lazarro there have been numerous tips about Caylee sightings: Chuluota in east Orange County and Georgia. Lee then discusses the last time the family saw Caylee, June 15, 2008, Father's Day. (supporting my own theory of when Caylee died)
The conversation continued on for half an hour. Lee even talked about another one of Casey’s boyfriends before he left to go get a sandwich. Ten minutes later he returned and according to the wires Lee goes on to talk about Casey and Zanny the nanny.
He told Lazarro his sister never said anything about a nanny; however Lee thought he recalled a Zenaida who hung out at the Anthony home. He says his family grew concerned when Casey stopped talking to them and her friends in the spring of 2008.
Then around 7:15 p.m. Lazarro gets a call form Orange County detectives telling him to end the meeting. Shortly after Lee exited the car, Lazzaro met up Detective Melich and other agents to give them the recording equipment.
Casey, Baez and red licorice
People have talked about Casey’s relationship with her lawyer. FOX 35 has heard about Casey Anthony and her attorney hugging at the jail and getting reprimanded. Jail officials say they were social hugs but there were some moments in court last month where some say Baez and Anthony may have been flirting.
Now the Anthony’s private investigators are making some strange accusations of a lady and the tramp type act going on between the two at the Orange County Jail. Hoover told investigators that Baez brought red licorice with him to jail. That he was on one side of a piece of glass Casey Anthony on the other. There was a hole in the middle of that glass. Hoover told investigators quote: “And he started eating on one side and you know, she was eating on the other side so it looked like they were kissing through the glass or something, you know...
Hoover went on to say Dominic Casey told him that he and Baez were at the jail for three hours that night and that Baez and Casey Anthony never talked about the case.
Baez’s released this comment through his spokesperson: “We are going to reserve comment on discovery releases until those times when the discovery is of some importance to the real evidence in this case.”
FOX 35 also spoke with Oorange County spokesperson Allen Moore. He says Dominic Casey has been at the jail with Baez twice for visits with Casey Anthony but both times, Baez and Casey were sitting in the same room, no glass between them. Moore also said those visits are monitored through glass by jail personnel at all times.
Casey Anthony: “We've literally been stalked by the media”
On Oct. 14, 2008 a grand jury indicted Casey Anthony on first degree murder and FOX 35 trailed behind Cindy and Casey Anthony waiting to see if Cindy was taking her daughter to jail. A short time later Casey Anthony switches from her mother's car to her bailbondsmen's car along side the highway. Investigators pull them over and take Casey into custody. Her first words to them: “We've literally been stalked by the media.”
Casey tells detectives she's heard about the indictment and that she was being taken to jail.
Investigator : Do you have any interest in helping us? Casey Anthony : I’ve had interest in helping law enforcement from the beginning. Unfortunately my hands were literally tied and I was put in a position where someone's trying to trick a confession out of me.
Investigators read Casey Anthony her rights. Casey Anthony told investigators she would entertain their questions with her attorney Jose Baez present. Casey then tells investigators quote: “I try to keep an open mind when it comes to things, but if I’m innocent that's, that's as far as that goes...I’ll take this as far as I need to, to prove my innocence, which I guess is my point in all of this."
At that point Casey Anthony tells investigators again that she and her mother and attorney and bail bondsman were not trying alluding police on the highway they were trying to get away from the media. The recorded conversations stops and as we know Casey Anthony was taken to the Orange County Sheriff's Office for questioning and hauled back to jail.
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