Huffington Post
Friday night Nadya Suleman's second publicist quit, Saturday she gave (sold?) an interview to syndicated entertainment show "The Insider" and took them to see her octuplets, and now she's buying a house with all the money she has coming in from her website and selling interviews and images.
According to the interview, her older six kids aren't handling the eight new kids well, saying they are, "Externalizing their anger. Internalizing it. They become more withdrawn and get a little more sad."
She also touched on her still-unknown sperm donor, saying she paid him a "certain amount of money."
Late Monday TMZ reported that she will close on a house this week.
It's located in La Habra, near where OctoGrandma lives now. It has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, a large master bedroom with a walk-in closet and a large backyard. It's listed for $564,900.
Below is the press release detailing the Insider interview:
THE INSIDER visited with Nadya Suleman at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Bellflower, CA on Saturday, March 7th, to see how all eight octuplets are doing, for a new interview to air tonight, March 9th and tomorrow, March 10th.
Nadya tells THE INSIDER how the two smallest octuplets are today, "Josiah is still feeding from a tube that's where he gets his milk. But he's stable, just still really little, just two pounds. Jonah is the littlest one. He's also got a feeding tube but he's doing amazing, negative in all his tests.
Brain scan, everything is perfect. He's actually 2 and a half pounds already so that's wonderful. I cried a little when I saw him because he wasn't with this other siblings on the other side. Give it a week, two weeks. He's so strong, so I'm happy, That's all that matters."
When asked if she paid the father of the octuplets for his sperm donation, Nadya says, "A certain amount of money... not too much but just enough so he knew that there were boundaries there. I wanted those boundaries to be really firm and know that this is a business arrangement."
On if the octuplets will experience delays in their development, she says, "There will most likely be delays. Delayed walking and delayed speech, but that's where early intervention is key. It's really critical, and that's why I'm going to do what I can. That's also why I'll be getting a lot of help. The nannies that I'm going to use have already been trained to really work with them to decrease the probability of any of that happening."
Nadya tells THE INSIDER how her older children are handling the birth of the octuplets, "Externalizing their anger. Internalizing it. They become more withdrawn and get a little more sad. One of my kids for a while, I noticed he didn't want to deal with the reality of what's going on. I noticed some tears coming down his face. I held him for ten minutes and he held me back and that's all he needed."
She also revealed the current weight of all octuplets: Nariah: 3.5 lbs, Makai: 3.5 lbs, Jeremiah: 3.5 lbs, Jonah: 2.5, Josiah: 2.5 lbs, Noah: 4.5 lbs, Isaiah: 4.5 lbs, Maliah: 4 lbs.
Octuplet Mom May Be Moving Into $560K Home
March 9, 2009
The Southern California mother of octuplets may have found a new home.
The Southern California mother of octuplets may have found a new home.
Prudential Realty listing agent Mike Patel said Ed Doud, Nadya Suleman's father, is the purchaser of the 2,583-square-foot house in the city of La Habra, and the deal is expected to close on Friday.
The four-bedroom, three-bath home was listed for $564,900, and has a large master bedroom with a walk-in closet and a large, fenced-in backyard. (Still, is this enough room for 14 children and 3 adults? Nadya/Natalie will no doubt want the master suite, a room for Grams and Gramps, that leaves 2 bedrooms for 14 children. Not enough.)
Suleman lives in a Whittier, Calif., home that is owned by her mother, but is being foreclosed on because the family is more than $20,000 behind in mortgage payments. I wonder if they have paid this off so they can sell it instead of letting the bank have it back.
Octuplets Home In Foreclosure
February 18, 2009

Octomom Nadya Suleman and her 14 kids are soon to be homeless. Documents state that Suleman’s mother, Angela Suleman, has fallen 10 months behind in payments for her 3-bedroom home in Whittier, California and owes the mortgage company $23,225.
In 2006, Angela borrowed $453,750 from IndyMac Bank, agreeing to make monthly payments on her loan, but last May she stopped making the payments. In 2008, Angela filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, claiming she has between $500,000 and $1,000,000 in liabilities. The bankruptcy case was later dismissed.
Extra caught up with Suleman and asked her about the house where she responded:
“It’s not my home. I got to move. Yeah, I need a new house...”
Of course, since her father is buying the new house, it's not hers either. And it is "only" $111K more than the house they already beat up. I hope the new one will be kept cleaner than the other grimy one.
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